=== jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon === justache is now known as justResolute === justResolute is now known as justIrresolute [18:28] sudip: Coming out of EOY for a minute to review bug 2045816 for you. :) [18:28] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2045816 in project-x (Ubuntu) "project-x fails to build from source in noble" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2045816 [18:30] sudip: arraybolt3's review does stand (even though he doesn't have upload access ;)), just wanted to get him some practice, while getting you some practice. [18:31] sudip: He did miss one or two minor things, but I think given the extent of the changes, I'll ask you to come up with a second iteration. :) [18:34] Well you can't tell me I missed things without telling me what I missed :P [20:02] arraybolt3: Sorry, got pulled into a meeting. [20:03] Oh, okay. I got sidetracked because I'm like "having Ubuntu MOTU as the maintainer should probably raise a Lintian warning or something" then got sidetracked into my email to d-devel... [20:03] Anyway... [20:03] arraybolt3: I'll respond on the bug report in a minute. [20:04] hehe, np, I'm over here trying to patch a ~1 1/2 year old Manuskript bug in jammy. [20:04] (tried once, failed, left it stale for over a year, just now came back to it) [20:06] Nice, heh :D [20:08] arraybolt3: Is openmsx syncable now, btw? [20:08] not syncable, needs modifications for Ubuntu. [20:08] The patch is there and just waiting for a sponsor. [20:08] Probably should wait for after January 1 though. [20:08] oh shoot! can you link it to me? [20:09] (Oh? [20:09] ) [20:09] Since then someone else can sponsor it for me and get me a better looking MOTU application :P [20:09] if you *want* to hork it, that's fine though, I can send a link. [20:10] tsimonq2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openmsx/+bug/2044565 [20:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2044565 in openmsx (Ubuntu) "Merge openmsx from Debian" [Undecided, New] [20:10] did I... forget to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors? [20:10] sigh, I think I did [20:11] yeah I did [20:11] tsimonq2: if you're horking it now, I won't bother subscribing -sponsors, otherwise I'll go ahead and do that now. [20:11] arraybolt3: nice job buddy ;) [20:11] arraybolt3: I got it. [20:11] thanks :) [20:14] arraybolt3: dputting as we speak :) happy to help [20:47] sigh, the latest Manuskript patch works, *but* there's a pro&oblem. [20:47] namely, Sea&rch should display as "Search" with an underscore under the "r" I'm pretty sure. [20:47] so great, now I get to find that patch too if it exists [20:47] maybe I just upload what I have for now though and tackle the next bug later [21:27] tsimonq2: If you find yourself in a sponsoring mood, could you throw this into jammy-proposed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/manuskript/+bug/1989203 [21:27] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1989203 in manuskript (Ubuntu Jammy) "Manuskript crashes on start" [High, Confirmed] [21:27] * arraybolt3 quickly brushes up on SRU requirements to make sure I've met everything [21:29] yeah looks like I got everything, the SRU paperwork was already done from last year (I tweaked it a bit) [22:37] arraybolt3: tsimonq2: sorry, I am confused. is it a Ubuntu requirement to have a package Lintian clean? [22:49] sudip: Lintian is one of those things where even though technically it's not a hard requirement to listen to it, it's always a good idea to try. It can catch many problems (sometimes serious problems) that would otherwise escape notice. Lintian errors *must* always be addressed, warnings are usually important and need fixed, informational tags [22:49] should usually be at least looked at, and then pedantic and experimental tags are no big deal but sometimes are nice to fix or override. Everything me and Simon mentioned except for the bad-jar-file tag are all informational or lower tags, so technically it's not 100% required to deal with them all. But it's good practice to deal with them most of [22:49] the time, and it keeps the packaging high-quality when everything that can be dealt with is dealt with. [23:07] arraybolt3: yes, agree with Lintian errors. yes also for warnings if its a valid one. imho, this warning for jar is not valid. But I usually never add lintian overrides to suppress Lintian tags. If its suppressed it will be forgotten. [23:10] I mean, either it is a problem in which case it shouldn't be forgotten or overridden and does need fixed, or it's not a problem in which case there's no need to remember it and it can be overridden. I personally am fine with "this is a false positive, I'll ignore it", but explicitly overriding it makes it easier for future packagers to work with it [23:10] since they'll know it's probably not a problem if they ever see the warning. [23:12] yeah, and which is why I asked about Ubuntu requirement. In Debian my packages are mine. But in Ubuntu everything is team maintained. so it will be little different here. [23:18] ginggs: found the problem, first prize for LP: #2036267. its too late in my time now, will attach debdiffs for all releases tomorrow. [23:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036267 in color-picker (Ubuntu Noble) "SegFault on 22.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2036267 [23:20] sudip: (re asking about requirement) Valid point. Technically there's no policy that enforces it (that I know of), but generally depending on who ends up sponsoring your package, they may require you to make things Lintian-clean before they're willing to upload. I always make mine Lintian-clean or very close to clean since that's how I was trained [23:20] and it makes things easier in the long run in my experience. [23:27] arraybolt3: thanks for confirming