[01:55] [telegram] @arraybolt3: do your Matrix PMs work? XD [02:01] [matrix] Been forgetting to check them [02:01] [matrix] Two accounts, endless forgetting possibilities [02:01] [matrix] One sec === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [04:45] noble daily (live) is booting with black screen + background.. and just sits there (no try/install dialog appearing) [04:50] alt+tab makes the tryin/install dialog appear.. [05:36] has occurred more than once ^ but only on boxes with two screens connected (not when box has single screen) [05:49] nope... more involved than number of screens... now have no issue with one box with 2 screens... [08:43] [telegram] Yeah I can also tell there's a bug there. In testing a few days ago I noticed that [21:16] [telegram] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-session/+bug/2047456 [21:16] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2047456 in lxqt-session (Ubuntu) "Installed Lubuntu Mantic is flaky with two screens" [Undecided, New]