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BluesKajHi all14:25
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> im using kernel 6.2 and it reached EOL should i upgrade to another one or downgrade to 5.15?14:45
BluesKajupgrade, but that depends on you kubuntu version as well14:48
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> 22.04 LTS14:49
BluesKajscuse my poor spelling14:49
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> every thing is up to date14:49
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> it's totally ok (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> scuse my poor spelling)14:50
BluesKajupgrade for sure14:50
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> what kernel Version do you recommend?14:50
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> i wanna do 6.6.6 lts but i think kubuntu 24.04 will be using it14:50
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> so i think i will go for 6.514:51
BluesKajthe standard version for 22.0414:51
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> @RikMills will this be ok?14:51
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> it is too old 5.15 (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> the standard version for 22.04)14:51
BluesKajI'm testing 24.04 atm and it's using 6.5.0-10-generic14:52
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Is there any difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu other than DE?14:58
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> I guess it's somewhat difficult to say where the DE ends and where system tweaks and modifications begin. I remember I had some issues with mounting networked drives on kubuntu about an year ago but now it seems to be fine. Ubuntu on the other hand did that really well. Default file managers are a part of the DE and so I'd still classify that as a difference in the DE.15:12
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> You might notice some similar differences between the two. But nothing too major.15:20
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Both are official ? Different team ?15:21
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Yeah both are official. Don't really know much about the teams though. Work that goes into ubuntu does benefit kubuntu as well since kubuntu is based on ubuntu and code tweaks done to kubuntu may end in ubuntu due to the open source nature of these projects.15:35
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Ah and ubuntu tends to have longer support cycles. But the 3 years of kubuntu is probably long enough for most users.15:45
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> so i should use 6.4? (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> I'm testing 24.04 atm and it's using 6.5.0-10-generic)15:47
Your_DogIm quite happy though that kubuntu offers backports for the latest KDE versions16:00
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Plasma 6 ? Didnt know that is possible (re @IrcsomeBot: <Your_Dog> Im quite happy though that kubuntu offers backports for the latest KDE versions)16:10
Your_DogNah its at 5.29 right now. Dunno if there are plans for 616:11
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> i don't think so (re @MarkoB90: Plasma 6 ? Didnt know that is possible)16:11
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> kubuntu 24.04 will not have plasma 616:11
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> it's is too early for plasma 616:12
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> kubuntu 24.10 will have it16:12
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> After March, when plasma 6 is released ? (re @Omarvx211: kubuntu 24.10 will have it)16:12
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> i think the release date is on feb (re @MarkoB90: After March, when plasma 6 is released ?)16:14
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> I am on Ubuntu atm, thinking of trying Kubuntu :)16:14
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> kubuntu 22.04 LTS is already using plasma 5.27.10 via backports16:15
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> which is the leatest (re @Omarvx211: kubuntu 22.04 LTS is already using plasma 5.27.10 via backports)16:15
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> I encourage you (re @MarkoB90: I am on Ubuntu atm, thinking of trying Kubuntu :))16:17
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> it is so great and stable16:17
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> What about Kubuntu  23.10 ?  Is it possible to switch on LTS from it when a new one is out , like on Ubuntu ?16:20
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Better than Ubuntu ? ;) (re @Omarvx211: it is so great and stable)16:21
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> the difference is in the DE and ive tried fedora with gnome and i didnt like it so for me yeah there are just so much more option in kde (re @MarkoB90: Better than Ubuntu ? ;))16:24
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> yh (re @MarkoB90: What about Kubuntu  23.10 ?  Is it possible to switch on LTS from it when a new one is out , like on Ubuntu ?)16:25
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Ok, thanks.. downloading Kubuntu 23.10 :)16:26
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> and look  for nala it is like a better APT16:26
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> great idea (re @MarkoB90: Ok, thanks.. downloading Kubuntu 23.10 :))16:26
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> I used KDE on Arch , will see how it is on Ubuntu :)16:27
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> i only tried lts releases and i don't know about the stability of a non lts but i heared it is very stable too16:27
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> how is it on arch? (re @MarkoB90: I used KDE on Arch , will see how it is on Ubuntu :))16:27
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> i really want fedora kde but i hated dnf16:28
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> so slow16:28
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> and i think pacman is complecated16:28
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> It is ok on Arch, but found Gnome better16:28
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> how better? (re @MarkoB90: It is ok on Arch, but found Gnome better)16:28
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Smoother ..but will see how it is on Kubuntu16:29
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> ok good luck16:29
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> hi20:13

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