=== johnjohn101 is now known as Guest9504 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:29] Hello, anyone able to help me diagnose a problem with NetworkManager in noble? (iwlist scanning shows network interface working; NetworkManager says "wifi unavailable" and so I can't connect via wifi) [12:29] nmtui does not show the wifi interface (wlp4s0) in the devices list when I try to activate a connection... How can I make it aware of that interface? [12:29] wifi card is intel8265 (in Thinkpad T570) [13:52] beh: maybe it's disabled? "rfkill" should know [14:41] $ sudo rfkill list [14:41] 0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth [14:41] Soft blocked: no [14:41] Hard blocked: no [14:41] 1: tpacpi_wwan_sw: Wireless WAN [14:41] Soft blocked: no [14:43] Nothing disabled ... -> https://dpaste.com/726PMNDX2 [15:45] can you share a fully dmesg, or at least anything regarding initialization and renaming of the wireless interfaces and the usb port it is assigned to? [15:55] https://dpaste.com/BJG8MAHFV [16:21] beh: remove or upgrade virtualbox (probably unrelated, but spams your dmesg with UBSAN errors). Uninstall the 'wl' module (the proprietary Broadcom wireless LAN driver aka broadcom-sta). [16:38] https://dpaste.com/7KB8BR5VV (after removing virtualbox, wl... ...following another reboot... -- NetworkManager still says "wifi unavailable") [16:48] beh: so nmcli does not list wlp4s0 ? [16:48] ... it does show it this time: [16:49] https://dpaste.com/7KB8BR5VV [16:49] wlp4s0: unavailable [16:49] same paste as above (dmesg) [16:49] (ignore dpaste - that was the previous link) -- nmcli says it's unavailable... [16:49] does it say more than that? [16:50] yeah, sorry - hadn't copied the line yet and just re-pasted - my bad...) [16:50] full nmcli output: https://dpaste.com/9S8JEXK9N [16:53] nmcli device output: https://dpaste.com/8ZLGSLX66 [16:57] beh: hmm, i'm not seeing anything wrong other than it being unavailable to nmcli. are you dual booting with windows and using fast startup there by chance? [16:58] no - single booting only... It's bad enough to have to use windows at the office... ;-) [17:00] does "iwlist scan" list APs? [17:03] It does... --> https://dpaste.com/EYYUJ43Q2 [17:05] also added iwconfig output for the device... [17:06] and rfkill still doesn't say its disabled? [17:06] and you still cant configure it in network manager? [17:07] rfkill output still unchanged - nothing shown as blocked... [17:10] https://dpaste.com/BEZYQKUH9 -- nmtui doesn't show the wifi interface... [17:11] you scrolled down, too? [17:12] i'm a bit puzzled there, not sure how to proceed. maybe disabling power saving might work [17:12] ...you see the 3 blank lines at the bottom...? The window was tall enough to show the entire list - with 12 empty lines at the bottom... nothing else there... [17:14] disable power saving - where do I do that? (apart from the GUI config, switching from "Balanced" to "Performance"?) [17:15] i mean wireless power saving, it's a setting in a NM configuration file [17:16] somewhere in here, i think /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ [17:16] wifi.powersave defaults to 3, set it to 2 to disable [17:16] currently at wifi.powersave = 3 [17:19] changed to 2 in conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf ; restarted NetworkManager - no change === beh_ is now known as beh [17:29] :-/ [17:31] wifi used to work on this machine - but at home I'm mostly using wired ethernet - just staying over Christmas with the in-laws at the moment - no wired connection here... :-( [17:32] @tomreyn: Thank you for attempting to help, even if we haven't figured out the solution yet... [17:33] beh_: got a mobile phone you can tether through? [17:34] That's what I'm doing at the moment... But that connection isn't very fast here... (ok - on the plus side - it doesn't eat up my roaming allowance that quickly that way... ;-) [17:39] hehe. good luck