
=== luna_ is now known as luna_uk
* luna_uk just got back from ASDA and watch 37C310:27
zxmpisee the event from comfort of your own home WITH snacks!10:40
luna_ukcomfort of the boyfriends home10:41
zxmpieven better, voice activated snack service 10:41
luna_ukwell he is the britt and i am the swede :p10:42
zxmpihe'll do anything to be legal in eu again :-P10:42
luna_ukzxmpi: o:?10:47
zxmpibad brexit joke 10:48
davefJeffers are safe. I also can’t get over the fact that a loaf of bread here is only 75p … I pay $5 at home11:54
penguin42wth does your $5 loaf of bread do for you?12:20
davefFor $5 one would hope that it would do something extra, but it doesn't.14:17
zxmpi the 75p loaf of bread barely qualifies as bread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorleywood_bread_process#Criticism19:19
penguin42if it toasts, it'll do20:07
davefMorrisons Extra Toasty .. it toasts20:16
daftykinsyouch pricey bread20:51
daftykinsi find it too much of a chore to keep fresh bread as a single guy20:51
* penguin42 might be guilty of freezing bread20:55
penguin42The Wimbles series read by Richard E Grant is directed by Johnny Vegas;  it's a crazy combination20:56
daftykinskinda odd to think of reading being directed20:57
davefI freeze bread. Take out a couple slices at a time, let it defrost or shove it in the toast and hit the frozen button.21:04
daftykinsi've never really done the frozen thing, so i get impatient21:05
penguin42daftykins: It is being read in character, with different voices for different wombles21:05
daftykinsor sad at poor results21:05
daftykinsdid you know the Wombles were created by a Channel Islander?21:06
daftykinsi think maybe an Alderney lady21:06
* penguin42 did not21:08
daftykinsThe Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we ~21:13

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