=== nckx is now known as nckxmas === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [00:33] Hi, question. I have a removable drive (SD card in a usb key adapter). When I plug it in, it appears in /media/mcc automatically. Is there a way to safely eject it from the command line? I am finding when I just unplug it, the next time I plug it in to Windows Windows gets upset and says the drive is corrupted and must be checked. [00:33] I think "sync" might be enough to prevent this but sometimes I think I have seen this when I am careful to sync. [00:33] I tried checking Google and I found many contradictory answers to this question, so I do not know which to trust. [00:35] mcc might have to use a umount command === ingrim5 is now known as ingrim [00:55] mcc: is that sd card formatted in ntfs? [01:14] Your_Dog: exfat [01:16] mcc: Well if that's the case, does safely removing it (via UI) help? https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help//stable/files-removedrive.html.en [01:21] AngryTom: Click the "Activities" button? [01:23] Your_Dog: yes, it does, however I am looking for a cmdline option because (1) I do not use the file browser ordinarily and (2) sometimes I need to script ejection [01:26] mcc: Ok, next, have you tried umount as jeremy31 suggested? === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [03:05] Heh, finally got Ubuntu 22 working on this old gaming PC. Had to use software only rendering for the RTX3080 GPU - it's MUCH slower than with Windows, obviously, but at least it works kinda now :) Somehow doubt I'll be switching over :) [03:25] wait what [03:25] Smashcat: which applications are you using software rendering? [03:26] It's nostalgic, like my old laptop with Redhat 1.0 back in the early 2000's :) [03:27] Your_Dog: It's all software rendering, as it's using the RTX3080 as a dumb framebuffer [03:29] The WiFi adapter is also MUCH slower than with Windows - it's maxing out at 20Mb/sec, where I was getting 1GB/sec under windows. It's acutally pretty funny - dragging Firefox about too quickly crashes it too - hahaha! [03:29] oh ok, because I have a friend that has RTX 3080 and doesnt have issues with it on Ubuntu 22.04. He had to use the propietary drivers though [03:31] Yeah I was just testing it out - this is an old gaming PC I'm giving away to my nephew. I wondered how it would run Ubuntu, but I'm going to reinstall Windows on it as it's pretty unusable really. It should be fast - i9, 128GB RAM, dual NVME drives and the RTX3080. [03:42] pretty interesting his definition of old but ok, he be him :D === phunyguy is now known as phunysanta [04:45] Hello [04:59] * topcat001 sounds like LTT testing Linux :facepalm: === linux_user2000 is now known as i_use_ubuntu === i_use_ubuntu is now known as linux4ever [07:19] what is the latest ubuntu distro? [07:19] 24? [07:29] !next | linux4ever [07:29] linux4ever: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [07:30] linux4ever: keep in mind 24.04 is still in development branch, for testing and debug purposes only, no daily use yet [07:30] lotuspsychje: i wonder if i can get ubuntu to run cinnamon [07:31] i dont like the standard tablet-like interface [07:31] it's a bit bothersome [07:33] !flavours | linux4ever [07:33] linux4ever: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [07:33] ubuntu cinnamon is an official flavour of ubuntu now linux4ever [07:34] linux4ever: if you wanna test ubuntu on a tablet, unity might be a good idea aswell to test on [07:34] ah. that's nice. [07:34] shuttleworth did a lot of good here [07:34] ubuntu was my first distro, post-win [07:35] easy to learn on it, ran with some drivers; not sure how much that is to his credit though [07:35] w'ere talking 2008 [07:36] linux4ever the drivers were already in the kernel nothing to do with ubuntu [07:40] if a manufacturer creates a driver for linux they usually put it in the kernel so that it will go into all distributions [07:42] ok [07:42] i do recall i had trouble with getting linux to install before ubuntu and it had to do with drivers for the display [07:42] !discuss [07:42] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [07:43] please head over the chat or discuss channel for non-support issues [07:43] so i have === ASap_ is now known as ASap [07:46] linux4ever: could be an old kernel without the drivers then.. difficult to say. an older distro will be missing new drivers [07:49] russo51: head over the #ubuntu-discuss too plz [07:49] you can chitchat there a bit if you like [08:30] hi === motherboard is now known as iamrejoining [09:49] arraybolt3: there is no Actitvities button [10:06] Morning and merry Christmas to all support ops and volunteers. [10:13] How do I save window size and position? [10:23] AngryTom, xwininfo . [10:53] hi === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [11:18] \quit === nykma40 is now known as nykma4 [14:11] could anyone help me understand this package? https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater If there is no package it means there is no stable version, correct? [14:13] loswedseded: volunteers cant advice on external packages, what you seek seems not on the ubuntu repos nor snaps [14:16] .git [14:16] !git [14:16] git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software) [14:23] hey, if i try and record a section of the screen using the screencast tool, it crashes with "screencast ended unexpectedly". is it just me or is this some known issue, should it be reported? it works just fine when i start a capture of the entire screen instead of just a region [14:24] webchat1895646: sounds like bug #1970605 [14:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1963264 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Gnome screen recorder doesn't work on dist-upgraded jammy systems" [Low, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1970605] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1963264 [14:26] hmm, seems similar, but not quite it. i'm on a completely clean install and the tool does indeed create files, they're just zero bytes. no indicator ever shows, not even for a split second [14:26] webchat1895646: the bug looks fixed on gnome, wich ubuntu release/gnome version are you on? [14:27] 23.10 [14:27] no nvidia graphics or anything problematic like that [14:27] ryzen integrated gpu [14:30] screemshot working on 22.04 on several machines no issues I can test 23.10 later today [14:37] well hello everybody [14:37] my name is jose i am new to quassel [14:38] welcome Guest2170 [14:38] hey lotuspsychje can i ask you a question [14:38] Guest2170: you can ask ubuntu related questions in this channel, to all volunteers [14:39] yes I use lubuntu [14:39] Guest2170: lubuntu is an official ubuntu flavour, so thats valid too here [14:39] I use it on an 2014 hp machine [14:40] one day I want to run a orange pi 5 with ubuntu on it [14:40] or a raspberry pi [14:40] that would be cool [14:42] Im installing a tar.gz. Do I have to execute tar -xzvf file.tar.gz ./configure make sudo make install separately or can I tar -xzvf file.tar.gz && ./configure && make && sudo make install? [14:51] !tar | loswedseded [14:51] loswedseded: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [15:09] loswedseded: you have to cd into the dir created by tar i guess before running the other commands, also refer to the author installation instructions [15:34] is this the place to ask how to backup a phone? If not, where should I ask? [15:34] I want to backup it from the computer [15:34] ubuntu 23.10 [15:35] loswedseded: xda developer forums should have everything you want to know [15:38] Is somebody using Ubuntu 23.10 Gnome on VMware? I have got sound problems. [15:43] AngryTom, what kind of problems ? [15:43] sound stutters [15:44] AngryTom, using wayland, as default ? [15:44] ioria: everything default [15:45] AngryTom, reboot and select from the login page the Xorg session [15:53] ioria: seems to be working now, thanks [15:53] AngryTom, ok === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [17:12] AngryTom: You don't have a button in the upper-left corner of the screen that says "Activities"? What flavor of Ubuntu is this, and if it's Ubuntu Desktop, did you install any GNOME Shell extensions? [17:12] arraybolt3: Ubuntu Unity [17:12] ahhhhh [17:13] AngryTom: Try Win+W === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre [18:16] Merry Christmas to all! === me_ is now known as mm-cr [18:38] I do not understand when to use snap refresh --channel vs. snap switch --channel. As I understand it, switch is the same as refresh just without the update ? [18:39] my snap store is stuck on 22.10 update channel even though I am on 23.10 [18:39] I noticed it because I keep getting a notification that UEFI dbx was updated, which led me to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/2036765 [18:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2036765 in snapd (Ubuntu Mantic) "ubuntu-release-upgrader failed to upgrade snap to track new release" [Undecided, Confirmed] [18:40] in the discussion, some people say do refresh, some people say switch, and idk enough about snaps or the store to know which is right or why I have this problem to begin with [18:42] i do have both gnome software store and snap store installed; maybe that is the default with ubuntu studio? [18:43] is "Ubuntu Software" the gnome store or the snap store? [18:50] sem, answer #18 is interesting, as i recall https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/2036765/comments/18 [18:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2036765 in snapd (Ubuntu Mantic) "ubuntu-release-upgrader failed to upgrade snap to track new release" [Undecided, Confirmed] [18:51] that's what I ended up doing; although I still don't understand the difference between snap refresh --channel and snap switch --channel [18:51] the stable part is important there [18:51] refresh is just updating [18:52] just a curious situation,. not sure it was a bug [18:53] i still ran into the bug (feature?) that when I did "snap refresh" it said all apps up to date, but when I did "snap refresh snap-store" it said error: has running apps so I had to killall snap-store [18:54] man snap says this about switch: "The switch command switches the given snap to a different channel without doing a refresh." [18:54] and this about refresh --channel: "Use this channel instead of stable" [18:55] so I'm not sure if refresh --channel switches it to a different channel or just uses the different channel one time only [19:43] it switches the channel [19:59] Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the years of guidance, mentorship and help. May your days be filled with joy and happiness. === user03 is now known as gchound === coz_ is now known as SantaCoz_ === fling_ is now known as fling [20:47] merry christmas! [20:48] when you do "snap list" is it possible to get it to not cut off the "tracking" column? [21:35] Merry Christmas everyone [22:12] I have a ugreen usb c hub. I am hooking it up to my laptop and it is recognized when I plug it in through lsusb, but I cannot get the devices hooked up to it to be recognized on the computer. Can anyone help me out? [22:12] Also, merry christmas [22:17] what does dmesg say when you plug something in [22:18] [182132.843916] hub 3-3:1.0: USB hub found [22:18] [182132.844320] hub 3-3:1.0: 4 ports detected [22:19] when you plug something into the hub [22:19] That is what it says after I plug in the hub and run dmesg [22:19] it says 2 lines? [22:19] Oh. You want all of the output [22:19] Sorry for the confusion [22:19] no [22:19] i want what it says hwen you plug somethign in to the hub [22:20] Oh I see. Let me check [22:21] https://dpaste.com/5ATCWSN77 [22:21] rbox: hope this helps [22:21] thats the hub.. [22:21] I know [22:21] But I left it alone and unplugged the devices [22:21] and then plugged them in [22:21] ran dmesg, but this is what it outputted [22:22] well the hub isn't saying anyting plugged in to it [22:22] hm [22:25] rbox: https://dpaste.com/3Z32ZV9G2 [22:25] This is more comprehensive [22:25] i dont want a million lines [22:25] i want what happens in dmesg when you plug in a device [22:25] Okay [22:28] rbox: https://dpaste.com/2CTA53B3Z [22:28] Is this better? [22:28] I think this captures the relevant information [22:28] thats the hub [22:28] are you plugging a hub into a hub? [22:28] No. I'm plugging devices in the hub. It mentions them in the dmesg output I though. [22:28] [182667.940478] usb 3-3: USB disconnect, device number 7 [22:29] Like this [22:30] well thast a disconnet [22:30] so where is the connect [22:32] [182132.691346] usb 3-3: new high-speed USB device number 7 using xhci_hcd [22:32] [182132.842972] usb 3-3: New USB device found, idVendor=05e3, idProduct=0610, bcdDevice=94.05 [22:32] [182132.842976] usb 3-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [22:32] Here I beleiev [22:33] thats all it says? [22:33] 05e3:0610 and 05e3:0625 are two separate 'Genesys Logic Hub' USB hubs. the former is USB 3.2 [22:34] tomreyn: Can you elaborate? [22:34] https://dpaste.com/2F8MJZTZC [22:35] thats just showing hubs [22:35] That's really strange. Because I only have one usb hub. [22:37] amazoniantoad: those usb device ids (idVendor:idProduct) are from your pastes [22:39] amazoniantoad: Can you connect power to the USB hub? [22:39] if you have an underpowered universal serial bus (USB) it can happen that no messages are printed by linux when you connect a device to a hub that is already connected to the computer [22:40] I instead ran dmesg -w, so I could see the output in real time. Here is what I got: https://dpaste.com/DSWBCL36N [22:40] jeremy31: They are external monitors, they light up when I plug them into the usb hub but say they don't see a video source so they power down [22:41] They are powered/get videa via usb-c [22:42] then you're only seeing the monitors hub [22:42] are you plugging it into a port that supports displayport over usb? [22:42] your hub probably doesnt [22:42] does your computer? [22:43] I am not using displayport. I'm using usb-c. The only converter between the actual monitors and the laptop is the usb hub. [22:45] usb-c is a connector [22:45] what montiro is it [22:46] L LIMINK 15 inch [22:47] im on the amazon page and it says either thunderbolt or usb c and hdmi [22:49] rbox: So, you mean it needs power via usbc, and then video via hdmi? [22:49] im saying to do video over usb-c you need a port that supports it [22:49] both your computer and the hub if you are using a hub [22:50] i see. thanks for helping! [22:50] also, powering two external screens in addition to the internal screen from a single laptop will likely not work out energetically [22:53] tomreyn: Thanks. [22:54] Merry Christmas everyone!