[00:17] Hello, my installer is crashing. When modifying a partition, it has a 30% chance of crashing with an assertion failure. Setting a "physical volume for encryption" does not create a volume in the UI that I can then put the root filesystem on. If I manually create the LUKS volume in a terminal, and then set that as the root filesystem, the button to [00:17] continue just does nothing. [00:18] I've installed Debian a million times in text mode, usually with LUKS encrypting on the root filesystem, and never had a problem. Is there a way to install kubuntu in text mode? [00:22] Looks like it's this bug from 2015: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1510730 [00:22] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 1510730 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity installer crashes when editing manual crypto partition" [High, Confirmed] [00:25] Guess you people don't care about software quality. This is a critical blocking bug, that makes it completely impossible for me to install, and it's been active for 8 years. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [02:37] hello. === ross_ is now known as rasa === rasa is now known as _rasa_ [06:21] How do I download vpn on Linux [06:29] there a is a snap called riseup vpn (re @IrcsomeBot: How do I download vpn on Linux) [06:29] and look for openvpn as well [15:09] Hi all === root is now known as Guest1047 [16:47] hi there === wodencafexmas is now known as wodencafe [20:14] Hi [20:15] I have a lenovo laptop with kubuntu as os [20:15] I'd like to install windows xp and not use kubuntu anymore [20:15] But I can not boot from the windows xp disk [20:19] Hi? [20:21] user|39, nice joke ha ha ha. [20:24] I'm serious