
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Mandem0110Why am I banned from discuss?14:17
Mandem0110Not even a mute. Straight ban for 1sr offence. Not fair.14:19
Mandem0110If lotus wasn't ignorant I wouldn't be banned.14:20
Mandem0110It's called having manners.14:20
Mandem0110How long is the ban for?14:20
Mandem0110Helpful as ever.14:27
Mandem0110You can shove your channel where the sun doesn't shine. Bye.14:38
eli see that spamming -discuss at everyone is working out well17:59
hggdhI also note that, although aggressive, the comment was not really that critical to warrant a ban18:48
hggdhOTOH, the entries from Mandem* here are pretty much run-of-the-mill for trolls18:50
elim not in -discuss to see what happened (and don't intend to because i'll end up being grumpier)20:39
tomreyndon't blame me for making you grumpier, but there are logs.20:47

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