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pycuriousany ideas what I can do to fix this: https://www.imgpaste.net/image/S7SHKY (I'm trying to run ubuntu 22.04 desktop on a new MSI laptop) GE 68HX. So far I've just disabled secure boot.01:58
Bashing-ompycurious: Could be a lot of different things - any hints ' loginctl session-status ' ?02:07
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pycurious@Bashing-om It did not happen again - let me see if i can recreate it first. Thanks.02:37
Bashing-ompycurious: :D02:38
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pycurious@Bashing-om I just shrunk my windows partition, installed ubuntu from usb with default properties. I dont see the grub menu or the entry in bios to boot from ubuntu. Any ideas what i am doing wrong?02:51
Bashing-ompycurious: Shrinking the partition also changes the UUID - update /etc/fstab file with that new UUID.02:52
Bashing-ompycurious: pycurious: wait !~ fresh install 0f ubuntu ?02:53
pycuriousI shrunk the c: volume, then i clicked try/install ubuntu -> install ubuntu when i booted from the flash drive02:54
pycuriousNow I'm back to step 1- I can boot to the flash drive, select install ubuntu, but then not sure where that goes into the machine, and it doesnt show up when i boot. I cant get grub to show at boot02:55
Bashing-ompycurious: A thought - Windows is UEFI system - and ubuntu also must be installed in same mode (UEFI) to be seen in the boot partition.02:56
pycuriousI did not change the uefi settings in bios, just disabled secure boot.02:57
Bashing-ompycurious: Make sure you boot the installer in UEFI mode.02:57
pycuriouswhen i try to get into install for the flash drive again, it does say you have windows boot manager and ubuntu 22.04.3 on it. Do you want me to erase ubuntu…02:57
pycuriousin bios, Boot mode select : UEFI - and its greyed out - so i cant change it02:59
pycuriousit did have uefi hard drive priorities, where i could select ubuntu - and it did boot into it :) @Bashing-om thanks03:00
Bashing-ompycurious: Booted into Ubuntu now ? Be a good idea to ' update-grub ' at this point - cheap insurance.03:02
Jakovfolks, what is default Ubuntu's Clipboard?03:02
pragmaticenigmaJakov: "clipboard" is part of the shell, for Ubuntu that'd be Gnome-Shell or Gnome Desktop. There are some apps (not installed by default) that can sometimes help you view what is stored in the clipboard. As well as other programs that extend the abilities of clipboard.03:17
JakovI'm looking for more native way03:17
pragmaticenigmaJakov: You'll have to be more specific what you are trying to do03:17
JakovI want to get clipboard to text at least using c/c++ or terminal commnad03:18
Jakovif 3rd party lib can do that "command fetchclipboard > text.txt" it is fine03:18
pragmaticenigmaJakov: In a terminal window 'Ctrl' + 'Insert' will copy to the clip board, and 'Shift' + 'Insert' will paste03:20
JakovI need all clipboard :)03:21
pragmaticenigmaJakov: You'll have to be more specific about what you are trying to do. "clipboard" is a term for referring to a memory space allocated by a program to temporarily store data.03:23
hlenetoJakov, in Debian there are two relevant packages, wl-clipboard (Wayland) and the old xsel. With xsel you can control primary, secondary and clipboard selections.03:28
Jakovcan wl-clipboard manage clipboard history?03:28
hlenetothat I don't know...03:29
pragmaticenigmaJakov: There is no "history" clipboard holds one thing at a time. There are extensions that offer the ability to store multiple things, but you need to describe what you are trying to do so I can better understand what to recommend.03:30
Jakovpragmaticenigma, I need to manage clipboard history with command (no graphic) command > current_clipboard_history > 1.txt03:30
pragmaticenigmaJakov: to the best of my knowledge, no such tool exists for a command line only solution.03:31
hlenetoJakov, maybe command | xsel -b; xsel -b >1.txt03:32
pragmaticenigmaxsel is a X11 dependent feature, only works if you're already in a windowed session03:37
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Your_DogJakov: Afaik, clipboards are a GUI concept07:15
Your_Dogwithout using x11 or wayland, you would have to rely on either  a device or an application07:16
Your_Dogfor device, there is gpm (general purpose mouse) for application there is screen and tmux07:17
webchat75I installed ubuntu on my asus rog flow x16, the speaker volume is very low and crackling but the speakers work fine in windows 1107:21
matsamanwebchat75: first run alsamixer and check that pcm isn't too high, for crackling07:22
matsamanwebchat75: then check other channels for quietness07:22
webchat75i've tried everything on alsamixer nothing seems to work07:24
matsamanwebchat75: is it intel audio? You might want to specify a/different option/configuration07:28
webchat75the default card is pipewire in ubuntu, but in windows it is realtek07:29
webchat75matsaman I tried changing the alsa-base.conf added this line options snd-hda-intel model=asus-zenbook07:30
webchat75also tried options snd-hda-intel model=gpio107:30
webchat75ran all these commands07:31
webchat75hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x20 0x500 0xf07:31
webchat75hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x20 0x400 0x777407:31
webchat75hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x20 0x500 0x4507:31
webchat75hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x20 0x400 0x528907:31
webchat75nothing seems to work07:31
matsamanwhat does lspci say the audio device is?07:32
webchat75matsaman there are 2 audio devices:  Intel Corporation Raptor Lake-P/U/H cAVS (rev 01) and  NVIDIA Corporation Device 22bd (rev a1)07:34
matsamanoh interesting07:35
matsamancan you switch between those in alsamixer? It's an F# key, IIRC07:35
matsamanthe nvidia one might be just for hdmi out, though, or something like that07:35
matsamanwebchat75: what's the line from lspci -n?07:36
webchat75matsaman what is the comman to check lspci -n (i'm new to linux07:37
matsaman'lspci -n', or 'sudo lspci -n'07:38
matsamansudo will likely run it as root, which for lspci -n is fine07:38
webchat750000:00:00.0 0600: 8086:a70607:39
webchat750000:00:01.0 0604: 8086:a70d07:39
webchat750000:00:02.0 0300: 8086:a7a0 (rev 04)07:39
webchat750000:00:04.0 1180: 8086:a71d07:39
webchat750000:00:06.0 0880: 8086:09ab07:39
webchat750000:00:07.0 0604: 8086:a76e07:39
matsamanDrone: so useful, now all the other people talking can carry on07:41
matsaman-> /s07:41
webchat75matsaman drone is muting me. so the command gave me a bunch of lines07:42
matsamanyeah I know07:43
DisconsentedIts muting you because you're flooding the channel,  use a pastebin like the one linked in the topic for anything thats more than like 2 lines (https://dpaste.com/)07:43
matsamanwebchat75: sorry do lspci -nn (two n's), and grep for the audio device07:43
matsamanit's muting you, for a really long time, because it's a dumb bot07:44
webchat75matsaman 0000:00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Raptor Lake-P/U/H cAVS [8086:51ca] (rev 01)07:44
matsamanwebchat75: thanks07:45
webchat75matsaman what to do now?07:48
matsamanwebchat75: you might double check you have all the firmware installed07:48
webchat75where can i check for firmwares matsaman07:49
matsamanfirmware-sof-signed, alsa-firmware-loaders, linux-firmware07:49
webchat75i'm still unable to understand how to check firmwares (sorry for being a noob) matsaman07:51
webchat75i think it is more of a driver issue07:53
webchat75matsaman i found these 2 folders in root irmware-sof-signed, linux-firmware but didn't find the alsa-firmware-loaders folder07:57
webchat75matsaman i installed the alsa-firmware-loaders08:04
yakovI 've tried to change Ubuntu username, then copied home to new user home, now in New user can't open browse and change any settings, pls guide me hot fix it09:07
tomreynthe home directory needs to be owned by its user09:08
yakovI bet you 're right09:09
yakovWhat should I do?)09:09
tomreynchmod -R correctuser:correctusersgroup /home/correctuser09:10
tomreynwith sudo09:10
yakovHow to get usergroup09:12
tomreyn(i'm only guessing this might be the issue, though, it should not do harm as long as you hit the right user, though)09:13
tomreyngetent passwd |grep ^correctuser09:13
tomreynfield 3 is the users' user id, field 4 is the users' primary group id09:14
tomreynyou can specify the group id instead of the named group for the chown command09:15
EriC^tomreyn: dont you mean chown -R ?09:17
tomreynsheesh, yes, thanks EriC^09:18
tomreynsudo chown -R 1001:1001 /home/j09:19
yakovim I expecting any changes?09:21
tomreynthe next time j logs in, they should be able to access their files09:21
yakovStill can't open browser and change settings09:23
tomreynwhat happens when you try?09:24
yakovI copied my profile to d with mv and changed smh in visual and other usr related file, second login is fine which is j09:24
yakovVisual is visudo09:24
tomreynhmm i dont understand.09:25
yakovI see icon loading and Mozilla browser description it does nothing09:25
tomreyni'm typing with a single hand while eating breakfast, so can't be too verbose right now09:25
EriC^yakov: what happens if you try to launch it from the terminal using "firefox" command?09:26
yakovPermission denied09:26
tomreynoh i notice now that i had only seen the upper half of the screenshot09:28
tomreynso there are supposed to be two users, "d" and "j". i assume "d" was the original user, and "j" is the newly created user. there are actually two users' named "d" though, one with uid 1000 and another with uid 1002. you'll need to remove one of them.09:29
tomreynor rename one of them09:30
tomreynyou moved your home directory to /home/d, but your firefox profile still points to your former home directory /home/supernova09:35
tomreynmaybe it will be easier to just discuss what the final situation should be once all is fixed, can you do so? which users should exist, which ones should be removed?09:36
yakov52I need supernova to be replaced with d09:36
tomreynokay then you should remove the first line starting with "d:" off /etc/passwd09:37
tomreynand also remove any duplicate groups off /etc/group, if any09:38
tomreynand then edit the application configuration files of user 'd', such as the firefox profiles.ini file, to point to the correct (updated) home directory ( / home/d ).09:39
yakov52Could not locate any09:39
tomreynand i guess you can then remove user j and its files, as well as any remaining files of user supernova09:39
tomreyngot more details?09:39
yakov52can I rollback to supernova?09:39
yakov52May it be easier?09:40
tomreynmaybe, maybe not. you can logout of user 'd', then login as a different user and  move /home/supernova (if it exists) out of the way. then sudo usermod --home /home/supernova d && sudo usermod --login supernova d && sudo mv /home/d /home/supernova09:43
tomreyndo this only AFTER you removed the duplicate user 'd'09:44
yakov52Thanks tomreyn09:48
tomreynyou're welcome - i recommend asking here in the future, or looking it up online, before you try to move around home directories and/or rename users. it's a somewhat delicate process.09:49
yakov52yes, it's weather issues, my bad09:50
tomreynyou should never need to edit passwd and groups and the other related files manually, there are tools for it, which ensure it is done safely.09:50
tomreyn(it can also be wise to take note of the steps you took, so it will be easier to describe / understand what the current situation is, and how to undo changes (where possible9 or which approach to take to try to fix things.09:52
yakov52Can I access to bash history?09:53
tomreyntype "history"09:53
yakov52Just one line history09:53
tomreyn"history" is a command, which, like most commands, provide a help output when asked for it09:54
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tomreynyakov52: you can filter the output (pipe into)    tail -n3     to see just the latest three commands10:03
tomreyni.e.    history | tail -n310:04
yakov52It's empty10:05
tomreynhmm only if you started a new shell or cleared the history10:06
YakovI happened to rollback to supernova, manually changed /etc/passwd /etc/shadow as you advised10:08
Yakovif I just create new account and login there, all applications be common (shared) /10:09
kotgcI've been testing the remote desktop and it seems port forward is not needed as I am running a VPN/Tunnel.10:09
kotgcHowever, the phone connection attempt times out, when trying to reach this ubuntu desktop.10:10
kotgcIn this Ubuntu Desktop, I've enabled Desktop Sharing. The TailScale VPN/Tunnel says connected to this Ubuntu Desktop's virutal router.10:10
kotgcThe phone uses realVNC to connect to the IP address as per TailScale's VPN/Tunnel to this Ubuntu Desktop.10:11
kotgcI'm not sure what's missing, perhaps the tunnel to the KVM router rather than this Ubuntu desktop?10:11
tomreynkotgc: have you tried whether realvnc actually works with gnome desktop sharing?10:19
kotgctomreyn, well, realvnc and remmina were my main viewers on LinuxMint. This is my first time trying on Ubuntu.10:21
kotgctomreyn, also, I was able to remote view via the NoMachine software, so it seems possible.10:22
kotgcHowever, after a reboot, I cannot remote view again.10:22
tomreyndifferent vnc implementations don't necessarily work with another, unfortunately.10:23
tomreynthe same may apply to rdp10:23
kotgctomreyn, yes, I'll go back to NoMachine then, which is proven to work with Ubuntu; then once the configuration is sorted out, I'll try RealVNC on the phone.10:24
tomreyni would test this locally with the freerdp CLI first of all, to make sure handshake and authentication works.10:24
tomreyndoes realvnc actually support rdp?10:25
kotgctomreyn, I thought rdp was for microsoft.10:25
kotgcI have an allergic reaction to microsoft stuff.10:26
tomreynit is an application protocol, a fork of vnc. it is not limited to ms windows.10:26
kotgctomreyn, how would I test locally? I only have this desktop and phone at the moment, as the laptop isn't with me.10:27
tomreynthen testing it locally will be difficult, unless the desktop you have also runs gnome-shell on ubuntu10:27
kotgcthis desktop runs Ubuntu
tomreynso you could enable desktop sharing there as well and then use an rdp client to try to connect to it.10:28
kotgcyes, I have enabled this Ubuntu desktop with desktop sharing.10:29
tomreyn<tomreyn> i would test this locally with the freerdp CLI first of all, to make sure handshake and authentication works.10:29
kotgcok, so I'll put some rdp app on my phone.10:29
tomreynyou can test on the same computer.10:29
tomreynto rule out networking as an issue10:29
tomreynbut certainly a client which only speak vnc won't be able to connect to a server which only speaks rdp10:30
kotgcok, should I search for: ubuntu rdp cli, or something to figure that out?10:30
tomreynif you choose to not use freerdp, then there is one other client, i think, rdesktop10:31
kotgcoh, it's actual software, I thought that was a generic term https://www.freerdp.com/10:31
tomreynthis website says "FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation". an implemnetation of a network protocol such as rdp is a client or server (or both) speaking this protocol.10:33
tomreyn(could be a library, too)10:33
kotgcOk, I'll research FreeRDP a bit.10:34
tomreynkotgc: i run gnome-shell on wayland (should be the default unless you use nvidia graphics, then i don't know what it uses now, either wayland or still Xorg, for which a freerdp client also exists), and installed freerdp2-wayland, and ran   wlfreerdp /v:
kotgctomreyn, ok, most of that's all new to me.10:49
tomreynthis did get me connected, asked for username, domain, and password. i kept domain empty, username and password were what i had configured on the gnome settings desktop sharing GUI10:49
kotgcok, I'm trying to download freerdp now, something about flatpak...I think that's some new Linux thingy.10:49
tomreynsudo apt update && sudo apt install freerdp2-wayland10:50
kotgcI think I use nvidia as I'm not familiar with wayland.10:52
tomreynecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE10:53
tomreyn...should tell you what you're using10:54
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kotgctomreyn, x1111:02
tomreynkotgc: so you'll install freerdp2-x1111:05
tomreynyou can also try your luck with any other rdp client, or frontend using an rdp library (such as remmina)11:05
tomreyni just like CLI clients for debugging11:06
kotgcAs per FreeRDP, I'm about to run this code: flatpak install com.freerdp.FreeRDP11:09
tomreynyou can use the flatpak, or just the apt package i pointed you to11:10
kotgcI don't see the option you mention, freerdp2-x1111:10
tomreynare you not on 22.04?11:10
kotgcok, I'll try the flatpak thingy11:10
tomreynmaybe you have universe disabled11:11
kotgctomreyn, ok, I think FreeRDP is installed?I see possibly a new app called Remote Viewer? No details when I open it though.11:28
tomreynkotgc: /usr/bin/xfreerdp if you have freerdp2-x11 installed11:33
tomreyni dont know which commands the flatpak provides11:33
kotgctomreyn, no, nothing in /usr/bin/ called xfreerdp11:50
kotgcthe flatpak thingy must have failed.11:51
kotgcAlso I checked the FreeRPD Wiki for a user manual on how to use it and the page doesn't load.11:51
kotgctomreyn, sorry, I can't use it?11:54
tomreynkotgc: so when you run   sudo apt update && sudo apt install freerdp2-x11    you get which error message?11:57
Yakovtomreyn I'm back, do you have spare minute or two?12:11
tomreynYakov: i don't guarantee availability, but i'll likely be available here for a couple more minutes at least12:12
tomreynthe best approach you can take is to just ask your questions, though, and wait until someone answers.12:14
Yakovtomreyn, ty, I could rollback to current user name, but there no inputrc file, bashrc and history that I used before, and all set to default included themes and all shorcuts 1) if I just create new user and copy home and other cfg files, can I expect that all installed apps on supernova would be available in newUser?12:15
tomreyni don't see why your inputrc file, bashrc and bash history would have been lost by renaming the user and copying the files.12:17
tomreynto (1): no. as you had seen previously, applications may store full paths in their configuration files, such as firefox soting the full path to its profiles in profiles.ini. so if you change the home directory from /home/a to /home/b and copy all configurations then these configuration files will still point to /home/a, i.e. you will need to manually edit these configuration files (where that's possible)12:20
tomreynsome applications recommend specific means for migrating configuration options between computers (and different users on the same computer), which are not just copying configuration files. for example, with firefox, you could possibly also use their cloud synchronization to carry configurations from user a to user b12:21
tomreyn(personally, though, i'd prefer just editing profiles.ini)12:22
Yakovits not related to profiles.ini12:25
Yakovif I understand it right profiles.ini its mozilla file12:25
tomreynyes, i think you may have fully qualified paths in the mozilla configuration file profiles.ini, if that's the case and the home directory is moved, these profiles would no longer be found. i was assuming this may have been the issue you ran into earlier. but it was merely a guess, i did not have enough information.12:27
tomreyneven if there are no fully qualified (i.e. not just relative) paths in firefox's configuration files, this issue will still apply to other applications12:28
JanCwhen you say you copied files, did you also copy the hidden files?12:28
YakovI created new user, copied old user to new user, edited etc shadows/passw changed old to new, never realised there were any hidden files lol12:29
tomreynso that's why i'm saying: don't just expect to copy the users' entire home directory and expect applications to still find their configurations.12:29
JanCoh, wait, and how did you copy these files?  does this new user have a new UID?12:29
JanCin that case you might have to chown those files...12:30
Yakovi created new user with cmd, granted rights and mv /home old new12:30
tomreynmv? you said "copied" earlier12:30
Yakovit was mv, sorry12:30
JanClooks like they renamed the old directory, but then it probably still has files owned by the old UID (user)12:31
Yakovsupernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:/home$ source ~/.bashrc12:31
Yakovbash: /home/supernova/.bashrc: No such file or directory how can it be?12:31
tomreynwe went through chown -R earlier12:31
Yakovhow should I copy bashrc file?12:32
tomreyncopy or move?12:32
tomreynif you moved the entire home directory then .bashrc would have been moved with it12:32
Yakovwell its not12:32
tomreynso what did you move exactly?12:32
tomreynand how12:33
Yakovhome with its contents12:33
Yakovusing mv12:33
Yakovthen reboot12:33
Yakovand faced this nightmare12:33
tomreyndo you have the exact command you used?12:33
tomreynbased on what you described i would have guessed that you ran: sudo mv /home/d /home/supernova12:35
tomreynif you used this very command, then any files would have moved12:35
tomreynyou would also have had to make sure the "supernova" user and group exists, and that that it either has the same user id (uid) and group id (gid), or that you     sudo chown -R supernova:supernova /home/supernova12:38
tomreynbecause we previously changed those files to belonf to the 'd' user12:38
tomreynah, good, -m would have done the move and chown12:39
tomreynis "newusername" intentionally spelled differently from "new_username" there?12:41
kotgctomreyn, I just ran as per FreeRDP instructions: flatpak install com.freerdp.FreeRDP. It didn't work after this download and reboot. No instructions on the gitwiki too.12:41
Yakovtomreyn no, its sample, real values were different12:42
tomreynkotgc: i see. i won't be able to support the flatpak. i did provide instructions how to install freerdp2-x11 using apt multiple times.12:42
tomreynYakov: this does not seem to answer the question i asked.12:43
kotgctomreyn, thanks, yes tried that but error: https://dpaste.org/SXcgs12:43
tomreynYakov: 4 different usernames are given in your paste. is this intentional?12:44
kotgcI'm investigating whether rdp installed, but this anydesk won't uninstall even after I've uninstalled it.12:44
Yakovno, real values where supernova and j12:44
tomreynkotgc: the error you have there is that you are using a third party (anydesk) apt repository and have not installed its apt signing key so this repository cannot be trusted, and apt is currently partially broken as a result.12:45
BluesKajHi all12:46
tomreynkotgc: you should probably re-read the (ubuntu) apt installation instructions (hopefully) provided by anydesk, i.e. the documentation you read initially when you set up this third party apt repository and installed this package.12:47
kotgctomreyn, anydesk is the worst...it's so stubborn, I really try to avoid it and use Free RDP or something else.12:47
kotgctomreyn, yes, I ran this command to remove anydesk: Terminal -> sudo apt remove <programName> -> Enter.12:48
tomreynYakov: so, with this clarified, do you have a question about the paste?12:48
kotgctomreyn, I didn't ready any anydesk repository stuff, I just installed anydesk and it's destroyed ubuntu.12:50
tomreynkotgc: apt installs software from so-called "apt repositories". if you look at your error message "Err:5 http://deb.anydesk.com all InRelease - The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 18DF3741CDFFDE29" then you'll see that there is an apt repository "deb.anydesk.com" which is configured for apt. your apt repository configuration is located at /etc/apt/sources.list*12:50
tomreynthere is both a sources.list file, which contains the main ubuntu apt repositories, as well as a sources.list.d/ directory, which can contain additional apt respoitory configurations.12:51
tomreyni assume that you have something like /etc/apt/sources.list/anydesk.list which tells apt to retrieve information about this apt repository.12:52
tomreynif you do not wish to use anydesk, then you can just delete this file and the error message should be gone the next time you run    sudo apt update12:52
kotgctomreyn, https://dpaste.org/psJew12:53
kotgctomreyn, yes, I really, really don't want or like anydesk. I tried to remove it with Terminal -> sudo apt remove <programName> -> Enter.12:54
Yakovtomreyn no yet, gonna take little break12:55
tomreynkotgc: your paste shows the main apt repository configuration file, /etc/apt/sources.list - which contains the default ubuntu apt repositories, as explained above. but, as also explained above, i assume that the (leftover) apt repository configuration for anydesk is located somewhere in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ *directory*12:56
tomreynokay Yakov12:56
kotgctomreyn, ah, yes, thank you. Can I just delete this anydesk bit to get rid of it forever? https://dpaste.org/XqDFd12:58
tomreynkotgc: you may want to   sudo apt purge anydesk    (or whatever it was called -     dpkg -l | grep -i anydesk      may hint on the package name) - this would ensure any remainders (*other than* the apt repository configuration) of anydesk should be removed (that's if they packaged their software properly).12:58
Yakovno I dont have permissions to my usb device13:00
kotgctomreyn, ok, purge must be stronger than remove. Just ran purge but anydesk is still there...unbelievable.13:00
tomreynkotgc: what 'apt purge' does is to remove leftover configuration files of a package, but *not* its apt repository configuration, you need to do this seperately: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list13:01
tomreynYakov: the files on your usb device's file system will likely be owned by the UID/GID of the user which created it. if your current user has a different UID/GID then you will also need to    chown -R uid:gid    the files on the usb stick (or change its mount options to allow anyone access).13:03
tomreynkotgc: when you deleted the anydesk apt repository (using the command given above), i suggest you run apt update again, to see whether it still fails:   sudo apt update13:04
kotgctomreyn, thanks, worked, but I don't see FreeRDP in the Ubuntu apps? https://dpaste.org/nk7qm13:05
tomreynkotgc: freerdp-x11 may not show in the list of installed applications on your GUI because it just provides a command line interface (CLI) application. the list of applications on the graphical user interface (GUI) usually only lists applications which tehmselves provide a GUI. freerdp2-x11 provides the executable file /usr/bin/xfreerdp13:10
tomreynyou can see which files a given package provides using    dpkg -L freerdp2-x1113:11
tomreynthose in /usr/bin or /bin are usually CLI executables13:12
kotgctomreyn, yes, I see /usr/bin/xfreerdp13:13
tomreynright, you have it, so run it, as indicated earlier13:14
tomreynxfreerdp /v:
tomreynthis will make xfreerdp connect to the rdp server at (the same computer) on port 3389 (the default rdp port)13:16
kotgctomreyn, thank you, that ran. What would the domain be please? https://dpaste.org/W0w6N13:19
tomreynleave it empty. this is "domain" as in (windows) 'active directory'.13:20
tomreynor realm, as kerberos would call it13:20
kotgctomreyn, I think it failed? I entered my computer password for password. https://dpaste.org/d1ZAv13:22
tomreynyou need to enter the credentials you configured on the "sharing" -> "remote desktop" GUI in "Settings"13:23
tomreynthose can and should be different to those of your ubuntu user account13:23
tomreynsee these screenshots for how to configure sharing (an example): https://i.imgur.com/CattCIW.png https://i.imgur.com/xsa7DT3.png13:24
kotgctomreyn, wow, I think that worked, the screens went crazy. https://dpaste.org/3woFz13:25
tomreyninteresting, it does not ask for your username. in my case it prompted for the username13:26
kotgcyes, the Ubuntu sharing is clear. I set that up in an attempt for remote viewing via the tunnel.13:26
tomreynbut yes, seem to have worked.13:26
kotgctomreyn, xfreerdp may have sourced my computer's username ubuntu which is the same as the Remote Desktop Share User Name.13:28
tomreynright, one of those INFO lines points this out13:28
kotgcah yes, the 2nd line shows that.13:29
tomreynso now that you've provien you can connect to THIS computer using freerdp, you should be able to do the same with the other computer13:29
tomreynthat's if the other computer has a similar sharing setup13:29
kotgcwell I only have a phone with me. The other computer is at another location, outside this LAN.13:29
kotgc...if that matters. The tunnel shows connected.13:30
tomreyni thought you had this desktop and could use it to access your remote computer, too?13:30
tomreynis this an android or iphone?13:31
tomreyn<kotgc> tomreyn, how would I test locally? I only have this desktop and phone at the moment, as the laptop isn't with me.13:32
tomreynthis sounded like you had two computers available for testing, one of them being an ubuntu desktop computer.13:33
tomreynmaybe you have not set it up for wireguard, though13:33
kotgcI used to use a laptop to connect, but the laptop broke. I have an iPhone with me and a 2nd computer at another location.13:33
kotgcI couldn't use OpenVPN and wasn't sure about WireGuard, so I setup13:34
kotgcTailScale VPN/Tunnel.13:34
kotgcThis desktop is Ubuntu, I have an iPhone and Desktop2 is LinuxMint in another location.13:34
kotgcActually, I do have access to a MacMini with me now if that helps?13:35
tomreyntailscale is a management / administration frontend for wireguard.13:36
tomreyni guess you just need to find a configurable and standards compliant / interoperable rdp client for whichever client device (ios?) you want to use now.13:37
tomreynthe freerdp project does not seem to provide ios builds, but you can probably use any other rdp client.13:37
ravagethe microsoft client is actually decent :)13:38
tomreynprobably because they looked into how a client which complies with the protocol specification they published actually works and cared about making it work with theirs: https://github.com/microsoft/FreeRDP-mirror13:40
kotgcDownloaded Microsoft Remote Desktop, added a PC IP address (TailScale's Tunnel address to this Ubuntu Desktop) and connection fails.13:47
tomreynyou'll need to connect to the tailscale/wireguard LAN ip address of the remote ubuntu system you are meaning to connect to13:48
kotgcSo this Ubuntu desktop is If I enter in the iPhone Microsoft Remote Desktop app, I don't understand how the app will find this computer?13:49
tomreyni.e. if the ios phone's tailscale vpn ip address is and the remote ubuntu's tailscale vpn ip address is then you need to connect to .813:51
kotgctomreyn, yes, I entered into the app.13:52
tomreynthese were example values13:52
tomreynyou need to have both systems added to your tailscale vpn, in case you haven't done so yet13:52
kotgctomreyn, yes. Maybe I need to connect the phone to the tunnel too.13:52
tomreynumm yes, of course you need to do that13:52
tomreynthat's unless you want to make the remote desktop port available on the internet, but that's not a really good idea13:54
kotgcOk, working with this desktop and the phone connected to the tunnel and the viewer app connecting to this desktop's LAN with username and share password.14:00
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kotgcFails with RealVNC viewer app. I prefer VNC and Remmina, but guess I'll have to use Microsoft Remote Viewer on the phone and other LinuxMint computer.14:03
kotgctomreyn, thanks!14:03
tomreynkotgc: you also wont be able to connect to a rdp service using an ftp, rdp and vnc (while sharing a common history) are just different protocols.14:05
tomreynand realvnc, for all i know, only support vnc, not rdp14:05
tomreyn*an ftp client14:05
tomreynit's correct that you can optionally choose to enable 'legacy vnc' support on the gnome settings / sharing / desktop sharing end, but rdp is actually the less cumbersome protocol, i would say.14:07
tomreynkotgc: remmina does support both vnc and rdp, i think, but i assume you won't find an ios build of it.14:08
kotgctomreyn, ok, surprised Ubuntu supports RDP more than VNC. LinuxMint was good on VNC, but I use Ubuntu these days for more powerful networking features.14:09
tomreynkotgc: i should also point out that we really only support ubuntu here, not any derivatives.14:09
tomreynit's more of a Gnome choice, less one of Ubuntu14:09
kotgctomreyn, yes, the ubuntu support making the server worked helped.14:09
tomreynyou can configure ubuntu with either.14:09
tomreynso you can now view and control the remote computer from your mobile phone?14:10
kotgc? configure ubuntu with either? rdp or vnc you mean? Yes view and control works :-)14:10
tomreynubuntu provides multiple rdp and vnc server implementations. the least cumbersome to use with gnome is likely what you are using now, though.14:11
tomreynglad you worked it out today.14:11
kotgctomreyn, thanks for your ubuntu help, I couldn't have figured that out without you.14:12
kotgcjust the networking alone, new with a tunnel had all sorts of configuration combinations confusing my setup.14:12
kotgcubuntu offers a default vnc sharing though, so I'm unclear why rdp works and vnc doesn't.14:13
kotgcoh, that's where I tick Enable Legacy VNC Protocol14:13
tomreynyou're welcome. i think you mostly needed two things: a better understanding of which protocol this remote desktop thing in gnome actually uses (it's not well documented, or explained on the GUI, sadly) and understanding of how to setup the mesh VPN between all your nodes / fully understanding the network architecture.14:13
kotgcYes, I can see the Ubuntu networking better, now that it's working. I might play around with VNC.14:15
tomreyngood luck. vnc will use port 5900/tcp by default. unfortunately, the vinagre vnc server the gnome 'legacy vnc protocol' setting provides and several vnc client implementations have interoperability issues (some of which can be overcome by disablng encryption on the vinagre side using gsettings). so... this can involve a lot of fiddling.14:19
tomreyni assume that's also one of the reasons why gnome moved away from that as a default desktop sharing server. the main reason is likely that the rdp server implementation supports wayland.14:21
kotgctomreyn, ok, thanks, might be a bit much for me.14:25
YakovI'm back, pls help me to revive usb and I just reinstall OS14:39
=== fling_ is now known as fling
lotuspsychje!usb | Yakov15:06
ubottuYakov: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:06
teletubbyhi i need help with libusb-1.0.0-dev15:51
teletubbyit wont install15:51
teletubbyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:51
teletubby libusb-1.0-0-dev15:51
CosmicDJteletubby: which ubuntu version?15:53
CosmicDJteletubby: the only dep seems to be libusb-1.0.0 https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libusb-1.0-0-dev15:54
teletubbystill getting error even when sent to ubuntu software app15:54
teletubbythe software i want is15:56
teletubbyi have 1ubuntu2???15:58
teletubbywhy does the software still want it15:58
arraybolt3teletubby: Is this an app from a PPA or third-party repo?16:02
teletubbyfrom github16:02
arraybolt3Is it specifically designed for Ubuntu 22.04?16:02
arraybolt3It sounds like the app developer is requiring an older version of libusb than the one you have and explicitly stating in the installer that it is incompatible with the newer version you have.16:03
arraybolt3If it is designed for 22.04, report the issue as a bug to the developer of the application. If not, you may need to install Ubuntu 20.04 (or whatever version your app does support) instead.16:03
teletubbyonly says "linux"16:04
teletubbyno specific os16:04
arraybolt3hmm. I'd report it as a bug anyway.16:04
teletubbyi give up16:04
teletubbyfor ham radio using ubuntu is impossible16:04
arraybolt3Probably the software is meant for Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 11.16:04
arraybolt3It needs 1.0.0? One sec...16:05
teletubbyhere it is but that gives me an error too16:05
arraybolt3teletubby: Ubuntu 20.04 has libusb-1.0.0-dev in its repos.16:05
teletubbyso id have to go to 1.0.0??16:06
arraybolt3You may need to install the older version of Ubuntu to get it going.16:06
arraybolt3And still report this to the developer of the application.16:06
teletubbyi reported it16:06
teletubbyill wait for his response before making any changes16:06
teletubbywhat about debian? is that any better?16:06
teletubbywould that work?16:06
arraybolt3dunno, maybe?16:06
arraybolt3I can check.16:06
arraybolt3You would have to use Debian 11, which is not the latest version.16:07
arraybolt3Debian 12 has a newer version that isn't compatible with the app you're trying to use.16:08
teletubbyi have a usb that had ubuntu flashed on it with Etcher software16:09
teletubbyis it ok if i reflash it?16:09
teletubbywith another iso?16:09
arraybolt3oh wait a sec16:09
arraybolt3I may be wrong, hold on...16:09
arraybolt3hah, guess what, I'm wrong.16:10
arraybolt3libusb-1.0.0 is in Jammy, but the -dev package and the -doc package is out of sync.16:10
arraybolt3er, the -dev package and the actual library are out of sync.16:10
arraybolt3not the -doc16:10
arraybolt3that's an Ubuntu bug.16:10
arraybolt3And that should be fixable on our end.16:10
teletubbyso, is there a solution?16:10
teletubbyis that the solutino16:10
arraybolt3Yeah. Gimme a sec and I think I can make it work for you, and try to make it work for others too.16:11
arraybolt3This may take a bit - Debian packaging isn't very fast or easy, but it's something I'm skilled at.16:12
teletubbywell id have to go back to windows?16:12
teletubbysdr softwares are a minority in linux world16:12
arraybolt3I think I can make it work if you just give me a sec.16:12
arraybolt3I can upload a fixed libusb-1.0 package to a PPA, then you can use that right away while I handle getting the package fixed in the Ubuntu archives.16:13
mccHello, I have a VPS which at some point hit its maximum inodes. `df -i` shows IUse%  100%.  This seems to have meant at some point apt-get upgrade failed because it couldn't create new files, so any apt operation tells me to run apt --fix-broken install .16:13
mccIt also says I have 48 (!) linux-hwe-5.4-headers-5.4.0- packages which are eligible for autoremove. I assume that would free up many inodes. However, I cannot apt autoremove because it wants me to --fix-broken install first. And --fix-broken install fails because there is no space left on device (false, the problem is inodes…)16:13
tomreynmcc: try to    dpkg -P somepackage16:14
mccSo I cannot run --fix-broken install without running autoremove first and I cannot autoremove without running --fix-broken install first. How do I proceed? This is on 18.04, which is end-of-lifed, but of course I can't upgrade without this16:14
arraybolt3teletubby: Actually, I have an even faster solution for you. `sudo apt install libusb-1.0.0-dev=2:1.0.25-1ubuntu2 && sudo apt-mark hold libusb-1.0.0-dev`16:14
arraybolt3that will install the slightly older version and keep it from being updated.16:15
arraybolt3wait, no16:15
arraybolt3gah, typo16:15
arraybolt3`sudo apt install libusb-1.0.0-dev=2:1.0.25-1ubuntu1 && sudo apt-mark hold libusb-1.0.0-dev`16:15
mcc@tomreyn This seems to be fixing it. THank you16:15
arraybolt3^ that one should work16:15
tomreynmcc: next i'd do:  sudo apt-get autoclean16:15
teletubbyE: Unable to locate package libusb-1.0.0-dev16:15
teletubbyE: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libusb-1.0.0-dev'16:15
tomreynmcc: and only then i would do the autoremove --purge16:16
arraybolt3eh? must have typed something wrong16:16
mccoh really. well, i'd already started the autoremove but i'll do autoclean after that16:16
teletubbyu needed16:16
teletubbysudo apt get install16:16
teletubbyNote, selecting 'libusb-1.0-0-dev' for regex 'libusb-1.0.0-dev'16:16
teletubby0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:16
teletubbylibusb-1.0-0-dev set on hold.16:16
arraybolt3ah, I see what I did wrong16:16
tomreynmcc: thats fine as long as it works16:16
mcci think it worked, thank you16:16
arraybolt3I typed a . rather than a -16:16
tomreyn!paste | teletubby16:16
ubottuteletubby: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
arraybolt3teletubby: sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev=2:1.0.25-1ubuntu1 && sudo apt-mark hold libusb-1.0.0-dev16:17
arraybolt3that might end up erroring out the same way though16:17
teletubbyyep it did16:17
arraybolt3gah, and libusb itself seems important16:17
teletubbylibusb is a curse16:18
arraybolt3sigh... what on earth16:18
arraybolt3teletubby: I am able to force a downgrade to the older version on my machine, but it will undo a bugfix.16:18
arraybolt3which could be, er, less than ideal.16:18
teletubbyu dont have to16:18
arraybolt3I meant it might be less than ideal for you.16:19
teletubbylinux only has : gqrx for sdr supporte16:19
mccapt-get upgrade on my 18.04 is saying:16:19
mccThe following packages have been kept back:16:19
mcc  grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 ubuntu-advantage-tools16:19
mccShould I worry about this? SHould I try to do something about this before I do-release-upgrade?16:19
teletubbyeven then, alot of stuff are missing from it16:19
arraybolt3teletubby: sudo apt-mark unhold libusb-1.0-0-dev16:19
arraybolt3(to undo the accidental version lock we did earlier)16:19
teletubbyit cancelled16:20
arraybolt3trying to think, what's the best way to do this...16:20
teletubbythe hodl16:20
arraybolt3teletubby: I *think* I can make an updated, fixed package and put it in a PPA, with a version number that will eventually be overridden once a new libusb goes into the archive.16:20
tomreynmcc: you should worry about 18.04, but apparently you are doing so already. and you should     sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade     before you do the release upgrade16:21
mccwhat is the difference between upgrade and full-upgrade?16:21
arraybolt3I have to get the version number perfect for that to work, and that's a bit tricky, so lemme verify the bug, and if it's there I'll ask another dev for help.16:21
tomreynmcc: and maybe reboot, too, if you ran out of inodes on /16:22
mccoh, that's an interesting idea16:22
teletubbyso complicated16:22
mccat the moment is to make sure my system is in a state which will maximize chances of a correct, healthy do-release-upgrade16:22
tomreynmcc: the difference is that full-upgrade also installs new and removes packages if this seems to make sense.16:22
tomreyndo you have third party repositories?16:23
tomreynor packages, or package versions?16:23
arraybolt3teletubby: this is weird, I actually can install libusb-1.0-0-dev over here.16:24
teletubbywhat the?16:24
teletubbywhat did u type16:24
arraybolt3Somehow... your system is trying to grab the older version16:24
teletubbywhat do i do now16:24
arraybolt3sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev16:24
arraybolt3which I thought is what you typed16:24
teletubbyi did but it cant find the package16:24
teletubbywhat if i restart my pc?16:24
arraybolt3sudo apt update16:24
arraybolt3maybe your package cache is out-of-date or somehow weird16:24
tomreynmcc: those usually reduce your chances of a 'correct, healthy do-release-upgrade', often a lot.16:24
arraybolt3teletubby: to be clear, you are running Ubuntu 22.04 right?16:25
arraybolt3Real Ubuntu? Not a derivative like Pop!_OS?16:25
teletubbyi went to the ubuntu site16:25
mccIs this message during a full-upgrade alarming? It doesn't look alarming but just checking: "dpkg: warning: unable to delete old directory '/var/cache/ubuntu-advantage-tools': Directory not empty"16:25
arraybolt3hmm, that pastebin looks worrying16:25
teletubbyig ill just go to windows16:26
arraybolt3apt is refusing to update the software database because you have a bad repo in your list of repositories.16:26
teletubbywhat other choice have i got16:26
teletubbybad repo?16:26
tomreynteletubby: it's a debian mirror16:26
arraybolt3teletubby: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d16:26
teletubbyazlux.list  kismet.list  obsproject-ubuntu-obs-studio-jammy.list16:26
teletubbycould it be qbittorent16:27
arraybolt3no, it's azlux16:27
teletubbywhats azlux16:27
arraybolt3A repo you added at some point.16:27
arraybolt3or that someone else added for you perhaps16:27
teletubbydont remember16:27
teletubbyso how do i get rid of it16:27
arraybolt3It says "This is an extra repository providing up-to-date archives for open-source projects."16:27
tomreynah no, not a debian mirror, sorry16:27
teletubbyshould i get rid of it16:28
arraybolt3teletubby: it might help16:28
teletubbyhow do i do that16:28
arraybolt3one sec16:28
arraybolt3I'd use ppa-purge but it needs to be called in a very particular way in order to work here.16:28
arraybolt3teletubby: sudo apt install ppa-purge16:29
tomreynmcc: no, i would not think that's much of an issue.16:29
teletubbynow what arraybolt316:30
arraybolt3sigh, now that I look at it, this repo can't be easily ppa-purged after all.16:30
teletubbyis it a virus or what16:30
arraybolt3no, it's a weird URL format limitation in ppa-purge16:30
arraybolt3it looks like you installed your system, followed random guides to get newer stuff, and now it's causing issues.16:30
teletubbynow what ?16:31
teletubbymy bad for saying that16:31
arraybolt3At this point, I'd reinstall Ubuntu from scratch since there's no telling what all has been broken or otherwise made to work incorrectly. Then only use software from the official repos unless you can't get it any other way or absolutely need a newer version of something.16:31
arraybolt3Then you should be able to isntall libusb-1.0-0-dev and the SDR software you're trying to use.16:31
arraybolt3And stay away from random "how to install XYZ" guides on the Internet, those are wrong all too often.16:32
teletubbyi need obs studio, hexchat and sdr software16:32
teletubbythats enough16:32
teletubbywell ill be back16:32
arraybolt3ppa-purge *really* needs support for more than just PPAs. The fact that you can hack it into working with other things, but not if it doesn't like the URL, is severely frustrating.16:33
tomreynit also doesn't handle the situation where a signing key is missing or expired16:34
teletubbyim on phone now16:35
tomreynor where the repository no longer exists16:35
teletubbyim reinstalling16:35
teletubbyobs studio, hexchat, sdr software16:35
teletubbythats all i need16:35
tomreynteletubby: if you need a log of what you and others said previously, there's https://irclogs.ubuntu.com (it can take half an hour to update)16:36
teletubbyno need i saved it here16:36
teletubbyJust 3 software16:36
teletubbythats all I need16:36
arraybolt3teletubby: Hexchat and OBS Studio are both in the Ubuntu repos.16:45
arraybolt3So just `sudo apt install hexchat obs-studio`16:45
arraybolt3teletubby: Then follow the directions for your SDR software and they should work now that you don't have third-party repos in the way.16:46
teletubbyokay will do16:47
teletubbyits halfway done with reinstallation for OS16:47
teletubbyit installed arraybolt317:01
tomreynteletubby: i don't think it's strictly necessary to keep us posted about your installation progress - you are welcome to ask questions when you have any.17:02
teletubbysudo apt update17:06
teletubbyE: could not get lock /var/lib/lock17:06
teletubbywhat is this now17:06
teletubbyit is held by process 3069?17:06
tomreynyou often have this on a fresh installation.    ps 3069    will probably show this is aptdaemon17:07
tomreynit happens because the background process which runs to check for available updates (and would later trigger the GUI update prompt to be shown) runs at the same time as your manual apt commands17:08
tomreynit will probably be done in a minute or two17:09
teletubbystill locked by 306917:14
teletubbycant install any apps17:14
teletubbygoddamn it17:14
teletubbyill wait17:15
leftyfbteletubby: let it finish. Be patient17:15
leftyfbteletubby: sudo tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log    # run this and you can watch it doing updates17:15
teletubby2testing irc on ubuntu17:21
teletubby2can't get on my phone now, SDR now works17:24
arraybolt3teletubby2: o/17:24
teletubby2sdr works after OS reinstall17:24
teletubby2thanks for helping17:27
teletubby2i can now make a portable station17:27
devslashI wrote a cron job that looks like this: 0 3 * * * /root/startRsync > /root/rsynclogs but it is not executing ever. I meant for it to run daily at 3 AM every day . Is this syntax correct ?17:52
leftyfbdevslash: journalctl -u cron |grep startRsync17:56
leftyfbdevslash: also, I would recommend using a systemd service and timer as opposed to cron. You have more control and recovery options17:56
pragmaticenigmadevslash: You will want to make sure that startRsync is executable, and I think you need to run it as /root/./startRsync17:58
leftyfbit does need to be executable but specifying the latter isn't necessary17:58
pragmaticenigmaor else put the script executer in front of it such as /bin/bash /root/startRsync. Cron does not have the same environment variables set as it does in the interactive terminal17:58
devslashleftyb i cant do that. I have no idea how18:03
devslashthe script is executable18:04
pragmaticenigmadoes it have the #! defined at the top, pointing to the correct interpreter?18:04
leftyfbdevslash: https://medium.com/@benmorel/creating-a-linux-service-with-systemd-611b5c8b91d618:06
leftyfbdevslash: https://linuxhandbook.com/create-systemd-services/18:06
leftyfbit's not that hard18:06
leftyfbonce you get the .service file created, running and tested, then you can make it run with a timer18:07
leftyfbdevslash: https://opensource.com/article/20/7/systemd-timers18:07
derek-shnoshUbuntu 23.10 Gnome/Wayland session... I'm having to right-click to paste copied text to any terminal app (gnome-terminal, tilix). To clarify, if I copy text from a .txt|.md file and use CTRL+V to paste it into any other app it works. In the terminals I'm accustomed to using SHIFT+INS to paste, but the copied text doesn't paste.18:22
derek-shnoshIt seems the terminals are maintaining a different clipboard for pasting with hotkeys. If I right-click > paste, it works fine.18:22
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: I'm not sure what terminal emulator is available in 23.10, but you should be able to use 'ctrl' + 'shift' + 'v' for pasting into the terminal18:23
derek-shnoshThing is the CTRL+INS works for paste, but its pasting "different?" clipboard data... like something that I may have previously copied from the terminal.18:24
leftyfbshift+ins works for me in both gnome-terminal and terminator on ubuntu 22.04. Though I wasn't even aware that that was a thing. I've always used CTRL+SHIFT+V18:25
derek-shnoshYeah CTRL/SHIFT+INS is what I'm accustomed to using because most of the stuff I work with as a network engineer is unix shell based.18:25
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: Do you have some sort of clipboard manager/history extension installed?18:26
=== pikapika is now known as miliantorc
ice9is this output of the 'w' command correct for only 1 logged in user? and why the second line is showing 57days IDLE if this session is few minutes only? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/4idhXqPs18:36
leftyfbice9: 1 is for your desktop, the other is for your tty session18:39
ice9leftyfb, right but i'm only logged into a gnome-shell session and no other terminals, even if I ran the command 'tty' in the terminal emulator, I get a name like "/dev/pts/0", not tty318:44
leftyfbice9: CTRL+ALT+F318:45
ice9leftyfb, ok, so CTRL+ALT+F1 is the GDM and CTRL+ALT-F3 is the current session; thanks; but why is it showing IDLE for 57days?18:46
ice9and why GDM has name "seat" not tty1?18:46
BGZTHi all, may I ask a technical question?18:56
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pragmaticenigmaice9: "seat" is a feature of systemd-logind, which manages the tty instances. seat puts itself where traditionall tty1 would be, and for each user that logs in, assigns to the next available tty instance.18:56
pragmaticenigmaice9: if I understand it correctly, it's part of a virtualization technique. If you wanted you could have multi-seat setup where one machine supports multiple sets of Keyboards, Mice, and Monitors and allocates other resources accordingly. Similar to a VM18:59
derek-shnoshBGZT: fire away.18:59
BGZTWhen updating my RPi Ubuntu 20.04 (ARM) distro, I encounter a "No space left on device error" but I think somehow that is not the real problem, since there are over 52 GB of space left on the device.19:02
BGZTupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-1047-raspi19:03
BGZTcp: error writing '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_sTcKuH//usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libmount.so.1.1.0': No space left on device19:03
BGZTcp: error writing '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_sTcKuH//usr/sbin/logsave': No space left on device19:03
BGZTcp: error writing '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_sTcKuH//usr/sbin/e2fsck': No space left on device19:03
BGZTE: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/fsck failed with return 1.19:03
BGZTupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-1047-raspi with 1.19:03
leftyfb!paste | BGZT19:05
ubottuBGZT: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:05
BGZTOK. Sorry. I didn't mean to bother anyone. I'll do so next time. My apologies...19:06
leftyfbBGZT: also, /var/tmp is a ram disk/mount. You ran out of memory. To be honest, I don't know that I've ever heard of ubuntu being upgraded in-place on a pi. Personally I just get another sd card and set it up again19:06
BGZTWell, the disk is almost empty and working with no errors so I don't get the point on changing the card...19:07
leftyfbBGZT: because it's cheap and easy19:07
ioriaBGZT, df -i19:08
leftyfbioria: that ran out of memory on the /var/tmp ramdisk19:09
BGZTYes but if it really is not the issue, maybe with a 1 TB card might crash either19:09
leftyfbBGZT: again, it's a memory issue, nothing to do with storage19:09
BGZTAha. So is there any trick or something I could do?19:10
ioriahave we checked the ram usage ?19:10
BGZTNo I didn't check the ram usage19:11
BGZTHow can I do that?19:11
leftyfbBGZT: there's probably several things you can do, but it's going to take a lot more work and a lot more time to do this in-place upgrade that will have cruft than it will to just start with a new sd card19:11
ioriaBGZT, free -m19:12
leftyfbioria: I'm pretty sure the installer cleans up after itself when it's done so the current usage won't reflect the issue19:12
BGZTYou mean a new ROM install?19:12
leftyfbBGZT: no, sd card19:12
ioriai see19:12
EickmeyerThe only way I've been able to do an in-place upgrade on a pi is by mounting a swapfile, at least temporarily.19:12
leftyfbBGZT: get a new sd card, flash ubuntu 22.04 onto it, put it in pi, boot and reinstall your applications and restore from your backup19:13
leftyfbEickmeyer: right, putting a pretty decent strain on the sd card in the process19:13
Eickmeyersd cards are cheap.19:13
leftyfbBGZT: this is more than likely a pi3, y point above is even more valid now19:14
EickmeyerIf necessary, connect an external drive via USB and mount a swap partition there or a swapfile there. :P19:14
leftyfbBGZT: it's not going to be worth the time and effort to do an in-place upgrade over just getting a new card card and starting over and restoring from backup. Or just wipe the card you have and start over and restore from backup19:15
BGZTIndeed, it is a RPi 3B+ and right now I cannot access physically it because I would have to walk for a while or take my car...19:15
pragmaticenigmapretty sure nearly all official documentation from anyone releasing a Raspberry Pi version, all say: Do not upgrade the OS version, re-flash a new image to the card19:16
BGZTSo I got a point on doing an in-place upgrade, but should it be impossible or hard, I will do as you say...19:17
leftyfbit's possible, but not worth it19:18
leftyfband you probably won't be happy with the result19:18
EickmeyerLet's make sure we're consulting official Ubuntu documentation on this before other sources per !guidelines, if it exists.19:18
BGZTI understand19:18
EickmeyerBGZT: That wasn't necessarily directed at you.19:19
BGZTHaha sorry, I was referring at you all in general, and thank you anyway19:20
BGZTI am using webchat and I still don't understand very well the interface19:21
BGZTSo once I typed and went throughout this procedure, is there any way I can revert the process, or how may I now about the current situation?19:25
pragmaticenigmaEickmeyer: If it matters, I'm drawing the documentation from the hardware manufacturer, which in each release have advised against in place os upgrades on their hardware. So it is documented, at the hardware manufacturer level. Pardon me for not having a quick link at the ready to back up that claim. As I'm sure trying to google the word "Ubuntu" "upgrade" and "Raspberry PI" nets a large number of results to parse through on a moments19:26
pragmaticenigmanotice to satisfy your statement.19:26
leftyfbBGZT: hold on, it looks like you're just doing normal updates and not and upgrade to a new release19:27
leftyfbBGZT: unless you modified /etc/apt/sources.list first19:27
BGZTI don't think I modified sources, but I must confess yesterday I did type an apt-get update and after that apt-get upgrade19:28
BGZTAnd I got to this point19:28
leftyfbBGZT: reboot and run your commands again19:29
BGZTI've already done that19:29
BGZTAnd still the same19:29
pragmaticenigmaHow long since your last run of package updates? (aka apt-get upgrade)19:30
BGZTMaybe one year19:30
BGZTOr even more19:30
BGZTIn fact I think I have never upgraded it before19:31
pragmaticenigmaBGZT: To answer your question: Is it possible to rescue this install? Yes... But it's going to take a lot of time and honestly, I'd go get the device backup what's important from it, and then I'd flash a fresh image on it and restore your configurations and data.19:35
BGZTI understand. So from now on, what 64 bit distribution would you guys recommend for a device like a RPi 3B+ ?19:37
leftyfbit looks like the install isn't currently broken19:37
BGZT(May you pardon for the question)19:37
leftyfbjust the kernel apt update19:37
BGZTYeah that is what I believe19:38
leftyfbthe problem is, maybe you are running too many things taking up memory that is preventing you from doing the update19:38
leftyfbBGZT: is this running a desktop?19:38
BGZTI think in principle I have nothing installed19:38
leftyfbyou have nothing installed?19:39
BGZTI mean nothing that I did on purpose19:39
leftyfbBGZT: wipe it and start over19:39
BGZTHow can I do that without breaking the OS?19:39
BGZTI mean the home folder is empty19:39
leftyfbyou have nothing installed so there's nothing to worry about breaking19:39
leftyfbjust start over19:39
BGZTYou mean a new disk flash19:40
leftyfball this effort over losing nothing of importance19:41
BGZTYes, you definitely convinced me, so my question is should I install a ubuntu distro or would you recommend something else?19:41
leftyfbBGZT: it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense or anyone in #ubuntu to recommend anything other than ubuntu19:42
BGZTHaha yes I understand but we are talking about an embedded machine, not exactly a laptop, server or PC19:43
BGZTBut anyway, I understand your point19:43
leftyfbBGZT: I run ubuntu on bunch of pi's19:43
telestationshould i install git?19:43
telestationsounds stupid but bcz of that one repository im curious19:43
leftyfbtelestation: only you can answer that19:44
telestationi need to install this19:44
telestationto track airplanes19:44
leftyfbtelestation: sorry, but we cannot support 3rd party applications that aren't from the official ubuntu repositories19:45
telestation"Since Git lacks authentication and verification measures, that makes both Git and the hosting platform GitHub unsafe"19:46
telestationaccording to google19:46
leftyfbtelestation: feel free to discuss that in #security19:46
leftyfbor #git19:47
BGZTOK, thank you all for your answers. You were very helpful and probably saved me from hours of useless effort19:49
lubuntuthis is painful20:08
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derek-shnoshOh, what a fun day... I rebooted Ubuntu 22.04 while connected to a VPN (palo alto global protect client) which obviously killed the connection... but now after reboot I get no DNS.21:21
derek-shnoshI removed a couple lines that were specific to the VPN connection from /etc/resolve.conf and restarted systemd.resolved, but still nothing.21:21
derek-shnoshThis is what I get when I try `dig google.com`... https://dpaste.com/3RZ8LV82L21:22
derek-shnoshThis is what my current `resolvectl status` looks like... https://dpaste.com/GEQ6A2TCR21:23
leftyfbderek-shnosh: you shouldn't be modifying /etc/resolv.conf21:23
derek-shnoshleftyfb: agree, but those entries were added by the VPN client software, so I removed them in hopes that it would fix the issue.21:24
leftyfbderek-shnosh: if you have no DNS, you either have some custom configs that are causing issues or there is something wrong with your network21:24
leftyfbderek-shnosh: ls -l /etc/resolv.conf    # what does this give you?21:24
derek-shnoshFigured it out... grabbed the default configs from /etc/resolv.conf from a cloned VM and put them back into this one.21:26
derek-shnoshBroken state I had `options edns0 trust-ad` only... needed two more lines defining nameserver and search domains.. `nameserver ; search .`21:27
leftyfbderek-shnosh: ls -l /etc/resolv.conf    # what does this give you?21:27
derek-shnoshThe issue is resolved... but "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 920 Dec 21 14:58 /etc/resolv.conf"21:27
leftyfbderek-shnosh: then that means you have customized your system and are not using the built-in network stack21:28
derek-shnoshUnless the VPN client customized it, I have not. This is a default Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS install.21:29
leftyfbderek-shnosh: if I were you, I would run:   sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.broken && sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf21:29
derek-shnoshI will consider it... however, while not symlinked, the end result is the same, the file contents matches.21:30
leftyfbderek-shnosh: except your DNS will probably not work in some cases21:31
leftyfbput it back to the default which is a stub resolver from systemd-resolved21:31
derek-shnoshleftyfb: sorry, stepped away. Thank you, will do.21:45
derek-shnoshleftyfb: interesting, just rebuilt a 22.04.3 VM from scratch, ran updates, installed the VPN client, the whole process... this one does have the symlink. I'm unsure how these VMs ended up without it, but I'm comfortable reverting.22:05
dzwdzare there any recommended tools for building ubuntu packages on non-ubuntu systems?22:18
wildofacing the same issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1448596/text-is-blurry-ubuntu-22-0423:36
wildowhy is ubuntu so rubbish?23:37
wildoit's not 2009 anymore23:37
wildoand it's not like their hiring process is any easy either23:37
wildoso how come these can't do multi monitor right23:37
wildosmh :|23:37

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