[07:03] So, I've got NUT running on my system. How the hell am I supposed to get upower to read it though? [07:04] I mean I've got nut-monitor running but it's ugly as hell. If I could just get an icon in my statusbar I would be so happy. [21:12] ok, rpi5 is pretty awesome. darned fast. nice upgrade. [21:53] OMG Win 10 is such a horrifying nightmare. [21:53] Actually, s/10// [21:55] I really don't know how people put up with it. [21:59] On a somewhat related topic: Can a semi-usable Ubuntu installation be had in only 20G of disk space (because that's all of the space I can recover by shrinking Win's partition)? [22:05] i haven't used ubuntu in over a decade, but an ubuntu desktop install is >20G? [22:06] That's what I'm wondering. I've done a Debian install in a 20GB VM before, and the base install plus KDE was around 9GB. User files quickly exhausted the remaining space. [22:16] I'd say yes, but with ubuntu putting so many things in snaps, the answer is probably no. [22:16] debian bookworm is pretty nice these days. or anything that isn't ubuntu w/ snaps [22:16] it really depends on what you are going to use it for. [22:17] its pretty easy to slim down a linux distro. Not using open office? remove it. not printing, remove all of cups. etc etc [22:17] `du -hx / | sort -hr | less` is your friend. [22:18] This is for my mom's computer. She's having no end of problems but won't abandon Windows. [22:19] I'd wanted to shrink the Windows partition (assuming I'd have gotten more than 20GB in the process) and install Ubuntu or Debian as a trail balloon. [22:19] good luck. [22:20] s/trail/trial [22:20] I told my mom, "sorry mom, I don't know Windows these days. Maybe ask a friend" [22:20] I've told my mom that, too, but she won't listen. [22:21] 🤐