
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Redid the downloads page. I suck at UX, someone honestly tell me how bad it sucks at your convenience XD should take 5 mins/low pressure14:12
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @nestormarius @Eickmeyer @kc2bez arraybolt3 ^^^^14:16
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 looks good, it gives me 90's vibe :D14:19
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Not sure if that's a good thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣14:20
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 you should add a line break after the Noble Numbat download button14:22
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 also, it needs some padding (left and right) - similar to the 22.04.3 and 23.10 download buttons (just copy the code from those buttons)14:23
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 those download buttons are very nice!14:24
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 I would have made rounded corners to those blueish boxes and give a bit more space to the text at the top. Other than that, it looks great!14:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Thank you for the feedback :D I'll make adjustments within the next hour. If you or anyone else thinks of anything more, feel free to speak up!14:27
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 `<i class="fa fa-magnet""></i> should be <i class="fa fa-magnet"></i>`14:29
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> Notice the double ""14:30
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> It's on both download buttons for 22.04.3 and 23.1014:30
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/0faddbda/file_10280.jpg14:35
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> You forgot to add the second div (<div class="xbutleft">). Don't forget to close it too ;)14:36
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> Easy fix :D14:36
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> And you should probably also add the magnet link because the style is broken right now with it... Like I said, just copy the code from the 22.04.3 or 23.10 download buttons to Noble.14:37
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> If you want rounder corners, you can add border-radius: 10px; to the xbox class.14:40
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> Like this : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/75d47d62/file_10281.jpg14:41
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> A little padding should make the whole box more stylish ;) : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/28a9f6b6/file_10282.jpg14:46
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 you actually inform users to download the ISO via the magnet link, so must add it :P14:48
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> Like this :P : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/a516ac92/file_10283.jpg14:50
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> @tsimonq2 there, I fixed it for you 😆14:50
lubot[telegram] <nestormarius> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/cf8bcdab/file_10284.jpg14:51
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Here's the current source for that page specifically : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/1df255d3/downloads.html14:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Will run through your suggestions, otherwise you're welcome to provide an updated copy :D14:56
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> New download page @tsimonq2 looks good!16:04
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> @tsimonq2 Agreeing with everything @nestormarius mentioned. Just needs padding. I was going to use photography/videography terms like headroom/footroom which might've been not not the right words, but I haven't had my coffee yet. 😁16:09
* genii stashes his beans16:20
* lubot [matrix] <arraybolt3> swaps out genii's coffee beans for pinto beans16:33
tsimonq2poor genii :O16:34
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> @tsimonq2 The downloads page is nice! I'll try not to ruin it :P20:13

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