
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== jj5_ is now known as jj5
IrcsomeBot<Michael> hello09:14
IrcsomeBot<Michael> NTQV09:14
IrcsomeBot<Michael> 3mS209:15
IrcsomeBot<Michael> this chat is also available in german09:18
=== root is now known as Guest7328
Guest7328hi im new10:28
Guest7328im testing log4shell10:28
Guest7328ao anyways bye10:28
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all12:15
=== vcxza is now known as p4aooo
=== alan_ is now known as abc1234asd
TomyWorkhttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-osk.html.en I wanna hug the person who wrote step 1 here, really tightly. that's all I'm gonna say about this.15:14
user|87hallo can someone help me, cant login in livesession17:01
=== floown_ is now known as floown
user|43Hi, I run Kubuntu18.04, I want to upgrade to Kubuntu20.04 (not higher due to software incompatibilities with my scientific programming platform)18:22
user|43I run Kubuntu10.04 and I downloaded Kubuntu20.04 ISO image. How to precede to upgrade to Kubuntu20.04?18:27
user|43sorry , I run Kubuntu18.0418:27
user|43Hi gelma_hat, can you advise me in this matter?18:31
ubottuFor upgrading instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManticUpgrades/Kubuntu18:33
user|43great, thanks18:36
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu__
=== kubuntu__ is now known as kubuntu
kubuntuanyone here?21:56

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