[00:05] remind me how to kill an app. Xournal locked up. [00:07] ??? [00:08] Honestly... I usually reboot the machine === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [00:10] I never have to reboot to kill an app. It isn't necessary. There are various tools to kill an app at the command line. Its a lot faster, and easier on your hardware. [00:13] Urk: Like ' ps ax | grep ; sudo kill ' . === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === shad is now known as shadeewolfee === ubuntustudio is now known as yyu === lord_black is now known as lord_daemon === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:21] leftyfb your mom is a whore and sucks my cock on a daily basis [02:21] faggot ass bitch [02:21] fuck ubuntu peice of shit os [02:22] leftyfb i creamed all over your moms face last night [02:22] and btw i have more ips that you can count bitch good luck finding me [02:45] You can finding mobbin [02:46] IF IT worth hide and seek [02:46] Prob not [02:46] can we help you TheReadingEagle [02:46] Hi lotuspsychje [02:46] What are you thinking about [02:47] TheReadingEagle: this channel is for ubuntu support issues only, please use the chat channels for other topics [02:48] Will do [02:48] tnx [03:20] hai [03:24] is there a way to set network settings back to default on ubuntu server (ie networkd not NetworkManager?) [03:24] I was trying to set up a bridge for VMs and now I cant resolve any hostnames at all. undoing the changes I made didnt fix the problem [03:26] what do you mean back to deafult [03:27] how it was right after I installed it [03:31] ubuntu server uses neither networkd nor nteowrkmanager... [03:32] what did you chagne [03:32] is there a ubuntu social channel anymore? [03:33] rbox: what does it use if not networkd? [03:35] oh, maybe it does [03:35] hrm [03:35] i dont have a system to check really [03:35] how did you get netowrkmanager? [03:36] im not running networkmanager [03:37] then what do you want to do [03:37] !chat | harlin [03:37] harlin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [03:38] rbox: restore my network configurations to what they were when I first installed ubuntu [03:38] what did you change [03:39] a lot of things. I tried several guides to set up a bridge for VMs. when one didnt work, I back tracked and undid all the steps. I must have missed something somewhere [03:39] well if youd ont know what you changed [03:40] rbox: youre ignoring my question [03:40] there is no magic "undo all random changes" button [03:40] its ok to say you dont know if you dont know how to do what im asking [03:40] not random... [03:40] you said you dont knwo what you changed [03:41] no I didnt. I said I want to restore network configurations. that isnt random [03:42] you have to undo what you changed [03:42] I give up [03:42] lol [03:43] I cant tell if youre trolling [03:43] [08:40:21 PM] there is no magic "undo all random changes" button === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [04:05] MrMobius: Ubuntu uses Netplan, if I remember correctly. That might give you some info. [04:05] Netplan then uses either NetworkManager or systemd-networkd, so it probably is networkd if you're not using nm. [04:06] however depending on what you've done, you might have broken firewall rules too. Did you run any iptables or nft commands? If so, what are the exact commands you ran? [04:06] arraybolt3: thanks. no, didnt modify iptables or touch firewall stuff [04:06] Did you edit any Netplan-related files? [04:07] If you can't resolve anything, that's probably a problem with systemd-resolved, not networkd. [04:07] Like rbox said, there is no "reset network configuration" command, so sadly we will have to diagnose *why* things can't resolve. That's doable though. [04:07] arraybolt3: here is one I tried then reverted for example: https://major.io/p/creating-a-bridge-for-virtual-machines-using-systemd-networkd/ [04:08] To begin with, however, there's an easy "emergency get resolving back right now" solution: `mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak && cp /etc/resolv.conf.back /etc/resolv.conf && nano /etc/resolv.conf` [04:08] then change the nameserver line to point to (if you're OK using Google's DNS) [04:08] that will give you enough resolution abilities to be able to get logs out of the server for debugging. [04:09] We can undo that later pretty easily once we've fixed whatever's wrong. [04:10] I think you're not *supposed* to mess with systemd-networkd directly in Ubuntu. You configure things in Netplan, then it takes over. So it's possible there's a conflict causing these issues. [04:14] arraybolt3: resolv.conf is missing [04:14] that's why you can't resolve anything :) [04:14] sooo... one sec [04:14] does /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf exist? [04:15] yep [04:15] I installed on a VM just now to compare and thats where the link points [04:16] yep [04:16] so `cd /etc && ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf ./resolv.conf` [04:16] then `ping -c1 google.com` and see what happens [04:19] it works! [04:19] thanks a lot [04:21] MrMobius: Glad to help! [04:33] hi guys :) [04:34] Can you use unbound without having root [04:34] i need some help [04:34] TheReadingEagle [04:34] I can [04:34] Hi [04:34] How do you resolve without root [04:35] Is there any signed dns I can connect to === me_ is now known as mm-cr [04:54] I have IBUS installed and 2 keyboard layouts. If I switch to one language and in the top ribbon choose show keyboard layout it shows the correct layout but the ubuntu on screen keyboard shows the wrong layout [04:54] How to make the on screen keyboard match the layout of the keyboard shown in show keyboard layout? === deepSleep is now known as Guest5649 [07:58] why my history file content is different from what history command prints [08:07] <_Random> Please can you guys help out, and shed some light to a non techie what this issue might be related to. It's in relation to my laptop wifi sysemctrl logs for atk10k _pci https://dpaste.org/9XVu5 Any thoughts would be really appreciated. [08:12] Big big light bright [08:13] So big _Random [08:13] Like biggest angel [08:13] So big [08:14] Big! [08:14] Whoa! [08:14] High resolution [08:14] Rising lime the sun on the horizon [08:14] Full of hatred for Satan [08:15] Whoa! [08:15] Big [08:15] One mean angel [08:15] Satan no match [08:16] One meeeeeean angel [08:16] So bright [08:16] So big [08:16] So much kelvin [08:16] So much data [08:17] We cannot handle [08:17] Lime he been sleeping and you woke up him [08:20] * enyc meows TheReadingEagle [08:20] TheReadingEagle: this is Ubuntu support channel [08:20] TheReadingEagle: not sure your writing is best in here... [08:21] Yeah I can write better [08:22] There was a falling out you know these things happen [08:22] They murdered the wrong guy [08:22] That was it [08:23] It was like overkill from then on out [08:23] Great and dreadful day [08:25] Amun ra was like a candle in the wind and this is only an angel [08:26] Bruh [08:29] What was that a hyperthread trigger " bruh " [08:30] When those smoke detectors wear down people seem to appear from thin air [08:31] Where did they come from? [08:32] Guess the sun ain't nothing but a pilot light huh [08:32] Don't know about those NASA stories [08:33] Does that only apply when the smoke detectors are strong === Vercas9 is now known as Vercas [08:34] Are astronauts lime beelzebubs flies [08:34] Do you got like a bug zapper === bm2 is now known as bm [08:35] How do you channel electricity from heaven [08:35] Maybe you can bug zap [08:35] Zapotec [08:36] Farproc [08:38] Do you want me to explain to you [08:39] TheReadingEagle, how does any of ^ relate to Ubuntu Support; please stay on-topic. [08:40] guiverc: no disrespek [08:40] He the Angel has a heart given him INRI [08:40] So he is much part I myself === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [08:47] So you get your moments is blessed if you feel Holy Spirit come into you [08:47] If you need to repent because you are not promised tomorrow [08:49] I LIKE Silas somewhat where I do a gorm of mentat catharsis [08:49] I LIKE Silas somewhat where I do a form of mentat catharsis [08:49] It is why I personal God [08:50] And sometimes I almost feel regret on punish human [08:50] And so I warn and invite again in mercy [08:50] Because I God repented you see I bedazzling [08:56] o_O [08:57] As far as succinctly Ubuntu I was installing MediaWiki andcstuck on step 2 php.ini. How do you search for file from cli [08:57] Search for php.ini [08:59] Your session data was lost! Check your php.ini and make sure session.save_path is set to an appropriate directory. [09:00] That sounds like a windows thing [09:00] .ini [09:01] That goes back to DOS [09:01] Did you look that up DOS creator [09:01] TIMOTHY [09:03] I can possibly use the same method to reach the firmament as in Genisis where it seems to conflict with a NASA worldview and I ponder where to place it if it is not all a lie as a Hollywood basement [09:03] The idea they are in space though the far process labels it rather as a illusion [09:04] It is actually a sort of VM [09:05] But the astronauts apparently have a story of being in space , illusion however is a distraction so back to DOS [09:06] The tertragrammatron was quite possible used to juxtapose the imagination of Timothy [09:07] So in an instant the imagination exist inside the chip. [09:07] The chip then processes the feed. [09:07] This is the 86-DOS [09:08] 86 seems to be most popular chip [09:09] Intel and all of nasa only alternative is maybe arm and sun sparc [09:09] 86 is largest or most used [09:10] So I will begin mapping the universe and put into my wiki [09:10] Mediawiki [09:11] Mediawiki is the source of Wikipedia and it is called the begin and end of intelligence [09:11] CIA [09:11] So I install my CIA [09:11] You help AlexC [09:11] Php.ini not found [09:12] How to search for it [09:12] find: ‘php.ini’: No such file or directory [09:14] I'D sort-of be interested in going back to DOS [09:15] This is like a big wide ocean of trash [09:15] wth [09:16] Hi bud [09:16] You keep alcoholics happy [09:17] whiskey76: hi, do You keep alcoholics happy? [09:21] Let's give up a round of applause for Ubuntu [09:22] Tonight the Ubuntu community made help by showing how to make a php test file [09:22] * TheReadingEagle claps [09:22] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lighttpd+PHP [09:23] Yay Ubuntu [09:23] You did it! [09:23] * TheReadingEagle claps [09:24] Looks like a best dog gone machine [09:25] best dog gone machine ! [09:26] * TheReadingEagle pets enyc [09:29] I ALways had trouble using the find command [09:29] Maybe it is hard to compete with DOS [09:29] You tried to reinvent the wheel and didn't roll [09:30] Didn't go anywhere with it [09:30] So I was looking at doing a DOSbox inside Ubuntu [09:30] But it seems it doesn't actually run dos [09:31] It's like an avi or something that looks like dos [09:32] Suddenly commies surround you telling you " everything same same upgrade now " [09:32] Upgrade to communist coupon software [09:32] Like Everything same same! [09:33] The smoke detectors get weak and clowns pop up from behind bshes with coupons [09:34] Pot is more plentiful than dogshit how do they sell it [09:34] Bro I could go to dogpark and scoop my own [09:34] Free dogshit [09:35] A bunch of farproc retards walking dogs [09:35] With a dog's hit gpg getup from freebsd [09:36] Smells like bad sausages in there what js the problem you cover up with opioid bubble gum [09:37] It smells like steevia sweetener with poppey sap [09:37] What a dog park [09:37] Get me out of here [09:38] Get me out of here [09:38] Get me out of here [09:39] AlexC: can you feel your toes [09:39] no, i have no toes [09:39] Amputee veteran? [09:40] yes [09:40] America bit dust do you want me to bring you under my wing [09:42] AlexC: sometimes guys report still feeling appendages after amputee [09:42] It's on the record [09:43] If you don't get like duck tard retards with paper liscrnce plates claiming to be government [09:47] All of libera and you can't get answer to a simple question [09:47] Where is php.ini [09:49] people are working/having life my dude [09:49] you can use google [09:54] AlexC: I could probly make you new legs [09:55] Some guy had a cadaver [09:56] If you still feel it the nerves would likely take [09:56] It's wonderful you know [09:57] That may be why you don't care ready to let go if needed [09:57] That sort of answers why miraculous healing are so rare [09:58] Like the new series Chosen shows Jesus standing there like sorting through thoughts to look for that one invalid in all of Herusalem to heal with mighty powers which otherwise get not used [09:59] Mighty healing power [10:00] You know in a dogpark full of atheist it's like healing f that we want whiskey [10:02] This is an amputee that don't need no comfort sounds hard core like Lt. DAN [10:05] What do you want to do tonight AlexC [10:05] Forget php wiki huh [10:05] Never get to mapping my realScience [10:06] Should be able to shake the tectonic plates [10:11] Far from the Sha LA LA low [10:12] !ops [10:12] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [10:13] it is as if CosmicDJ was frozen and AlexC let up on it and here come my attackers again [10:14] calls 18 cops [10:14] ducks pop out pointing guns in your face [10:15] policemens ball [10:15] policemens ball libera.chat [10:16] I found signs of life in an amputee and get punished for it [10:17] CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant on your way past tbe 12 illegal pot shops to beat me into a car [10:18] Drone: thanks [10:32] Hi guys, anybody have troble installing jre on mantic. Specifically `default-jre` [10:34] hasevil: I did "sudo apt install default-jre-headless" for minecraft on mantic/amd64 and it worked fine [10:35] hmm, for me it's not working [10:35] i'm encountring this `https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/2019908` [10:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2019908 in ca-certificates-java (Ubuntu) "openjdk-17-jre-headless:arm64 Package ca-certificates-java is not configured yet" [Undecided, Fix Released] === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:53] nvm, an update fixed it === tsegers_ is now known as tsegers === decobus_ is now known as decobus [11:59] Is this the right place to ask about a misbehaving mouse incat /etc/lsb-release [11:59] DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu [11:59] DISTRIB_RELEASE=23.04 [11:59] DISTRIB_CODENAME=lunar [11:59] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 23.04" [12:10] Hello, a quick question - I set AMD SAM to active (or at least it should be) in my BIOS, and my Windows partition confirmed it was operating as intended. Yet Ubuntu 22.04 LTS gives me some return which I'm not sure of whether SAM (/ReBAR) is active or not for Ubuntu. I used dmesg | grep BAR and got the following return: [ 0.693068] pci 0000:06:00.0: BAR 0: assigned to efifb. [12:12] According to a search that should've returned the allocated size but it tells me nothing, not even the base size of 256 MB which always should be allocated without SAM/ReBAR. Is the process just re-allocated to another file or am I having a problem here? [12:14] I am not familiar with SAM, but its supposed t increase frame rate? [12:14] Do you get a faster rate with it on? [12:15] Hi all [12:15] Can't test it atm because Steam is bugging out on me and I don't have anything else heavy enough except for games to test the SAM/ReBAR status. [12:15] Hi BluesKaj [12:15] Hey BluesKaj [12:16] hi armadefuego1, NLBen [12:16] @NLBen: what about benchmarks? [12:17] Hmmmm... I've got no point of reference for benchmarks, that's the issue. If I had run it prior I could do that but without that and the command lines giving me no clear answer I can't be sure === finley is now known as Azzy === coz_ is now known as SantaCoz_ === travisghansen3 is now known as travisghansen === Juesto is now known as Juest === punkcoder0 is now known as punkcoder [12:49] Hello, has anyone setup remote viewing via tunnel? I'm not connecting, but the tunnel is connected and I've connected Remmina to VNC before without a tunnel. [12:55] kotgc: are you referring to desktop sharing? on gnome? i'm not sure i'm getting the exact scenario, maybe you can describe it more, provide screen shots or configuration files, on dpaste.com and imgur.com (for example) [12:55] tomreyn, yes, I guess that's the correct term, desktop sharing. [12:55] Ubuntu 22.04.3, I think that's gnome? [12:56] My mobile phone and/or laptop to connect to this home network Desktop running Ubuntu. [12:56] yes, it's gnome-shell then. there are other Ubuntu flavours such as Kubuntu and Xubuntu and sometimes people using those also seek support here, so I needed to make sure. [12:57] My ISP uses a CGNAT, so my usual Remmina to VNC connection fails. I setup a tunnel with TailScale which confirms connection. [12:58] Apparently, I have to configure the Desktop Sharing via the tunnel connection's IP addresses, but any Desktop Sharing configuration I add fails to connect? [12:59] @kotg: Yes. your desktop has to treat the tunnel as its connection point. [12:59] armadefuego1, ok, I will play with Ubuntu's VNC remote sharing to configure to the tunnel's IP. [13:00] I'm sure this can be setup, but I think we will have a hard time debugging this remotely. have you considered using something like https://rustdesk.com/ ? [13:00] as far as the local part is concerned it is connecting to the tunnel. the tunnel should automagically make it come out the other side. [13:01] tomreyn, that looks good. I had NoMachine connect, but after a reboot I can't connect again. [13:01] My preference is Remmina is possible. [13:02] kotgc: you'll have the same issue (not able to connect after reboot of the system you wish to control remotely) with rustdesk, i think. [13:02] ...and I've found VNC to be the best server (or tightVNC). [13:02] rustdesk is more for the human managed (both ends) remote support scenario [13:02] tomreyn, yes, trying to figure out this new tunnel connection and its bugs. [13:02] ok [13:02] i use a tunnel to connect ubuntu->tunnel->ubuntu. But the _tunnel_ is not setup in remmina. [13:03] keep going with the wireguard vpn then [13:04] armadefuego1, yes, I understand Remmina is a client/viewer. [13:04] (+ vnc or rdp) [13:04] I tried OpenVPN, WireGuard, but ended up with TailScale working and the easiest setup. [13:04] Just this final desktop sharing step is failing to connect. [13:05] I'll look at the VNC and RustDesk settings a bit more. [13:07] i don't use the remmina ssh tunnel option, but there is one there. [13:07] to test out connectivity, try connecting with just netcat (nc), see if you can establish a tcp connection (or, if you choose a udp protocol, if oyou can send/receive data) [13:08] armadefuego1, that sounds good, I'll look at Remmina. [13:08] tomreyn, not too sure on this, I'll have to research how. [13:13] maybe "nc {host} 3389" for RDP [13:14] yes. [13:14] sudo apt update && sudo apt install netcat-openbsd && nc -vv 80 # for an example [13:15] and 5800, or 5900 for VNC... [13:15] or 58xx/59xx, or something like that! [13:16] Ok, will try tomorrow, thank you. === MrC is now known as MrChristmas [14:23] hey all. I tainted my system with a bunch of packages from a ppa and I would like to get back the original versions from Ubuntu repos. Is there a way to downgrade packages without totally destroying my system? [14:24] This is the list of packages: https://paste.debian.net/1301755/ [14:25] !ppapurge | rdz [14:25] rdz: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [14:26] rdz: you can try ppa purge to see wnat it does. I'm not sure if it reverts, but it does remove the ppa versions [14:35] lotuspsychje: leftyfb: thanks for your suggestions [14:36] I'll check ppapurge [14:36] rdz: once ppa's are purged, check on apt again to see what it asks [14:48] it all went smoothly.. ppa-purge seems to have downgraded everything smoothly [14:48] !uptodate | rdz to doublecheck [14:48] rdz to doublecheck: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [14:49] i have an ubuntu server accepting internet connections and passing some of them through wireguard to a backend server. i want the gateway server to reject connections coming from anywhere except certain countries. what's the best approach for this? [14:50] is this dude on point? https://github.com/PanderMusubi/geoipblock [14:52] uf: I personally don't recommend geo ip blocking. It's a cat and mouse game that is ineffective at what you are trying to do. [14:53] The data is often out of date at time of publication and you can inadvertanly block connections to things that you may not realize you need connections to. Such as CDNs/mirrors that are leveraged for Ubuntu updates [14:53] pragmaticenigma it's a mail server and i don't expect anything from 90% of the world.. considering most spam comes from certain regions, i think this is a good way of dealing with the majority of that [14:54] that's a terrible idea, considering how email works [14:55] can you please elaborate why this is terrible? [14:55] this worked wonderful for the last few years [14:56] uf: coming from someone who has been running a mail server for over 20 years plug worked for the largest shared hosting company in the world for 9 years, geoip on a mail server is a cat and mouse game and not worth the effort [14:56] uf: start with TLD's if you must [14:56] use fail2ban and look for failed auth [14:56] don't allow relay [14:57] +1 on fail2ban :-) [14:57] my logic is that considering there is only a handful of users, all based in the same country and sometimes traveling between the US and EU, why would you even consider not blocking places like china for example, from using IMAP/POP3? [14:58] GeoIP is highly inaccurate, most of the services are out of date before the list is published. IP addresses are constantly transferred between providers. After that, a spammer trying to reach your domain is just going to shop around for VPNs or Proxies that you are not blocking to get stuff into your service. There are entire groups out there that specialized in that. [14:58] you're 100% sure your users will ever order anything from temu or alibaba or the like? [14:59] and pragmaticenigma is right, geoip is maybe 60% accurate in my experience [15:00] if you want to go the IP blocking route, stick to blocking IP addresses that are classified as residential, and subscribe to lists that publish reputation scores for known email servers [15:01] leftyfb i'll bite on that argument for incoming mail. do you have a sensible reason to not block most places from connecting to imaps/pop3s? [15:01] travel, VPN's [15:01] just use fail2ban and block failed auth'd ip's [15:02] or block auth alltogether unless you're connected to your local VPN [15:04] uf: either way, we're verymuch discussing email server best practices and not really anything ubuntu-specific. Feel free to discuss further in #ubuntu-discuss or #security or maybe even #ubuntu-server === coz_ is now known as SantaCoz_ [15:49] tomreyn: Yes, I'm using 22.04 with all updates. Any further suggestions? === SantaCoz_ is now known as coz_ [15:53] If you look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/session-fingerprint.html.en, you'll see it referring to something that's not present for me in 22.04. [15:54] johnfg: that documentation is referring to Ubuntu 23.10, you are using 22.04 [15:56] I saw that, so wonder what's actually available for 22.04? [15:59] johnfg: not sure what I could recommend to you. all roads point to that reader not being supported right now, except if you do some tweaking of the system. And if you've implemented those tweaks and it still doesn't work, then I would consider the documentation incomplete as the other person may not have known something else they did had an impact on getting the device to work. === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [16:00] johnfg: from what I've followed, there is sample size of one getting the reader to work. To me that's not reliable in the face of several years of documentation saying the device doesn't work. [16:02] johnfg: an option would be to upgrade to 23.10, but understand that you will be off the LTS version. You can also wait until April 2024 when the next LTS release of Ubuntu will be available, which may have the fixes that appear to work for 23.10 implemented. [16:08] johnfg: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/session-fingerprint.html.en is the documentation for 22.04 LTS (this page appears to be identical, though) [16:08] johnfg: i have no further suggestions other than not using this piece of hardware. [16:13] with the security track record of fingerprint readers, and the general implications of using (unchangeable, not as private as one might think) biometrics for authentication, i would generally recommend against using fingerprint readers for authentication to anything you store sensitive data on. [16:14] or rather, at all. but this may be a subjective point of view. still, there are alternatives you may want to consider. [16:16] Why doesn't my 22.04 have this in Users: Press on Disabled, next to Fingerprint Login to add a fingerprint for the selected account. If you are adding the fingerprint for a different user, you will first need to Unlock the panel. [16:17] tomreyn: I may take your advice, and ultimately not use it, but would like to figure out what I'm missing. [16:17] you are missing a supported fingerprint reader [16:18] tomreyn: I thought we figured out yesterday that it is? If that's the case, then I'll stop here. Thanks tomreyn and pragmaticenigma for all of your help and suggestions. [16:19] i think we figured ot yesterday that it is not? [16:20] johnfg: what we found yesterday was one person that claimed to get it working, but didn't provide adequate documenation about their system configuration or steps to getting it working. And all links to anything that might have provided some information about what they did were broken links. [16:22] johnfg: as tomreyn mentioned earlier, if security of your computer is a concern there are much better supported, robust, and trusted options out there. A finger print reader is no more secure than setting a 4 character password, or PIN number to unlock the account. [16:22] johnfg: I would also suggest implenting any security further up the chain, such as Full Disk Encryption. [16:26] johnfg: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/12/20/%23ubuntu.html#t17:18 is yesterday's log, in case you would like to review it. summing it up, after learning you're using 22.04, which most likely has a libfprint version newer than the one which a developer stated (3 years ago) supports your device. and all newer information we could find did not seem to statet that there is support for your device nowadays. so i wrote "my guess is that the developer [16:26] statement (indicating support) is either outdated (no longer supported) or incorrect". in other words: i expect your device not to be supported. maybe at some point it partially was (but possibly with adverse effects to other devices, requiring this code to be removed later). [16:52] tomreyn: Understood, and thanks for resharing/reposting that. [16:54] you're welcome [17:04] : === amosbird- is now known as amosbird === bm1 is now known as bm === Vercas95 is now known as Vercas9 === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === Guest0 is now known as xccb [19:41] * enyc meows [19:51] Is there a reason that Ubuntu 23(.10) would ignore the domain name provided by the DHCP server it obtained an address from? The configured domain is domain.local (domain redacted, and .local is unfortunate, but can't change right now). [19:53] `resolvectl domain` lists my wired/wifi network adapters, but doesn't show any search domains listed for either of them. [19:54] derek-shnosh: .local is not a domain nor is it proper DNS. It's mDNS/avahi [19:55] Would that explain it being ignored by the OS? [19:55] It is likely a feature of the DHCP server to tell the machine what domain it is joined to [19:56] I'm going to replicate entries from domain.local to a domain.lan folder and change the server to use that instead. [19:56] derek-shnosh: I'm not sure to be honest, but I would start with getting to a known good state where you have proper DNS before trying to troubleshoot DNS issues [19:57] That search domain isn't working anyways, so I'm going to send domain.lan from the DHCP server and reobtain to see if that one is even accepted by the OS. [19:58] derek-shnosh: would recommend a domain of home.arpa if you're shopping around. That prevents the domain search from going any farther than it needs to, and it is the currently recommendation to use [19:58] .lan should work fine as well [19:59] it's what I have on a fairly large network (about 100 clients) [19:59] .lan could be used by an organization. IETF recommend using home.arpa has it is considered special use: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8375 [19:59] since what ever organization decided to allow any company/entity to generate new TLDs as they desire [20:00] While not a best practice, my internal clients won't ever have that issue as they will never connect to org/corp networks. I run VMs for my client VPN connections. [20:00] derek-shnosh: You're not understanding... Google could add the .lan as a TLD to the open Internet if they so choose to [20:02] then if you machine searches on example.lan and it doesn't exist, that query goes upstream [20:02] I understand. [20:02] I'll create a subdomain for a domain I already own. [20:02] lan.domain.io for example. [20:02] that is ideal ;) [20:04] derek-shnosh: to note, my Ubuntu 20.04 does not register an FDDN on my local network. I've never had an issue with it, I'm thinking because you used .local that the application is using a library that recognizes the TLD as a mDNS and doesn't query the DNS server [20:05] You'd think it'd show up as the search domain when I run `resolvectl domain` though... the list is completely empty. [20:05] assuming resolvectl isn't default to mDNS as well [20:06] derek-shnosh: resolvectl |grep Domain [20:06] Blank [20:10] Updated DHCP server to hand out lan.domain.io and still not receiving the search domain. Guess I'm going to wireshark the interface and see if its even coming. [20:10] derek-shnosh: what about other clients? [20:11] derek-shnosh: did you check your network settings? Is this a server or desktop? [20:11] Ubuntu 23.10 desktop. [20:11] checked the network profile for your interface? [20:11] there is an option to specify your own DNS/domain [20:11] if that's checked, it'll ignore DHCP [20:12] (it'll ignore DNS/domain from DHCP) [20:13] I'm in Settings > Network > click gear on interface ... searching all tabs, IPv6 disabled, IPv4 is all automatic, including DNS. https://i.imgur.com/ieC32Ob.png [20:13] derek-shnosh: run nm-connection-editor [20:13] check there, it's more granular [20:14] https://i.imgur.com/eMBRFag.png [20:14] derek-shnosh: ls -l /etc/resolv.conf [20:15] ... /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf [20:16] Only thing uncommented in there is `nameserver ; options edns0 trust-ad ; search .` [20:16] ; denoting separate lines of course. [20:21] hi guys :) [20:22] Unrelated, {whine} the Wireshark rep is always so dated. :\ [20:23] Well "dated" may not be the correct term... Its caught up to 4.0.8 which was August 2023. [20:23] I'm running a ubuntu server 202.04 on a vps and I'm trying to install kiwiirc server but I'm having trouble to instal yarn anyone could please help ? [20:24] ups 22.04 [20:25] slotX: kiwiirc is not an officially supported application in ubuntu. You'll need to seek support from kiwiirc [20:26] thanks leftyfb :) [20:26] slotX: https://github.com/kiwiirc/kiwiirc/issues [20:27] thanks [20:32] Problem: compy selection in the printscreen routine does not show the gadget to select. You knw thedots with the lines connecting into a recatangle. No dots. -- what did I do? chose (keystroke) it, escape to close it. chose again,, clickd window, clicked selection -INVISIBLE) How did i try to fix it? Chose, clicked window, took shot. Then chose it again, picked selection. (Did not hwlp) 22.03 [20:40] Please erase my problem. NeverMind. [20:55] Apparently the search domain is not being sent in the ACK, time to dig into the DHCP server. [21:01] derek-shnosh: Before you get too deep in the rabit hole... I think your best action is to update your local domain as you mentioned earlier. Then see if the problem continues. If the DHCP server is also your DNS server (or linked) it may not send the domain out, as it always searches the DHCP leases to find a match. [21:02] (I may not be using the right terms here, but hopefully the idea makes sense) [21:07] pragmaticenigma: thank you, I will save that project for a rainy day/weekend/PTO... for now, resolving FQDN is working as needed. === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [23:01] is there any way to add country flags to the desktop's panel? === guesswhat65 is now known as guesswhat6 === itu is now known as Guest5069 [23:29] There's probably a gnome extension, if that's what you mean loswedseded === Guest5069 is now known as itu