[12:46] Hi all [13:02] mamarley: I have upload a hopefully fixed qtbase. thanks [13:02] It works great, thanks! [14:08] santa_: I think most of your tritemio build fails should be fixed with that qtbase upload ^^^ [14:09] RikMills: ack, I will be rebuilding to check then, thanks! [14:10] atm I have this one in progress https://groomlake.tritemio.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp3/ubuntu-exp3_status_applications.html [14:13] so far colord-kde build worked :) [19:27] Are we NCRing a lot of items for this Qt upload, or is it not quite necessary? [19:27] Also, do any other Qt packages need to be updated? [19:30] tsimonq2: so far it doesn't seem necessary as the crashes seem to go away just from the qtbase upload, but I am keeping an eye out to make sure [19:49] RikMills: Let me/us know if you find anything :)