=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [15:55] does anyone know offhand if a desktop environment will auto-start on boot if installed on ubuntu-server? [15:57] depends on how you install it [15:57] but if you install ubuntu-desktop, is it really ubuntu-server anymore? [16:02] it's not for me, it's for a single user who is more comfortable with a gui instead of a console who will be using it, mostly, as a glorified network drive and remote accessible file server, I'll be doing the day to day with it via ssh so It's just for them, I just don't want the desktop environment to start on launch and want it to die on their [16:02] logout [18:00] Hi, i have lost all my saved money to FTX jews around 20000 dollars. [18:00] Please help me live. Please help me. [18:00] BTC :   bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw2