=== ingrim6 is now known as ingrim === ingrim7 is now known as ingrim [01:49] What is #ubuntu-google [01:50] !google [01:50] While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === ubuntu is now known as Guest298 [04:44] hey === Vaelatern_ is now known as Vaelatern [05:01] Hello all. Does anyone know the reason why the " update-manager-core/jammy-updates,jammy-updates 1:22.04.17 all " update is held for weeks on 22.04 LTS/pro? I got curious [05:09] !phasedupdates | ilgaz [05:09] ilgaz: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info. [05:29] i'm installing from ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso and it spent a few seconds "waiting for cloud-init" [05:29] i'm curious, are there some circumstances under which cloud-init would take over the install? would i have the opportunity to refuse? [05:37] slingamn: huh? [05:38] i think i found the relevant docs: [05:38] "Identify the datasource: The hardware is checked for built-in values that will identify the datasource your instance is running on. The datasource is the source of all configuration data." [05:38] so basically cloud-init just needed to figure out that this is metal and not a cloud instance [06:20] rbox: I got "scientifically" curious, I see the package changelog it is nothing too critical anyway. It has been like 3-4 weeks now. Actually I should remove the package since that machine is managed via terminal, any window popping up will confuse our manager. [06:21] Thanks BTW, I have this rtl8821cu wifi nightmare here so dropping in and out. [06:24] oops, not removing, it is recommended by friendly-recovery === linux4ever is now known as nixGuru [08:37] hello [09:05] trying to build qt from source using guide https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linux-building.html, all libs installed https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linux-requirements.html | errors:  https://justpaste.it/9wm8q... Pls advise [09:11] supernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/dev/qt-build$ which ld /usr/bin/ld supernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/dev/qt-build$ which ldd /usr/bin/ldd [09:22] Yakov1: "-fuse-ld=lld" looks like QT wants to use llvms lld and not ld [09:23] I have it supernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/dev/qt-build$ which lld-8 [09:24] maybe I need just lld :) [09:25] lld-8/now 1:8.0.1-9 amd64 [installed,local]   LLVM-based linker [09:45] Yakov1: lld-8? that's a very old version... which ubuntu release are you using? [09:46] Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Jammy [09:47] should I install this: lldb-15? [09:53] reinstalled, same issue [09:54] Yakov1, you can search files with in packages with apt-file. [09:55] Yes, I know, but what should I search now? daft [09:55] l [09:55] the missing header files [09:56] I started with lld and still could not fix it, should I fix header files now? [09:58] Yakov1, is this the 1st time you build something from source? [09:58] no, but this one is hardest, recently I built ncurses [09:59] there are a lot of headers missing. you cant suceed if those are missing [09:59] it was pretty simple, but this time I'm making offline installer, so I'm getting all deb files [09:59] so it could be not lld fault but headers? [09:59] do you have a new error dump? [09:59] you mean after I installed lld? [09:59] yes please [10:01] https://justpaste.it/dga7w [10:02] Do you see an error above the missing of netinet/sctp.h? [10:03] Yes [10:03] none compile errors [10:03] 10 | #include QDSP_P_H [10:04] that is strange. [10:04] Hello pidorasy [10:04] installed missing apt [10:05] O yes there is a ld error on top [10:05] yes [10:05] yakov [10:05] sbInky [10:05] kak ti rodnoy? [10:05] eto ya [10:06] and ld is installed. [10:06] right binary? [10:06] y [10:06] no [10:06] need binary creator used [10:06] supernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/dev/qt-build$ which ld && which ldd /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/ldd [10:06] for install [10:08] your not compiling 32bit right? [10:11] x86_64 [10:11] strange i dont get it. [10:12] but it continues. perhaps it will work if the headers are added dont know. compiling is not my thing. I hate compiling. [10:13] Added two headers, nothing [10:54] Hola. My bluetooth not finding devices. Used to work with gnome jammy, but not after I installed cinnamon on top. Using OrangePi 5b === ok97 is now known as oko [13:20] Hey, I'm trying to work out why my bluetooth hardware works on ubuntu but not debian. I've used inxi and compared the results. The only values different are: sub-v: 7225 [...] rev: 40d class-ID: 6c0104 - what do these numbers refer to, is this something I could upgrade / install? [13:23] calamity: https://wiki.debian.org/IRC [13:26] I'm in both channels - I'm trying to work out why it works in ubuntu as much as why it doesn't work in debian [13:27] either kernel or firmware most likely [13:28] same kernel, which leaves firmware === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [13:42] calamity, do they have different pciid ? [13:49] ioria: Bluetooth is more likely to have USB ID [13:49] yeah, i meant that [14:40] Hello all, can someone please assist this issue on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS key_ID verification, "sudo apt-get update" [14:40] Get:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [1,572 B] [14:40] Get:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [1,572 B] [14:40] Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy InRelease [14:40] Err:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [14:40]   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F37D203008A7D361 [14:41] !paste | John1_36 [14:41] John1_36: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:44] okay. [14:45] John1_36: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-fix-the-apt-key-deprecated-warning-in-ubuntu/ [14:59] John1_36: in terminal> sudo apt install inxi [14:59] John1_36: then post URL for> inxi -r | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:59] leftyfb : thank you and I find this one A4B469963BF863C under the list using this command sudo apt-key list not this one F37D203008A7D361  Err:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [14:59]   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F37D203008A7D361 [14:59] Err:6 https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2204/x86_64 InRelease [14:59]   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A4B469963BF863CC [15:00] John1_36: please use pastebin for more than 2 lines [15:00] John1_36: you need to run through that process for each 3rd party key on your system [15:00] ow, more than two line, okay. [15:06] John1_36: in terminal> wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu2204/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb [15:06] Then> sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb [15:09] John1_36: I have no idea how this got in your sources list- file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- [15:10] Hi all [15:18] jeremy31 : thank you and I run  sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.0-1_all.deb and the output > reading database ..... 159170 files and directories currently installed A deprecated public CUDA GPG key appear to installed. [15:21] is KODI best for home enterainment to link to tv using RPI ? [15:22] pagios feel free to ask for software opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss [15:25] jeremy31 : I download this packagefrom the official website of NVIDIA  and run this command this enable that repository upon the doucmentation. [15:30] John1_36: URL for> ls /var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- | grep gpg | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:39] hello world [15:44] jeremy31: the server is not allowed to connect to the internet, under this directory here are the list of it, 08A7D361.pub, cudnn-local-08A7D361-keyring.gpg, InRelease, libcudnn8_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, libcudnn8-dev_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, libcudnn8-samples_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, Local.md5, Local.md5.gpg, Packages, [15:44] Packages.gz, Release, and Release.gpg. [15:50] John1_36, ls /usr/share/keyrings/ | grep cudnn [15:54] Hi ioria : run   output [16:09] I was just asking chatgpt and it recommended "Pop!OS" as an Ubuntu variant targetting hardware support for laptops. What's the Ubuntu community view on that generally speaking? Up-to-date, contributes to upstream...? [16:10] !hardware | xheimlich [16:10] xheimlich: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [16:10] xheimlich: this list is limited though, a lot more machines are supported by default on ubuntu aswell [16:10] That's not what I was asking. There's this Ubuntu variant, how does the community sees it. [16:10] xheimlich: use whatever works for you [16:11] xheimlich: popOs is not an ubuntu derivative, so not supported here by the volunteers [16:12] ok. thanks, I guess. [16:12] !discuss | xheimlich feel free to [16:12] xheimlich feel free to: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [16:14] fair enough. I have (to some extent) the information I wanted, thanks. [17:10] Hey all [17:10] welcome Guest80 [17:12] I am having trouble with getting dualboot to work together. Neither grub nor linux is being recognized in my uefi bios. So I flashed supergrubdisk on my usb and it was able to boot stuff [17:13] Guest80: What computer? [17:13] Lenovo x260, uefi/gpt windows 11 partition [17:13] secure boot disabled, fast start disabled [17:16] does anybody have any idea what is going wrong? [17:17] Guest80: Sure Ubuntu was installed using UEFI? [17:19] Guest80: i just did a web search on this model and linux and see that many seem to have succeeded on installing linux on it. i don't see why a multi-boot scenario would make it impossible. [17:19] Yes, bios is set to ONLY boot using uefi and non-csm. [17:19] The problem is that linux has detected windows boot loader, but windows and bios fail to recognize any grub/linux os on the partition [17:20] Guest80: Post URL from terminal for> efibootmgr -v|nc termbin.com 9999 [17:21] * arraybolt3 guesses "Windows Boot Manager" is getting in the way and "ubuntu" needs to be set to a higher boot priority to get GRUB to load [17:21] arraybolt3: Could be but never heard of this with Lenovo yet [17:22] I think I saw someone with a Lenovo have that problem. Obviously we'll need to see the efibootmgr output to be sure though. (I have an HP laptop with that issue.) [17:23] arraybolt3, the problem is there is there is no "ubuntu" option in my boot priority. Only options are: [17:23] me too [17:23] windows boot loader [17:23] kingfast ssd [17:23] and some network card names [17:24] Do you remember ever seeing a "Customized Boot" option in the BIOS settings? [17:24] no [17:25] I am not in linux right now. is there any other way to check efibootmgr command? [17:25] I don't know how to access the EFI System Partition from Windows [17:26] I don't know what Windows tool would show that info either. [17:26] Guest80: bcdedit command in Windows might have a list option [17:27] Have to open command line as admin and run bcdedit and that should list the efi entries [17:29] https://imgur.com/a/cJXKU0n [17:32] I am only getting windows bootloader [17:32] that's almost helpful ;) [17:32] windows gave you all the inforation that it thinks is relevant [17:32] on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Err:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [17:33] John1_36: please refer to the installation guide you used to install this [17:33] i assume this is about nvidia cuda [17:34] Guest80: You might have to boot into Ubuntu and reinstall grub in EFI [17:34] ok [17:34] tomreyn: jeremy31 and ioria were helping him before^^ [17:34] not sure at wich point he's now [17:35] lotuspsychje: i see, thanks. [17:35] but why my bios has no ubunto option to boot from? Is it normal to not have it (doing it for first time) [17:36] Guest80: no, it's unusual that it does not list "ubuntu" as a boot target [17:36] Guest80, It would be nice to see what is in the EFI System partition, if there is an ubuntu directory, it can be fixed [17:38] ok, I am opening efi partition, I will update you with what is in there [17:38] tomreyn : https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/install-guide/index.html?ncid=em-prod-337416 [17:40] John1_36: did you do step 3 here (1.3.2 Debian Local Installation)? https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/install-guide/index.html?ncid=em-prod-337416#installlinux-deb [17:41] John1_36: or did you choose to do the " Ubuntu/Debian Network Installation" instead? [17:42] tomreyn : I'm in step 3 [17:42] John1_36: of which section? [17:42] good news: we have ubuntu directory https://imgur.com/a/FGkDqZY [17:43] Guest80: can you show its contents, too? [17:43] https://imgur.com/a/FGkDqZY [17:43] tomreyn : 1.3.2 Debian Local Installation [17:43] Guest80: same url [17:44] John1_36: do you run debian then? [17:44] tomreyn what does that mean? [17:44] Guest80: you posted the same http address twice [17:44] " https://imgur.com/a/FGkDqZY " [17:45] oh [17:45] https://imgur.com/W8UbXVZ [17:46] Guest80: yes, that looks good. i don't know what jeremy31 plans to do now, though. one way you could potentially fix it is to configure this boot loader within your bios, but only some bioses allow for this. [17:49] tomreyn : I download the cuDNN debian local installer file  and then enable the local repository but unfortunately the signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F37D203008A7D361. [17:51] John1_36: i assume the debian local installer is for debian, not ubuntu. after all, this section says "debian" only, while the network instllation section lists both debian and ubuntu, and points to an ubuntu installation guide which uses differen tinstructions to install with a local repository. [17:52] ok. so here is the stuff I did: [17:52] did a clean install of latest win11 (uefi/gpt) [17:52] checked fastboot/secure boot [17:52] forced booting in uefi non csm [17:52] reinstalled different linux distros [17:52] what I found out: [17:52] again, use a pastebin for posting more than one line at a time [17:55] hi [17:55] John1_36: i just realized that's an error on my part, apparently cuDNN is something different from CUDA. i guess i should not try to help out with what i don't know. [17:56] hi ubuntu-cinnamon [17:57] linux is wierd [17:57] ubuntu-cinnamon: this is an ubuntu support channel. What can we help you with? [17:58] nothing [17:59] ubuntu-cinnamon: sounds good. If you're just looking to chat about non-support issues, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic [17:59] tomreyn : for the installation of cuDNN  file is the same for debian and ubuntu. [18:00] am running this linux on distrosea [18:00] <\\Mr_C\\> beem me up [18:00] <\\Mr_C\\> beam [18:02] John1_36: well i don't see ubuntu mentioned in 1.3.2 [18:02] oh, actually it is, sorry [18:04] bye [18:05] tomreyn : check the last line [18:07] John1_36: right, so i guess it's a bug on nvidia's documentation then. [18:07] for somereason the gpg key you copy form the local repository is a different one than what was used to sign the repository [18:09] John1_36: i guess there's a reason why i'm usually hesitent to try to support non ubuntu packaged software such as this. [18:18] tomreyn : is there any way to get key_ID for manually download [18:20] John1_36: i owould not know, nvidia support shold know. [18:21] Okay, thank you. [18:21] JonathanD, propably, it wants the key in the .list file; ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d === xmas-rednosed is now known as rud0lf [18:21] John1_36, , propably, it wants the key in the .list file; ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d [18:21] HI folks. I'm running Ubuntu 22.04. It has Firefox 111 installed. There is no newer option in apt. The latest is 121, but mozilla.org only offers it as a tar.gz. My bank... requires 113 at least.  How exactly do I get a more up to date Firefox on here?  I would have expected apt to do that automatically. [18:23] firefox isn't in apt, its in snap [18:23] and the very latest versions aren't always avaible [18:23] John1_36, e.g. deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/your_key -keyring.pgp] repo url [18:23] Crell: the latest firefox release from Mozilla is 121, the latest release installed on your machine via is 121 [18:24] Crell: sudo snap refresh [18:24] leftyfb: According to the About dialog, it's 111 [18:24] run that [18:25] Crell: sudo snap refresh firefox [18:25] OK, refreshed... didn't seem to do much. [18:25] Hm, it won't refresh Firefox while it's running.  Lovely.  (I'm talking to you from the web client.) [18:25] was just about to ask [18:25] make sure firefox isn't running when trying to update [18:26] you can do snap refesh, but you'll have to restart the app in question... [18:27] Sigh.  OK, I'll need to sign out then.  Back in a bit. [18:27] CosmicDJ: there's a lot of posts in help forums and wiki's that will tell you otherwise [18:32] under /etc/apt/sources.list.d<-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 139 Dec 23 01:23 cuda-ubuntu2204-x86_64.list> and <-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 259 Dec 23 01:28 cudnn-local-ubuntu2204-> deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cudnn-local-08A7D361-keyring.gpg] file:///var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- / [18:32] Crell: this might be a good time to start using an irc client [18:33] On my old machine I could never connect to this network with a real IRC client for some reason.  I wasn't on it often enough to bother figuring out why. [18:34] John1_36, what's in that file ? /var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- [18:36] But it does seem to work now, thanks!  Do snaps not autorefresh in the background?  I never had to worry about manually updating Firefox in the background before.  (My old machine was also ubuntu, but originally installed 5 years ago.) [18:36] Crell: if you'll change your mind: you can usually get support with setting up your chosen irc client in it's support channel (using the webschat while you set it up) or in #libera [18:37] I'll probably give Konversation a try again at some point.  It's not really a priority, though. [18:38] Crell: a properly working snap installation actually insists on self-upgrading and uograding packages in the background [18:39] Hm.  Then how come mine did not?  (Admittedly I only installed this machine 2 days ago or so.) [18:40] ioria : under this directory /var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- <08A7D361.pub, cudnn-local-08A7D361-keyring.gpg, InRelease, libcudnn8_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, libcudnn8-dev_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, libcudnn8-samples_8.9.7.29-1+cuda12.2_amd64.deb, Local.md5, Local.md5.gpg, Packages, Packages.gz, Release, Release.gpg [18:40] Crell: i'm afraid i could not tell. i would expect it to have installed updates ("refreshed") already two days after OS installation. i am not much into snap debugging myself, but others here are. [18:43] Crell: Snap will not update the app unless it is closed regularly. That's when it will apply updates [18:44] Hm.  I tend to leave Firefox open 24/7.  It's only closed when I reboot. [18:45] It's not really a good idea to do that [18:47] most sites use really crappy SDKs for ad serving. Almost all of them with memory leaks [18:48] That's what ad blockers and Tab Suspender are for. [18:48] John1_36, i'd need to see the full 'sudo apt update' output; can you paste it ? [18:49] that still doesn't account for the crappy JS of just the sites themselves. overall, I don't recommend it [18:50] ioria: John1_36 mentioned earlier that the machine is not (and cannot be) connected to the Internet. [18:51] take a picture ? John1_36 [18:51] ioria: "sudo apt update" requires a network connection... right? [18:52] he's having error in 'apt update' [18:52] "NO_PUBKEY F37D203008A7D361" was reported as (partial) output previously [18:52] well then I'm really confused as I thought they said the machine had no netowrk... I'll step back [18:53] Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy InRelease [18:53] Err:1 file:/var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- InRelease [18:53]   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY [18:55] the machine is connected, but for some reasons can't use a paste serv [18:58] the key has been correctly copied in /usr/share/keyrings/; maybe there's a duplicate in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ that takes priority, idk [19:02] under the there are three files [19:05] yiu are a bot [19:05] *you [19:14] no [21:37] hello? [21:39] Hello pedro_ this is Ubuntu support [21:40] :) [21:42] haha [21:43] I wasn't sure if IRC was still a thing... it's been about 15 years since I last thought about it :O [22:01] It's Kwanzaa morn, a time of celebration [22:01] Rabbi Finkelstein has something new in store [22:01] Gonna take the Dreidles up his ass [22:01] Light up the sky with a Jenkem-filled ballon! [22:01] Chorus: [22:01] It's Kwanzaa morn, a new kind of fun [22:02] 7/whois AlabamaHot === user03 is now known as gchound [23:08] hello, a day or so ago I tried getting my volume keys to work and determined that a bios update might help. However I've updated the bios and they still don't work. Is there a ubuntu hardware datbase somewhere I can report that this hardware has problems? [23:14] sem: There is a hardware database, but I'm not sure if one can report non-working items there. [23:14] !hardware [23:14] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [23:14] thank you [23:21] it looks like the current programs are ubuntu-certified (doesn't apply to me) and hw-probe [23:39] How can I pipe audio from one application to another? [23:39] what software is there? [23:39] what do you want to do [23:43] rbox: decode NOAA images [23:43] and satellite telemetry [23:43] huh? [23:43] after recording the satellite, my challenge is piping that audio to a decoder [23:43] But I need software to do that [23:43] on windows I used VB Cable [23:43] virtual audio cable [23:43] i think you missed a step there [23:44] teletubby: Or you could just download the images directly from NOAA ... don't understand why you would do this locally [23:44] pragmaticenigma its more fun when u have ur own setup [23:44] I dont follow only NOAA [23:44] I do ISS and other sats [23:45] teletubby, i'm familiar with the idea of intercepting satellite imagery/feeds, but I am not exactly sure how to do what you are trying [23:46] sem i need to pipe the audio from my receiver to a decoding software [23:46] teletubby: honestly, what you are asking is for a very very niche thing that I'm not seeing how this is a good place to ask. I would be looking for SDR and Ham Operator groups that would have a greater chance of having someone in them who has done this sort of thing before [23:46] we can try to figure it out though [23:46] yes but the issue isnt ab rf, its ab me trying to find the software [23:46] on ubuntu [23:47] that can do this [23:47] teletubby: Those groups are going to have people that probably know of the software that's appropriate. That's what I'm saying [23:47] teletubby, what software have you tried so far to do this? [23:47] on linux? nothing yet [23:48] maybe a virtual machine would help me [23:48] hmm, then yeah try what pragmaticenigma is suggesting, maybe ask around in #hamradio or duckduckgo and let us know what you find out [23:48] ill report back when I find it [23:49] i know that ubuntu studio has a lot of audio utilities, maybe you could look at what it installs by default for inspiration [23:49] they've left [23:49] too late :) [23:50] What they are looking for is very specific software. We're talking about something that would date back to the 1970s, and earlier. Like when software was distributed on audio cassette [23:50] not that the decoder application would be that old, but when the standards and specifications of the signal format would have been determined [23:51] OK, this is odd.  Firefox is supressing the normal window chrome on my computer.  So... I cannot get the context menu to move it to another desktop.  Wha?  How do I turn that off? [23:53] people have been decoding satellite feeds very recently though so it's not that old [23:55] i can send you a link in #ubuntu-offtopic if you are interested [23:56] sem: It's about being able to provide someone with knowledgeable answers. I don't know the first thing about any of that, and this honestly isn't the right place. In the 1061 people in this channel, finding a like minded hobbiest is going to be difficult compared to a channel like #hamradio where someone has likely worked in audio signal processing to a data stream [23:57] so rather than waste time stumbling around in the dark to find an answer, the guidance to have someone go to a community of like minded people is a better option. Where they are more likely to find someone that has faced the same problem or know of a place to look for answers [23:58] well to turn the convo back to ubuntu... you would think that decoding software, if it exists, would be setup to simply select the audio stream from a dropdown. So the pproblem would be how to get the signal into the computer (maybe a USB interface) and then make sure that pulseaudio or whatever is working correctly and populating that dropdown