
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjegood morning02:23
=== linux4ever is now known as nixGuru
pagiosis KODI best for home enterainment to link to tv using RPI ? 15:22
leftyfbpagios: "best" is relative15:25
leftyfbpagios: it depends on your needs15:25
pagioswanna play videos/music at home15:25
leftyfbpagios: so you want to run a full media center running ubuntu desktop on a raspberry pi?15:25
pagiosor a plain OS for media server i dont mind15:26
leftyfbpagios: I would suggest asking in #raspberrypi for a more appropriate solution15:27
leftyfbrunning a media center on top of ubuntu desktop on a pi isn't going to run all that well15:27
lotuspsychjehavent tested myself, but some users claim the ubuntu pi edition runs pretty smooth?16:09
lotuspsychjeand some kodi specs; https://kodi.wiki/view/Supported_hardware16:14
daftykinsyou would not put a base ubuntu on a Pi to run Kodi fwiw, makes a lot more sense to choose something like LibreELEC17:14
daftykinsthere are many Pi models at this point too, simply stating 'Pi' is as bad as those that say their CPU is an "i3", "i5" etc... given there are 14 generations now17:15
tomreyn"i have a hp laptop!"17:21
jeremy31That is a problem we can fix17:22
tomreynonly if you knew my address :)17:22
jeremy31I was going to recommend using a hammer to fix the problem17:23
arraybolt3tomreyn: lol, you talkin' 'bout me?17:23
daftykinsthen there'd be more of them :o17:24
tomreynarraybolt3: you got an hp laptop, too?17:24
jeremy31I finally retired my HP, was from 201817:24
tomreynarraybolt3: oh, hadn't seen what you posted to #ubuntu, yet :)17:25
daftykins2018 isn't an old machine o017:25
arraybolt3Mine is from 201217:26
arraybolt3HP Elitebook 8570p. Awesome machine, very good build quality and lasted me years.17:26
arraybolt3Rep!aced it with a Kubuntu Focus XE Gen 1, way newer, way faster, way thinner, and very good Linux support.17:27
jeremy31I broke the antenna connectors of in the antennas17:27
daftykinsjust for the WiFi module? easy replacement surely17:28
arraybolt3If you're that hungry, eat food, not the screen17:28
jeremy31daftykins: I had some external antennas connected to a new wifi card for a while but they didn't seem to work as well17:29
* arraybolt3 has a laptop that looks like someone stabbed the corner of it with a fork17:29
daftykinsjeremy31: what form did that take, bodging it into a card in an internal slot or just an external adapter?17:33
daftykinsi know how badly some laptops can be assembled for the thought of replacing the full antennas, especially given they tend to run up into the display etc 17:34
jeremy31I think it was 12 screws to remove the bottom, replacing the card was easy.  Got better performance from a USB wifi17:35
daftykinsi was thinking in terms that it seemed like you said you attached external antennas to an internal card, so i was imagining holes cut in an access panel to trail them out of :D17:35
jeremy31Ran the wires through the cooling port on the side17:36
jeremy31john1_36 might have an impossible situation, from what I found the directory in /var/cdnn???? should have had the gpg key but the numbers don't match the key he is missing17:39

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