=== nckx is now known as nckxmas === phunyguy is now known as phunysanta [06:59] good morning to all [07:09] ahoy [07:09] happy santa day [07:10] Merry xmas to all Ubuntu users/friends/lovers/devs [07:10] same to you Paris [07:10] and all other distro lovers too : ) [07:43] hello [07:43] welcome linux4ever [07:44] hey lotuspsychje [07:51] i use vscode for programming and stuff. never thoguht i'd run ms code on linux :P [07:51] it's not entirely open source. some bits are said to be closed source [07:53] there's a lot of ways you can go on linux these days [07:53] ubuntu was my learner distro and i appreicate that. made things easy for me when they had to be [07:53] i usse debian these days [07:54] but debian requires a bit of configuring to get running as you like it [07:55] debian is stable vanilla base [07:56] ubuntu more a ready to use for everyone distro [07:56] yep [07:56] i will have to go to store soon. i use the gpt sous chef plugin for recipes [07:57] helps me select healthy foode [07:58] have fun [07:59] thx :) === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [22:15] UWN: Issue819 now available to our reading poublic: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-819/41115 :D