
salleydoes this chat not work well with proton ?00:18
salleyseems like most ip are blocked00:20
rboxlibera might block it from abuse00:20
salleyic ok00:20
salleyI quit nvidia , and am now using an old radeon card, why does ubuntu run light years better with an old radeon card compared to nvidia / thanks.00:26
salleyno comparison00:27
rboxwhat do you mean "run better"00:28
salleyit runs circles around nvidia, its only a business machine too.00:28
rboxstill not saying anything useful...00:30
salleyok, ask me what should be looked for regarding my statement.00:30
rbox[05:28:23 PM] <rbox> what do you mean "run better"00:30
salley10x faster with no slow down lockups and or funky errors on boot.00:31
rboxwgats faster, what driver were you using00:31
salleyidk, it came with it and searching drivers gives nothing , havent looked at synaptic yet tho to see.00:32
salleyits a 5470 card, i think00:33
salleyTurks PRO [Radeon HD 6570/7570/8550 / R5 230]00:33
rboxthe nvidia...00:34
salleyno bottle necks with a 8 core intel00:34
salleywell, regardless of what i use nivdia  specifically the 1650, it slows down, gives errors, and locks up, no matter the driver00:35
salleyi even tried an old 710 and its the same00:35
rboxwhat do you mena "no matter the driver"00:36
salleythis radeon card blows the doors off of anything nvidia ive tried.00:36
salleyi tried 535/47000:37
rboxi dont know waht 535/470 is00:37
salleyso, what should we look for00:37
salleyic lol00:38
salleydun dun dun00:38
salleyim blond, but not THAT blond.00:39
salleyhow can ubuntu tackle these problems00:43
salleyrbox  why does nvidia not work00:44
rboxwhat driver...00:44
rboxwaht is 53500:45
rboxthats a number00:45
salleyit is the number of said driver for nvidia.00:45
rboxwhat driver00:46
salleydriver number 53500:46
salleynvidia driver number 53500:47
salleyrbox  how many qubits are available00:48
salleyrbox  what driver are we to suggest.00:50
salleyrbox gone lol00:51
salleymerry christmas rbox00:52
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kotgcHow to move an AppImage file to a permanent location and create a desktop icon? This guide is wrong https://askubuntu.com/questions/1328196/how-can-i-create-desktop-entry-for-an-appimage04:30
kotgcStep 3 is not a directory, so I've moved the AppImage to /usr/bin.04:31
kotgcStep 4 is not a directory also?04:31
salleyim giving up computers - back im 01- when we started abba computers in ocala fl - I knew in my gut - we were dead meat - im now giving up technology.04:32
salleyphuch you04:32
kotgcsalley, this is tech support, not chat.04:32
salleyim now done04:33
salleyjohn 8:4404:33
kotgcmoderator kick salley04:33
salleythese are the days people04:33
salleyI had dreams back in 198304:34
salleyyou were warned04:34
salleymy last post is -- john 3;16 KJV04:34
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spinningCatthere is a wireless connection i could connect but now i cannot connet that network. What cna i do to solve problem?07:17
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mIk3_08Merry Christmas everyone.07:20
xmas-rednosedMerry Christmas mIk3_08 :)07:25
kotgcmIk3_08, happy pagan solstice.07:48
croraf_Why is this always obsolete :( https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html08:56
croraf_Where to find up-to-date mainline kernel mapping08:57
lotuspsychje!mainline | croraf_08:57
ubottucroraf_: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:57
croraf_It points to the same list of kernels, which is out of date08:59
lotuspsychjedid you find the https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/?C=N;O=D link?09:00
croraf_Not sure what is that09:06
croraf_I mean, my point still holds, that the above mapping list is always out of date09:07
dunamisHi guys, I need some help. I installed Ubuntu Studio on a MicroSSD and the installation went fine. Except that having installed grub on the same partition there is no way and I find the grub prompt at startup... after some research I realized that it really can't find the MicroSSD from UEFI.09:12
dunamisDoing exit reboot on Windows 1109:12
dunamisDoing exit reboot on Windows 1109:13
EriC^^dunamis: you also have another ubuntu installation on the pc? or just the ubuntu you installed and windows 11?09:14
dunamisjust this one09:14
dunamiswindows 11 and ubuntu studio on MicroSSD09:15
EriC^^ok when you get the grub prompt is it grub> or grub rescue> ?09:15
dunamisonly grub09:15
EriC^^can you boot it and be here at the same time?09:15
dunamismmm... maybe from my smartphone09:16
EriC^^you can head to https://web.libera.chat/ and get on irc from there09:17
dunamisok, I'm lookin for it09:18
dunamis2Ok I reboot my pc09:19
dunamis2Ok here I am on grub prompt09:22
EriC^^dunamis2: ok type "ls /boot/grub/grub.cfg"09:22
dunamis2Invalid file name09:24
dunamis2Actually I can't find a grub directory09:24
EriC^^type "ls -l"09:26
EriC^^is there a ext* filesystem there in the list?09:27
EriC^^did it give a list of partitions?09:28
dunamis2No ext4 filesystem09:29
EriC^^you need to find which one has ubuntu, "ls (hd0,gpt1)/" for example and when you see /boot /root /etc /usr blabla then that's the one09:29
EriC^^give them a go til it shows the main directories09:30
EriC^^ubuntu isnt encrypted right?09:30
dunamis2Yes but I can't find it from this prompt. Only on (hd0,gpt1) I find a grub.cfg inside /EFI/Ubuntu pointing one the UUID of the MicroSSD but I can see it only from the live09:33
dunamis2I can't remember very well09:33
dunamis2Maybe I have to reinstall it09:34
dunamis2And be sure it isn't encrypted09:35
forexwhat is the best channel, newbe in the block09:35
dunamis2From Dolphin in the Live I can see the partition of Ubuntu Studio09:35
dunamis2inside the MicroSSD device09:36
EriC^^dunamis2: ok try to reinstall09:38
EriC^^during the installation choose 'something else' and manually partition instead of 'reinstall' in case the installer messes up and installs to windows 11 by mistake09:39
EriC^^dunamis2: ^09:39
dunamis2I have a boot-repair log... https://pastebin.com/u9NjvveK09:40
dunamis2Can you understand it?09:40
EriC^^dunamis2: does grub see the microssd when you do "ls -l" ?09:41
EriC^^from the log it seems that grub is also installed in the windows 11 drive09:41
EriC^^that's the problem then09:42
EriC^^grub cant see the microssd09:43
dunamis2Yes it seems it09:43
EriC^^does the bios see it? does it show up in "f9" when you boot the pc?09:43
EriC^^(im assuming you have hp pc)09:43
dunamis2Yes an omen HP laptop09:44
EriC^^after the pc starts try pressing f9 to get the run time boot menu09:44
dunamis2It see 2 boot loader09:45
dunamis2The first one is Ubuntu09:46
dunamis2The second one is windows09:46
EriC^^any disks?09:46
EriC^^those are the uefi entries i guess09:46
EriC^^does it show the microsd?09:47
EriC^^some guy online says that he fixed it by installing grub and /boot to the internal disk and that way he boots ubuntu on the microsd09:48
dunamis2No. If I choose the first one I get the grub prompt09:49
dunamis2Do I need to do it with grub-install from the live?09:50
EriC^^you could do it from there yeah09:50
EriC^^but you need to create a small partition on the windows disk09:50
dunamis2I don't use Linux since about 3 years09:51
EriC^^type 'sudo parted -ls' to see the disk info once the live boots09:51
EriC^^"sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" it should give a link back, paste it here to share09:52
dunamis2Ok I'll join from the live09:53
dunamisHere I am10:01
* xmas-rednosed stretches elastic_dog 10:02
EriC^dunamis: let me know once you've booted and shared the link10:02
dunamisCan you repeat the last comand_10:08
dunamisI have problems with the keyboard layout10:08
dunamisI m italian10:08
dunamisI have to copy the comand due the keyboard layout10:11
dunamiscould you reapet it10:11
lotuspsychjedunamis: <EriC^^> "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" it should give a link back, paste it here to share10:12
EriC^dunamis: earlier when you tried "ls -l" in grub there was no hdX,msdos... right? all hdX,gpt ?10:16
EriC^do you need the recovery stuff on the windows11 disk?10:18
EriC^cause you need like 1gb or so of free space there to create a /boot partition10:19
dunamismmm.. I woud not touch the data inside10:19
dunamisis it possible a resize of the partition_10:20
EriC^the data wouldnt be touched, but you'd lose some of the diagnostic/recovery stuff of the laptop i guess10:20
EriC^nvme0n1p4 and nvme0n1p5 could be used, they give around 1-2gb10:21
EriC^it doesnt look like there's a recovery partition in the laptop, everything's on nvme0n1p310:21
EriC^but those are 2 hidden,diagnostic partitions10:22
dunamismay be he hp recovery sysrtem has also hardware diagnostic tools...10:22
dunamisI would not touch it10:22
dunamisit seems it-s better to install ubuntu on another disk, microSSD give a lot of problems10:25
EriC^yeah, or another usb also10:25
EriC^could you type "sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt"10:26
EriC^then "cat /mnt/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"10:27
EriC^i'm curious i remembered that you got a grub> not grub rescue> it's kind of odd because you should have gotten a grub rescue>10:28
dunamisYes, I have only grub10:28
dunamisI get only grub on boot10:29
EriC^yup that's bit odd10:30
dunamisI guess it10:31
EriC^cause when the efi file grub loads, it uses that file above to load its other stuff, if it cant you get a grub rescue>10:31
dunamisstrange beahviour10:31
EriC^could you boot the 'ubuntu' os last time just to check it out? we can investigate what it's using as the prefix variable10:32
EriC^dunamis2: try in grub> "echo $prefix"10:35
EriC^is the the live usb still plugged in?10:37
EriC^try "ls" it only shows hd0 ?10:37
EriC^it has gpt5 ? it's the main windows disk?10:38
dunamis2proc memdisk and only various hd0 gpt10:38
EriC^aha i guess it's the windows disk then10:39
dunamis2I don't know it10:39
EriC^try "ls (hd0,gpt1)/boot" does it return anything?10:39
dunamis2Not found10:40
EriC^i see10:43
EriC^anything happen if you type "normal" ?10:43
EriC^"insmod normal" then "normal" ?10:44
EriC^i guess it cant see the microsd and then defaults to using the efi partition, odd it doesnt say grub rescue> but nothing is there it seems10:44
dunamis2I guess it too10:45
EriC^you could make ubuntu on another usb or disk i guess and be good, if you really are keen on putting it on the microsd i just thought of using efi partition as /boot and keeping it fat32 it should work but the space is so low it would be a pita10:45
dunamis2Too bad10:45
dunamis2What if I choose to reset the UEFI boot? How to delete this grub prompt?10:47
EriC^1 sec10:51
dunamis2However thanks for the help10:51
EriC^dunamis2: to delete it you have to boot the live usb and type 'sudo efibootmgr -v'10:52
dunamis2Ok 👍10:53
EriC^then get the number of the entry on the left10:53
dunamis2Thanks f10:53
EriC^and type sudo efibootmgr -B -b 000110:53
EriC^or whatever number it is10:53
EriC^no problem10:54
dunamis2Mmm ok I'll do it later10:54
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tomreyncroraf_: $ curl -si https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html | grep ^Last-Modified:        reports    "Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 10:45:06 GMT". you can see the same at the directory index at https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/ - there's no guarantees that any files or reports or statistics stored on people.canonical.com will regularly and consistently be updated. assuming oteherwise is just wrong. if you have12:11
tomreyna question about this specific file, try #ubuntu-kernel12:11
tomreyn(i see you did)12:11
beh Hello,   anyone able to help me diagnose a problem with NetworkManager in noble?     (iwlist scanning shows network interface working;   NetworkManager says "wifi unavailable" and so I can't connect via wifi)12:12
behnmtui does not show the wifi interface (wlp4s0) in the devices list when I try to activate a connection...  How can I make it aware of that interface?12:12
tomreyn!noble | hi beh, please note12:13
ubottuhi beh, please note: Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) will be the 40th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2024 (https://ubottu.com/y/nn). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.12:13
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tomreynhi amadu13:42
tomreyndo oyu have an ubuntu support question? then just ask, and someone will respond, sooner or later, if they think they know a good answer.13:43
xix3rHello guys13:49
lotuspsychje!ask | xix3r13:50
ubottuxix3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:50
xix3rsuggest a good clock for i3 except conky13:50
lotuspsychjexix3r: you can try #ubuntu-discuss for that if you like13:51
lotuspsychjexix3r: we usualy focus on ubuntu issues in this support channel13:51
xix3rjoin #ubuntu-discuss13:51
lotuspsychjexix3r: /join #ubuntu-discuss13:53
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BluesKajHi all14:25
leftyfbhi BluesKaj14:25
BluesKajMerry Christmas leftyfb :-)14:26
jailbreakIt's not Christmas yet tho...14:27
leftyfbdepends on where you live in the world14:28
BluesKajwell I'm scandinavian and we celebrate the eve as much as the next day14:28
BluesKajaltho I'm actually a Canadian citizen14:29
amaduthat's interesting14:34
pavlosmany have dual citizenship14:36
Mandem0110Merry Christmas 🎁⛄14:44
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jatthi see the following entry in the dmesg output:14:56
jatt[So Dez 24 15:17:38 2023] com.github.john[66815]: segfault at d4 ip 00007274695484a7 sp 00007fff09cb1e70 error 4 in libgtk-3.so.0.2406.32[727469283000+38f000] likely on CPU 1 (core 1, socket 0)14:56
jattlooks suspicious, but not sure why it happens, I don't have that password cracking software installed14:57
leftyfbjatt: wipe the machine completely, install ubuntu from scratch, change all your passwords everywhere and then restore from backup14:58
jattI see, it might be still to be a false positive, I use the foliate package from the ubuntu archives and that one crashed today, I see the use a very similar namespace as the error: https://github.com/johnfactotum/foliate/issues/78515:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 785 in johnfactotum/foliate "Segfault on application launch" [Closed]15:03
jattso it might be is not truly an attack but just that the foliate application crashed15:04
devzxanybody tyerw15:10
Mandem0110!ask | devzx15:11
ubottudevzx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:11
tomreynleftyfb  / jatt: this would seem like a rather drastic measure with this little information. i would not recommend this at this point.15:18
p0indextermerry xmas to the devs of a great OS ty !15:20
jatt-tomreyn: I agree, I investigated further and I think it's a false positive15:41
jatt-no need to wipe out anything without conclusive evidence15:41
semmy hardware volume up and down buttons have never worked and I'm trying to troubleshoot finally. This is ubuntu studio 23.1016:01
semis there a terminal command that reacts when you press a key so I can verify the hardware itself first16:02
ioriasem, xev (if you use Xorg)16:04
semioria, hey ioria! Thanks! It looks like that is working for most keys, but it doesn't react to the volume keys, or any of the special "function" keys like brightness...16:05
ioriasem, no i don't think that will work with Fn keys16:06
semwait it is working for some of them, like it works for "microphone off" (which gives keycode 248)16:08
ioriasem, but it should work for the volum key16:08
semit doesn't react to the volume key16:08
semso what does this mean -- that xorg doesn't recognize it, or that the hardware is broken16:08
ioriasem, xev is not reacting, or the volume does not change ?16:10
ioriaor both ?16:10
semI have to clarify: The buttons that don't do anything are hardware buttons on the right side of the laptop/tablet. When pressed, they don't change the volume OR react in xev16:11
semOn my keyboard, F1-F3 keys also double as mute, volume down, and volume up, and those work when pressed, but don't react in xev16:12
ioriasem, xmodmap -pke | grep -i volum16:12
semkeycode 122 = XF86AudioLowerVolume NoSymbol XF86AudioLowerVolume16:14
semkeycode 123 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume NoSymbol XF86AudioRaiseVolume16:14
semSo if I understand correctly, Xorg is supposed to recognize two keys for volume up/down. Is it possible to find out which keys correspond to 122 and 123? Or is it safe to assume that refers to the hardware vol up/down16:18
ioriasem, usually they are the mediakeys16:18
semso if I understand correctly, when I press them, I should see 122, 123 showing up in xev16:24
semif they are not showing up, does that mean my hardware is not supported by ubuntu? If that is the case, can I report it somewhere16:25
semi am suspecting I might have to do something with thinkpad_acpi16:27
semacpi_listen also shows now output when the mediakeys (vol up/down) are pressed16:32
ioriasem, are we talking about mediakeys or some sort of hw switch ?16:33
semI am not sure what media keys means. My keyboard Function Keys F1-F3 double as mute, vol down, and vol up. They work, show up in acpi_listen, but not in xev. The hardware keys on the side of my laptop don't currently do anything. What are the "mediakeys" ?16:36
jeremy31ioria: disconnect16:39
semwhat happened?16:41
ioriasorry about that, wrong paste16:42
ioriasem, try to reboot with 'acpi_osi=' kernel parameter16:42
semok ioria I've booted up with acpi_osi= but I don't notice any changes16:53
semIf I understand correctly that boot param instructs the kernel to not report anything special to acpi? What does it do16:54
ioriasem, are you using Gnome  ? if so that is controlled by the gsd-media-keys daemon16:55
semyes i believe i am in gnome16:56
ioriasem, open 'Settings' > Keyboard and type 'volume'16:57
semI'm there; I don't see any helpful looking settings though. I have input sources, input source switching, special character entry, and keyboard shortcuts16:58
ioriasem, type 'volume'16:58
semI did. It took me to that page16:59
ioriasem, how are the shortcuts set ?16:59
semOk, I clicked "keyboard shortcuts" and typed volume there.16:59
semAll three are "disabled"16:59
sembut if I try to change it and press the hardware key, nothing happens16:59
semi suspect they are being controlled by the thinkpad-acpi kernel module somehow17:00
ioriasem, i see; set one of them17:01
semioria, I'm not sure what you mean? I do not know how to use thinkpad-acpi so I am doing some research17:03
ioriasem, i mean, set a shortcut for the 'volume down' or 'up', so if you cannot use the Fn or the hw key you can still set the volume17:04
semok i will test it out like that17:04
semioria, alright I've verified that it will accept a new shortcut (ctrl shift alt =)17:05
ioriasem, ok17:06
semthis new shortcut works as expected, and the function volume key also still works17:06
semaccording to this thread, I might just need to upgrade the bios https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-Tablets/Weird-volume-button-issue-on-X12-Detachable/m-p/5193244?page=317:18
semKnowing this, I'll have to take a break because I'll have to reinstall windows to update the bios, and I'm not ready to install windows17:20
tomreynsem: you probably don't need to install windows to install a bios update. bioses can often load a bios update from a fat formatted usb stick and in some cases you can even upgrade it from ubuntu using fwupdmgr17:32
semI've been looking on the LVFS database and it doesn't look like my device is supported (thinkpad X12 detachable gen 1)17:34
sembut I will try the USB method later. Thanks!17:34
tomreynr1gur19w.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'R1GET58W' (bootable)17:39
semioria, is it safe to keep using the system with acpi_osi= or should I reboot? I still don't understand really what it did17:39
tomreynhttps://workaround.org/article/updating-the-bios-on-lenovo-laptops-from-linux-using-a-usb-flash-stick/ should work with this one17:43
semsweet, reading it now17:43
baldpopedecided to start here, as I don't think ubuntu-server is appropriate (Though i'm on the fence) = having trouble with apt update on 22.04 complaining about bad signatures for (as example) security.ubuntu.com17:49
baldpopeor the dpaste preference https://dpaste.com/H7ZAN7XV417:51
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tomreynbaldpope: try editing your apt repositories to use httpS URLs.18:20
SmirnoffVodkaubuntu was my first linux18:57
SmirnoffVodkagood learner distro18:57
SmirnoffVodkaor at least used to be18:57
pavlosbaldpope: verify ... https://termbin.com/qre5019:02
pavlosbaldpope: sudo apt clean; sudo apt update19:16
SmashcatJust tried my annual test install of Linux on spare old gaming PC to see if the desktop has improved. Installed Ubuntu, booted ok. Updated, just black screen LOL! Reinstalling Windows. We'll see if it's working next year :)19:17
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solsTiCe_hi. I get no ui/window showing up when I run element-desktop (the snap version). any idea what is wrong? and how to fix that?19:28
solsTiCe_using wayland19:29
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imiis there a snapd update log that I can examine?22:38
AngryTomHow can I show all running apps on Unity like on Gnome or Mission Control on macOS?22:44
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