[03:44] sudip: probably the launchpad team doesn't know much about that service; if you can file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/britney/+filebug it'll be less likely to be overlooked === flotwig_ is now known as flotwig [12:53] sudip,sarnold: or ask on #ubuntu-release [21:27] cjwatson,sudip, ahh good point re: #ubuntu-release, thanks [21:28] thanks sarnold cjwatson, will ask on #ubuntu-release next week, I think people are still on holiday. :) [21:30] hopefully :) I'm just here to see if the world is on fire [21:33] when was the world last *not* on fire? :) [21:44] well, okay, a part of the world that I can influence :) [22:37] Hi there. I have downloaded a source and debian.xz patch file from launchpad. I want to apply the patches and compile, however I'm not sure how to do that. I saw something about using quilt push but it complains about not being able to find the files.