=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher [12:56] tetalab === torv_ is now known as torv [14:50] has anyone here gotten the browse by album art plugin for rhythmbox to work or is it just too old now? [14:50] i haven't had any luck [14:52] xu-irc67w: you could try asking in #gnome-rhythmbox [14:53] ...according to https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/ [14:53] hmm when i click on #gnome-rhythmbox it says i need to be logged in [14:53] i'll set that up later [14:55] hmm, that's right. there are only 3 people there anyways, though [14:55] oof [14:55] only three? [14:55] you could try their web forum instead [14:58] hmm "Browse by album" is not listed at https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/Plugins [14:58] is this a third party plugin? [14:58] yes it is [14:58] i found some more complete instructions on ask ubuntu [14:58] i'm going to give that a try today [14:59] might need to get in touch with the plugin developer then [14:59] for some reason i can't remember artist names but i will immediately recognize the album art === pikapika is now known as miliantorc [19:55] so i'm not having any luck on the browse by album art plugin [19:55] what i have managed to install just doesn't work [23:13] now that my laptop is stabilized i'd like to know what options i have for the audio driver [23:13] it's still using generic and the quality for the mic is horrible [23:14] xu-irc67w, are you the one with lenovo pc? [23:14] yeah, sorry i keep coming back [23:15] i just don't know how to fix it [23:16] well lenovo is notorious to have worse ever Linux support for their hardware and mic quality is not an exception, i had tons of lenovo pcs to fix and all of theme were horrible. [23:16] just my luck huh? [23:17] seems like a lot of companies try to make linux as hard as possible [23:17] but i'm not giving it up, this is the comfiest computer i've ever used [23:17] well after my desktop anyway [23:17] ok first how did you get it 'stable' enough as you said? [23:19] ninja kernel [23:20] that stopped the gpu errors [23:20] so with ninja kernel you get no crashes? [23:20] nope [23:20] discord crashes every now and then, but the system stays up [23:20] i even got minecraft working [23:22] well the apps crashes that's a complete different story, the most important thing is that the system doesn't crash. [23:22] ok now let's see how do you test your mic and what's wrong with it? [23:22] it's audio quality [23:22] i used both discord and audacity to test it [23:22] both are very bad [23:23] i've been using a USB soundcard and a mic for now but this thing only has 2 usb ports [23:23] so are you talking about the internal mic or what? [23:24] yes the internal [23:24] the usb one works perfectly [23:24] the onboard doesn't have the right driver [23:24] if it didn't have the correct driver it wouldn't work at all. [23:25] so it might just be a very bad mic [23:25] ok now either describe how it sounds or upload an example somewhere. [23:26] it sounds almost robotic [23:26] is there a place i can use similar to pastebin to post a sample? [23:27] xu-irc67w, maybe imgur.com [23:34] i found a way [23:34] https://youtu.be/Ks-iuFr8FiM?feature=shared [23:35] it's pretty bad [23:35] oh ok, let's try to disable boost. [23:35] settings manager then? [23:36] nope we need to modify some configs. [23:36] darn [23:36] ok [23:37] first we need to backup so run: [23:37] cp /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-internal-mic.conf ~/ [23:38] ok [23:39] it's backed up [23:39] pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY mousepad /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-internal-mic.conf [23:39] ok i'm there [23:39] i need to learn more of this [23:39] it will open the config for editig, press Ctrl+F and search for: Element Internal Mic Boost [23:40] ok i found it [23:41] change: [23:41] volume = merge [23:41] to [23:41] volume = zero [23:41] done [23:41] then look for: Element Int Mic Boost [23:41] after that: Element Mic Boost [23:42] and do the same thing. [23:42] element mic boost only has switch = off and volume = off [23:43] ok then leave that one as it is. [23:43] element int mic boost was changed though [23:43] ok if you are done with this one then save, close and run: [23:43] cp /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-mic.conf ~/ [23:44] done [23:44] pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY mousepad /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-mic.conf [23:44] and do the same procedure, look for those elements and change volume to zero [23:45] only one of those options exists in this file and it's set to switch = off and voume = off [23:46] oh wait i found another [23:46] ok done [23:46] when you are done then save, close and run: pulseaudio -k [23:46] after that check the microphone in audacity. [23:47] oh that's SO much better [23:47] you have no idea [23:47] sorry i keep bugging you guys [23:47] ok now you can adjust the volume from pavucontrol [23:48] and one more thing to take into account. [23:48] what's that? [23:49] even though in audacity it might sound ok, in the browser it might be a different story because their WebRTC tends to boost the mic and autoadjust which messes things up, so if you have this issue int the browser of other app then look through the settings and disable mic autoadjusting. [23:49] in the browser you can do it via flags.