
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
JanCmaybe it's a custom shortcut?03:44
marcopoloI'm having an issue with steam where the game launches but now windows of the game appears 06:34
marcopolois this a window manager issue ?06:35
superkuhCan't say from that information.07:34
superkuhI wouldn't start with "window manager" as the cause in that case.07:34
marcopolowhat information do you need?09:48
marcopolohere is the steam logs https://pastebin.com/raw/MuywBWRJ09:50
=== marcopolo is now known as marcopolo1
sixwheeledbeastmarcopolo1: it's a windows only game, https://www.protondb.com/app/21823012:24
sixwheeledbeastgames with proton is often YMMV12:28
marcopolo1sixwheeledbeast, nah, i used to be able to run it on arch or fedora12:37
marcopolo1unless they changed something since then12:37
marcopolo1the link you sent said "gold"12:38
sixwheeledbeastbut they may require different libraries or settings. It must work on Arch as it's steam deck playable12:38
marcopolo1link says "runs perfectly after tweaks"12:39

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