=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [07:31] BuoN NaTAle === diego is now known as Guest3562 === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [20:31] somebody in switzerland? [22:56] i'm noticing in the task manager that while i have programs running, gnome software is running in the background alongside it.  so steam is eating up 156 Mb of ram but gnome software is eating up 400 Mb at the same time.  is this a consequence of using SNAP versions of the software? [22:56] i only have 8 gigs to work with, so every process larger than 50 Mb is of concern [22:56] and an upgrade isn't possible on this machine [22:57] right now i'm running steam, discord, and falkon and my ram usage sits at 75 percent