
Guest4992hello everybody, does anyone use Quassel IRC here? Is there a way to restore defaul interface in it?01:50
Guest4992I tried to customise it, and can't bring back important panels now01:50
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
arraybolt3Guest4992: o/03:59
arraybolt3Guest4992: Did you turn off the Panel LXQt module in session settings?03:59
arraybolt3oh, you mean in the Quassel panel, nevermind04:00
arraybolt3one moment, you can probably just erase a config file and have Quassel regenerate it.04:01
arraybolt3Guest4992: Try shutting down Quassel entirely, then open a terminal and run `mv ~/.config/quassel-irc.org/quasselclient.conf ~/quasselclient.conf.old`.04:03
arraybolt3Then restart Quassel and see what happens.04:03
zafhurHello. Where is the Lubuntu 32 bit link for Dell optiplex gx 270 P4 2.26 GHz 768 Ram pc?07:32
zafhurCan you help please?07:32
arraybolt3zafhur, zafhur18: Lubuntu no longer supports 32-bit PCs. You might try using Debian with the LXDE or LXQt desktop for a similar experience.07:42
zafhur18arraybolt3 thank you for answering.07:46
zafhur18Can you recommend another distribution that is 32 bit?07:46
enyczafhur18: MXlinux has 32bit  for lightweight XFCE setup07:47
zafhur18Thank you.07:48
zafhur18I am looking now07:48
enyczafhur18: their sister distro  AntiX  is even less resource using  but sometimesmore limiting07:49
enycboth have  Debian 12 Bookworm  derived versions07:49
enyczafhur18: RAM likely to be a key limiting factor,  P4's inefficient and SOMETIMES they have 64bit support.07:53
enyczafhur18: p.s. you can  /join #mxlinux   /join #antix  here  as  this channel is for lubuntu07:53
zafhur18arraybolt3 Thank you very much for your interest07:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> For reference, I've worked with the MXLinux folks, they're amazing!12:19

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