
=== luna_ is now known as lunazest
=== luna_ is now known as lunazest
daftykinshappy holidays to all :D just been out for a couple of jars22:54
penguin42daftykins: A quiet and uneventful holidays to you sir22:56
daftykins*tips hat*22:58
daftykinspenguin42: don't forget to give the north the word that davef is incoming - we need to protest those jaffa cakes!22:59
penguin42daftykins: Right, we're starting the cut from the wash across to Bristol, hopefully the moat will be deep enough23:00
daftykinshere's hoping we can defend against the invader23:01
davefNoted, thanks. South East is firmly in my grasp.23:02
daftykinsseems like none of us have that region covered yep, so you might be in with luck23:02

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