[03:44] daftykins: ah nope [03:44] just a Swede that ended up here [08:52] oh no the vikings are back!! :-P [13:02] bit blustery up here [13:04] here in Notts too [13:04] code yellow wind warning covering all of ireland [13:05] a few without power as well https://powercheck.esbnetworks.ie/ [13:07] https://grid.iamkate.com/ wind gen doing well [13:08] https://www.smartgriddashboard.com/#all same [13:11] I think we're using your second hand wind [13:14] we're uk's windbreak [13:14] you take our wind, and then sell us the electricity you made from it! [13:15] as a kid i remember throwing handful of gravel off cliffs of moher and watching the stones float up in the wind. https://imgur.com/gallery/5hadtkT [13:16] nice cliffs; wouldn't get me that close to the edge [13:17] leaned over the edge with someone sitting on my legs and wind pushing me up while my arms were out stretched. was fun [13:18] and when you leaned out you could see underneath the overhang you were on and wonder at what point it was going to fall [13:19] if they ever make a wave power system that can survive the atlantic ireland won't need any fossil fuels [13:32] zxmpi: There's a few that have got funding for grid connection in the top of Scotland [13:36] am keeping an eye on those, will be fun to see if they're still in use in 10 years [13:37] yeh [13:37] have seen a lot of shiny new equipment put down by sea in harbour where i grew up getting destroyed by a 'bit of weather' [13:37] they're small but they are on the full grid thing rather than just a test [13:37] zxmpi: ah don't leave us on a cliffhanger! [13:38] :D [13:38] :-) [22:34] I don't want to alarm you all, but you might want to hide the Jaffa cakes. [22:35] uh oh - how much time do we have? [22:35] 3 days [22:36] i'll assemble the channel island jaffa cake protection force [22:36] zxmpi: be sure to inform your government [22:41] I'll have to go easy on the sweet treats anyway, rest assured, the consumption won't be anything like the last. [22:42] I have an emergency appointment with the dentist tomorrow. Toothache from the moment I started my Christmas vacation. [22:42] oh was there a hotel / family spare bedroom with you sprawled out and empty boxes strewn everywhere? xD [22:42] oh no! that's murphy's law right there [22:42] hope you get sorted in time [22:42] i'm still deaf in one ear with extreme tinnitus, one month on - had a crazy ear infection after attempts to unclog wax [22:43] I wasn't hopeful to get an appointment. I don't have a regular dentist, I just went to the nearest dental surgery near the office and begged them to help. [22:44] Anyway, they've been very accommodating getting me to see the doc. [22:44] you needed some jaffa cake bribery! [22:55] Mr Pliers has a few vacancies.... [22:57] * davef shudders [23:07] what an unfortunate name for a dentist ;) [23:52] mr. gummy was busy :-P