
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Hey I'm having problems installing TeamViewer someone please help16:42
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> It keeps saying cannot install from unsigned repo16:42
lubot[telegram] <vanitas_77> It it ".deb" file? If yes, then you can install it from the terminal: sudo apt install TeamViewer_file.deb17:04
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Yes it's a deb file17:05
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/be373a82/file_10294.jpg17:08
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> It can't locate it17:08
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> But it's here : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/4252714f/file_10295.jpg17:09
arraybolt3eddyojo: You have to prefix the package filename with `./` for apt to realize you're referencing a file and not a package in the archives.17:16
arraybolt3sudo apt install ./teamviewer-whateverversion.deb17:16
arraybolt3(obviously you'll need to tweak the example filename to match the downloaded file, this is just an example.)17:16
arraybolt3Also, it looks like you're using Lubuntu 20.04? While that version of Lubuntu continues to receive security updates, the Lubuntu development team no longer supports it. You may want to consider upgrading to Lubuntu 22.04 at some point.17:17
arraybolt3eddyojo: also it looks like you left part of the filename out. Run `ls` in the terminal to see the exact filename you need to type.17:19
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> I did17:20
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> That's the file name : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/962154b4/file_10296.jpg17:20
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> When when I do it like this it says invalid operation (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> sudo apt install ./teamviewer-whateverversion.deb)17:21
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b7db63c1/file_10297.jpg17:21
arraybolt3YOu need a space after the word "install"17:22
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Ok17:22
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/f831d641/file_10298.jpg17:23
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Now it's saying something else17:23
arraybolt3The words "teamviewer" are doubled. The terminal is like a programming language, one typo will usually mess it up.17:24
arraybolt3Try this:17:24
arraybolt3sudo apt install ./team<TAB>17:25
arraybolt3Replace <TAB> with a literal tab keypress.17:25
arraybolt3That should auto complete the filename.17:25
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Ok17:25
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Yeah it did17:27
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/fc209351/file_10299.jpg17:28
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Please what should I do from here?17:28
arraybolt3eddyojo: looks like it installed properly17:40
arraybolt3So now look for the TeamViewer application somewhere in your application menu17:40
lubot[telegram] <eddyojo> Found it thanks so much guys I really appreciate17:54

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