[00:00] More than likely it is a process of capturing the audio with an application like audacity/tenacity. Saving that to a wav file, then knowing what type of encoding the wav form is in to send that wav file to that application to convert the wav form into a binary data stream. then finally to another application that can error correct and generate the image file based on the binary blob. [00:01] The principles I know, the application I don't [00:07] Crell: I'm not aware of Firefox supressing something like that, unless it's something to do with the software being distributed as a snap. What Desktop environment are you running? [00:09] KDE.  The laptop came with Ubuntu 22.04; I switched it over to KDE via apt.  It's otherwise fairly vanilla configuration. [00:10] does the option to switch desktop work from the taskbar? [00:19] Crell: maybe that's the weirdo firefox ui thing... can you enable the menu bar by right-clicking somewhere on the toolbar and checking the option there? does ithelp? [00:24] Nope.  I can get the menu bar to appear, but right clicking there still gives the normal Firefox "configure toolbars" context menu. [00:25] hmm...can you click that "configure toolbars" option, and select "title bar" in the bottom left corner of the window? [00:27] Oh!  I hadn't noticed it down there.  Monitor is too tall. :-) That did it, thanks! [00:27] Crell: try double "right" clicking on the title bar [00:27] don't know why they hid that option that well... it's a stupid place to put it :( [00:27] It is. === [[R]] is now known as rbox === [[R]] is now known as rbox === ingrim5 is now known as ingrim === docmax is now known as Guest5093 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === Woenx1 is now known as Woenx [05:27] How do I install kdenlive on Ubuntu 22.04.3? [05:28] I followed the website to download and now have this file org.kde.kdenlive.flatpakref [05:28] I read how to use flatpak, and typically terrible linux instrutions are wrong. [05:28] Tried this and it just downloads the same file https://flathub.org/apps/org.kde.kdenlive [05:29] Why can't Ubuntu have a simple click and install after so many decades, unbelievable! LinuxMint is easy in this respect. [05:32] !info kdenlive jammy | kotgc [05:32] kotgc: kdenlive (4:21.12.3-0ubuntu1, jammy): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Built by kdenlive. Size 2,639 kB / 8,036 kB [05:35] kotgc: ' snap find kdenlive ' >> kdenlive 23.08.4 kde✓ - Video Editor . [05:42] hello all, anyone knows how to set up tap interface properly on linux ? sorry for my bad english [05:42] i am using ubuntu 20.04 LTS on my laptop. i plan to use tap0 interface for qemu , bochs and gxemul emulator. Recently i have had a rocky start getting tap0 to run on ubuntu, i have tried enabling the tun driver and set a proper chmod by following this : https://docs.kernel.org/networking/tuntap.html [05:43] after that, i moved onto setting up bridge(br0) step using sudo brctl addbr 0, executed modprobe tun, chmod'd /dev/tap0 and /dev/net/tun to 666, made a tap interface using either ip link and tunctl utility, glued eth0 and tap0 together using br0, flush the eth0 ip address to and finally i assigned br0 with ip address the same as the eth0 ip [05:43] address but no dice. Everytime i start bochs/qemu/gxemul emulator, the emulators refuse to recognize the tap0 and throwing out no such file or directory for tap0 or no device or address error [05:48] i have been trying to get the tap0 to run for about 5 days. i tried to change the tap0 group to netdev as well because both my local account and root are already in netdev group but the results still the same [06:21] Bashing-om, failed, I play camcorder and no video, mayb e Ubuntu or Kdenlive? [07:08] kotgc: Sorry - no ideas - as I have never used kdenlive. === akik is now known as akik_fin === akik_fin is now known as akik === jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon === docmax is now known as Guest5841 === docmax_ is now known as docmax [13:55] Hi all [14:28] ok. A is my existing Linux laptop. B is a new laptop that's coming in probably today in the mail with windows whatever. I have no usb drives around; can I install Ubuntu over the network serving it from an Ubuntu laptop [14:29] I tried asking chat-gippity but it quickly recommends nonexisting packages etc. usual gippity behavior. [14:35] xheimlich: you can setup pxe booting, but it's not for the faint hearted: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-22-04-pxe-uefi-netboot-desktop-installation/27841/3 [14:36] xheimlich: you can usually find usb flash drives at almost any local store for a few bucks. Hell, even gas stations sell them [14:37] xheimlich: another option *may* be to make your mobile phone (or tablet) act as an external usb storage. [14:39] but you really should have and keep some form of external storage with the ubuntu installer matching your installed ubuntu version on it anyways, since this can be useful for recovery if you ever need it. [14:42] hi [15:49] I am going to try and boot the lubuntu livecd from GRUB instead of USB bc my computer only has very slow USB that doesn't always work [15:49] so far I'm only finding pretty old guides [15:50] do I need to add $vt_handoff to the kernel boot line? It is on my current boot entry for normal use. What does it do? [15:53] and should I add ro? [15:54] Does your machine not have the ability to change the boot order, or pressing something like F12 on boot to select the boot device? [15:55] it has that ability; my question is about what boot options to put in the menu entry [15:56] pragmaticenigma, the thing it doesn't have is native ability to boot from USB. Sometimes I have success using PLoP boot manager CD, but this hasn't worked recently. It is old hardware [15:58] I don't understand the question then. As I put CD in my computers drive, and boot. I have never needed to put anything in a GRUB boot to run [15:58] the most recent example for menu entries on this page are 20.04 LTS, and then it skips over 22.04 and goes straight to 23.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#Menuentry_Example [15:59] pragmaticenigma, GRUB has the ability to boot directly from an ISO file saved on a hard disk! It's a pretty good feature. [15:59] you didn't specify that [15:59] kind of important info to know [15:59] thanks for helping clarify [15:59] that's what I meant boot from GRUB instead of USB [16:00] the problem is you have to make your own 40_custom boot entry and I'm not sure what to put in the linux boot line [16:00] sem: no you dont need the vt_handoff [16:00] EriC^^, do I need noprompt noeject like the 20.04 example has? [16:01] and rmmod tpm ? [16:01] sem: The "skip" is because the version inbetween, use the same approach. The documentation is only added to with a new version requiring a different approach. So if you are trying to use 22.04, you should be able to use 20.04 [16:02] I am not sure I will need rmmod tpm because my computer doesn't have UEFI; but I am not sure about noprompt and noeject [16:02] sem: yeah you might need it for uefi [16:03] ok i think it's ready I'm going to try it [16:03] ok [16:04] if you're not sure of the (hd0,5) stuff you could punch them in manually from the grub cmd prompt and boot from there then make the final version according to what worked [16:04] pressing "c" should give the prompt and "ls" should list the partitions [16:05] finally "boot" i think will boot the stuff you did after using the last initrd command [16:06] Thanks -- I'll remember c and ls if it gets stuck. My linux partition is /dev/sdc2 which I put in as hd(2,2) [16:07] sem: i think you meant (hd2,2) ? [16:07] let me check.. [16:08] if the partition table type is gpt use (hd2,gpt2) if it's msdos use (hd2,msdos2) [16:08] whew, yeah that's how it really is :) [16:08] not sure if it makes a difference but anyways [16:09] Change it from loopback loop (hd2,2)$isofile to loopback loop (hd2,msdos2)$isofile ? [16:10] it is msdos not gpt [16:11] yeah [16:12] for some reason update-grub is not incorporating 40_custom into grub.cfg [16:13] the section is still empty after I run it [16:13] is 40_custom +x ? [16:14] let me check [16:14] yes it is -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root [16:15] OK i see it in there now [16:16] maybe it was still open in vim or something [16:16] or I could have just misread grub.cfg; it wasn't in the output of update-grub anyway but maybe it never is [16:18] yeah [16:19] hello is there a way to install ttf fonts with some ing of verbose option? i have a problem when i do it with the gui (by clicking of the green install button)) where some font install and others just go into intalling before just going back to the green button with no feedback into what went wrong [16:19] (i'm on ubuntu 22.04.3) [16:23] Guest61: There really isn't much to "installing" a font. If you have the TTF file, you can just copy it to /usr/local/share/fonts for a system wide install. (You may want to add sub-folders for organization.) Then reboot. If you only need them for your user account, `mkdir ~/.fonts` and then copy the font in there. Log out and back in (if it doesn't show up for user install, reboot system.) [16:28] thanks, it does fix my immediate issue, but it does not tell me why i can install some font by just clicking install and some other don't work, any way to get feedback on that? [16:30] ( I had some misspellings... inside my /casper I have vmlinuz and initrd, but I had typed vmlinuz.efi and initrd.lz which was incorrect... trying again :) [16:31] Guest61: No idea on that part. Fonts themselves are programs. The installer might be having difficulty reloading the font cache, and can't verify the font is in the collection. It's also possible the names are not synched between the font file name, and the font's header/meta information. [16:36] pragmaticenigma ok, thanks for the help. [16:59] everything is working right :) [17:00] yay! [18:01] hi. I was trying to run rustdeck (the snap vesion) the other day, and it failed, on 23.10, wayland. Is there a specific channel/room to get help about that? [18:01] on matrix maybe ? [18:02] solsTiCe: snap info snapname to see where support/bugs forward to [18:05] ok === justache is now known as justResolute === justResolute is now known as justIrresolute === sandy-claws is now known as jess [18:17] well not rustdesk. may be someelse I can't remmeber right now [18:19] yes element-desktop. no GUI showing up [18:20] `snap info` doe snot give me any thing new that I already not know [18:27] never mind. that's weird but the indow came up after some tinkering with the dash and icons [18:54] can someone check to see if my 6900xt is using the correct driver https://pastebin.com/Ju4ZkpjS [18:55] shoudlnt it say "HWE" somewhere? [18:55] en1gma: sudo lshw -C video [18:55] k 1 sec [18:56] https://pastebin.com/WSA827Md [18:57] en1gma: driver=amdgpu latency=0 [18:57] i had tried to install the binary driver and didnt do it right and was trying to go back to the default ubuntu amdgpu driver and not sure if i did it right [18:57] but my sound is all messed out the hdmi port. static when ever i hear a sound and it didnt do that before [18:57] messed up* [18:58] en1gma: share your full dmesg with the volunteers, maybe they can trace some sound issues there [18:58] ok. should i do a fresh reboot as this has been running for a while? [18:59] ill do a shutdown and then start up and then sudo dmesg [18:59] bbiab [19:02] 'sudo dmesg' https://pastebin.com/RvKXVFat [19:14] en1gma: Are you planning on using any of the advanced features of the AMD graphics card for your system? [19:15] pragmaticenigma i would like to be able to use rocm, opencl and graphics [19:15] just in case [19:15] maybe vulkan too [19:17] but for right now i would be happy to get sound so its not popping and clicking like static when i play videos but i would like it to work correctly so i can play around with accelerated computer features on the gpu [19:17] compute* [19:17] en1gma: Those are not what I'm referring to. For all of those things, you would be fine using the default drivers [19:19] en1gma: AMD opensourced their drivers awhile ago, and for most usage cases they are more than adequate for games, video playback, and 3-D design work. Where you would need the proprietary drivers is if you are working with applications that need direct access to the GPU and its cores for large scale data processing (think rendering a 3-D movie, modeling large data sets, etc) [19:20] the AI and ML use those features dont they? [19:20] i was using rocm for something with ai photo stuff [19:21] i forget the name of the app 1 sec [19:21] Please don't use acronyms, I don't know what ROCM is [19:23] oh. its a feature similar to cuda. amd version. [19:23] en1gma: it honestly looks like you put the cart before the horse. I'd start with just using the opensource drivers already included and see what milage you get from there. If anything, that would at least rule out if your issue is driver related or hardware related. [19:24] do i have the opensource driver installed correctly because the sound issue is the first clue i do not. [19:25] The open-source drivers are (AFAIK) built into the kernel packages included with Ubuntu (probably as an installed-by-default kernel module). Just uninstall the proprietary ones and the open-source ones should kick in upon reboot. [19:26] actually, I'm slightly wrong - you probably need xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu [19:26] im not sure which drivers i actually have installed. i tried to uninstall the binary drivers but i think it messed up the opensource because my sound does not work correctly [19:27] ahhh. is that what the driver name should be when performing the "sudo lshw -C video" command? [19:27] dpkg-query -s xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu [19:27] no that's the package name [19:27] k 1 sec [19:27] the actual driver name is probably different [19:27] for instance the opensource NVIDIA driver is "nouveau", but the package name is "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau". [19:28] https://pastebin.com/FbEdJcfN [19:28] looks like they're installed [19:28] are the proprietary ones already uninstalled? [19:28] the amd driver opensource and the amd binary are so similar i can never remember which one is which [19:28] i was trying to unstinstall them binary because the install was not good [19:29] I believe the opensource driver is AMDGPU, and I think to proprietary identifies as AMDPRO [19:30] i didnt install the amdpro. i went to amd.com and i think i downloaded the amdgpu driver script [19:30] ugh [19:30] which is same as apt script i think [19:30] generally installer scripts like that are NOT the same as apt packages [19:30] they had the same name 'amdgpu' [19:31] you'll probably need to use the same script you used to install the driver, and look through the options for a way to uninstall it. [19:31] And hope it doesn't break your system in so doing. [19:31] i bet i need to do the amdpro like you suggested [19:31] i think it broke the sound [19:31] Driver install scripts should always be an absolute last resort. [19:32] oh wait [19:32] actually you may be right [19:32] it looks like AMD actually bothers to package their drivers properly [19:32] unlike NVIDIA where the driver install scripts are a mess [19:33] after like 12 years of this you think amd/nvidia would get it right for at least debian based distros [19:33] *maybe* not though - it has you running some weird `amdgpu-install` script after installing the deb package [19:33] Graphics hardware vendors *never* make things easy. :P [19:33] en1gma: As I said I believe those are the names. I'm not 100% certain what the driver names appear as in system queries [19:34] at this point I have no idea how to properly uninstall the proprietary driver. If you don't have critical data on this machine, you might consider just reinstalling from scratch and starting with the opensource driver. [19:34] thats what i was thinking about doing. wish ubuntu 22.04 had "factory reset" option [19:34] If you feel like trying to recover, https://amdgpu-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install-installing.html [19:35] i might try the amdpro version install thing. [19:35] since im already messed up in this system [19:35] just as difficult to install propreitary drivers, it can be equally be as difficult to remove them. I'd start with a clean slate. AND WAIT until you KNOW you need the proprietary drivers. Don't just go and install them in anticipation [19:35] agreed [19:35] i want the binary drivers [19:36] en1gma: Until you need them, you don't [19:36] the opensource drivers are "never" fully given too ubuntu [19:36] there is always some part of the driver ubuntu dont get [19:36] not true [19:36] en1gma: AMD opensourced their entire driver stack. The only cards that are lacking support are the most recently released ones [19:36] ubuntu does not get the proprietary code so it should always be the binary [19:37] until intel/nvidia/amd release the full code opensource [19:37] no to my understanding they did not release the complete code. [19:37] en1gma: AMD did opensource their full driver. What is lacking is support for the latest cards. Things released within the last few months. [19:37] really? [19:38] thats cool if they did but i thought they still keep some stuff secret [19:39] en1gma: something to note, right in the Ubuntu documentation on the AMD propreitary driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver : The open source AMDGPU driver does not support (for now) the HDMI audio. To solve this problem, you can install che "hybrid" AMDGPU-Pro driver from AMD [19:40] en1gma: you have to do your research. finding a "guide" is not enough. you have to know what you are doing [19:40] and why you are doing it [19:41] that what this irc support channel is for :) [19:42] i am on ubuntu 22.04.3 lts and the opensource driver is part of that [19:42] thanks and i thought i was doing it correctly as amdgpu is in apt [19:42] Start with a known state, what comes with the install by default. Test it, see if it meets your needs. If it does, then you're done and can move on to better and bigger things. If not, then come here and get some information about what is a next step. Someone here has likely done this, but they're going to need to start from a known working state, which would be a default install. [19:42] and i went to amd drivers page and they have install instructions that i followed too [19:43] i did that too. the amdgpu driver in apt is hard to tell apart from the amdgpu driver from amd [19:43] i guess i need to do the amdpro [19:44] the AMD and Nvidia pages are often out of date, and unfortunately lack an important detail of what distribution they chose to develop and test on. Sometimes the drivers are ready to go out of the box, and other times distribution maintainers have to tweak things to get it working with their platform. [19:44] thanks for the link. will try all over again. you might have saved me a complete reinstall [19:44] i know but this is like 12-15 years later. it should just be good by now [19:45] this has been going on for a long time and its still just as bad as it always has been [19:45] so far* [19:45] why dont the binary drivers show up in the software update thing under proprietary driver tab? [19:45] those have been taken completely out. [19:46] i havent seen a proprietary driver show up in there for a long time. i dont even think that tab works anymore [19:46] if they're in the ubuntu software center, those are the ones that should be tuned to work with Ubuntu. but there is no guarantee. that's why they don't automatically get instsalled. [19:46] I think the opensource AMD drivers work so well that there wasn't any visible need to package the proprietary ones (or perhaps Ubuntu wasn't allowed to, dunno). [19:47] That tab works just fine if you have an NVIDIA card or Broadcom WiFi. [19:47] (at least it did last I checked) [19:47] ah. i have intel wifi and that company does it right with linux. thats why they dont show? [19:47] Linux just has really good FOSS drivers for everything but the kitchen sink (and maybe the kitchen sink too if you have a smart device of some sort that is sink-related). [19:47] right, Intel WiFi uses a FOSS driver. [19:47] ahh [19:48] The only proprietary drivers that really are still clinging to existence nowadays are NVIDIA (who's proprietary drivers are dying), Broadcom (no signs of going FOSS with drivers that I've seen), and Realtek (the ultimate bane of Linux WiFi). [19:48] ok well thanks for the good info. i do think your right on the drivers have got better but if you want to use the proprietary its as bad as it ever was :) [19:48] (at least those are the only three I know of) [19:49] its weird because nvidia used to have the best support for gpu drivers besides intel cpu-gpu driver [19:49] amd made a comeback [19:49] en1gma: proprietary isn't the problem. there's just so many different ways that a platform can run the linux kernel, and it's impossible to know them all. If you stick to mainstream, it's generally easier, but even then it's no guarantee [19:49] they doing good in business server market [19:50] yep yep [19:51] i should probably do a 24.04 install as we are getting so close to that versions release date. i bet its pretty stable by now. [19:52] i going to fool around with this and see if i can get it running right on 22.04 for now but if i cant i might just go 24.04 until its final release date soon [19:52] 4 months away [19:54] 24.04 is far from release and is anything but stable right now. [19:54] 4 months away still [19:54] not too far [19:54] the development cycles are 6 months each [19:54] yall my update aint working im on ubuntu 20.04 and i cant upgrade somehow [19:54] we're still in the "move fast and break things" stages. [19:54] The last two months are when we settle down and stabilize everything. [19:55] yea i probably stay with 22.04 as this channel works great for that. maybe 23.10 [19:55] true true [19:55] vuk11: How are you trying to update? Using apt, or a graphical update manager? [19:55] If you're using apt, please copy and paste the output of your failed update command into dpaste.com and share a link to it with us. [19:55] If you're not using apt, try using apt so we can get debug info. [19:55] oh, they left [19:58] I have a LAN with many .local mdns devices, see https://pastebin.com/JKmkdU6c - please note that there is a device another96.local BUT it does not show to the scan - clearly I am missing something here - help please in understanding what I don't understand [20:03] jpmh: check the settings of the scan. The scan may only look for well known services (based on ports) and the device in question does not [20:03] pragmaticenigma: OK - but what settings are you suggesting - note I do an -a to specify ALL? [20:09] jpmh: I don't have a suggestion there, I'm not familiar with the mDNS or it's available tools [20:09] pragmaticenigma: well thanks for at least responding - I do see NO options that make any sense for what you are suggesting - thaks anyway [20:10] jpmh: #networking might be another resource to check out [20:10] pragmaticenigma: will try that - ty [20:11] pragmaticenigma: what is the package for that? [20:11] or do you mean discussion irc? [20:11] jpmh: it's an IRC channel. [20:11] /join #networking [20:12] channel is extremely active but has very knowledgable people in there. [20:12] jpmh, there's no way to "scan" for mDNS names, when the system resolves a mDNS domain it multicasts a packet that basically asks "anybody named xxx.local?" [20:14] rfm: then why does the scan find the ones that it DOES find? [20:15] rfm: is it that another96 is not responding to a request that the other devices are? [20:16] without knowing what "another96" is device wise... no idea [20:16] jpmh, because those devices have made service advertisements. [20:17] rfm: ty so much - that makes sense - now I just need to read up on how to make my another96 etc make such announcements [20:17] pragmaticenigma: it is a pi - but see rfm's comments - I think I understand the issue to some degree now [20:18] jpmh: avahi announces mdns services [20:19] rbox: ty [20:20] Hi, I have an issue (which I think may be a bug) Can I get a little help with it here? This is my first time on the channel [20:21] kyculllib: how can anyone know if they can help if you haven't said the problem [20:22] kyculllib: this channel is VERY HELPFUL as long as you tell us what the issue us, be specific [20:22] Right you are. I've just upgraded from ubuntu cinamon 23.04 to 23.10, and it takes about 20 minutes to fully reboot [20:24] kyculllib, the first thing to do is run "systemd-analyze blame" to see if there is systemd unit taking a long time to come up [20:24] it takes 20 minutes to start or 20 minutes to shut down [20:25] If I put the install usb stick in (for 23.10) it also takes that long. It doesn't take that long booting with the 23.04 usb stick [20:25] 20 minutes to start [20:25] remove quiet and splash from the kernel cmd line [20:25] and look at the output [20:25] see what its wiaitng on [20:25] look at the blame like rfm says [20:25] look at the journal [20:26] (you can look at the journal logs using `journalctl -n100`, replace 100 with however many lines of the log you want to be displayed, scroll through the displayed lines using the arrow keys) [20:38] there's a casper-md5check.service that took about 4 minutes [20:39] that on a livecd makes sense [20:39] not on a real system [20:41] one thing i noticed in dmesg that's different is there's one of these messages in the log every 1 or 2 seconds: ...SATA link up 3.0 (SStatus 123 SControl 300) [20:43] that sounds like a hardware issue [20:44] the various dev.loop.device services are taking about 10 times longer (I'm comparing with a laptop running 23.04) [20:44] thats snap [20:44] except that it doesn't happen under 23.04 [20:44] i never do upgrades [20:45] rbox: I think you need to better qualify that statement [20:46] I don't know that it is one thing in the boot process that's slow - it seems like everything is slow, even after bootup (it takes longer for firefox to load for the first time, for example) [20:46] snap firefox [20:46] yes snap firefox [20:46] pragmaticenigma: just wanted to say thanks for the #networking suggestiion, seem to be making SOME progress there [20:48] but again, it starts slow, and stays slow, for example it tooks 3.5 minutes for the cinamon logo to show up when booting with the 23.10 usb stick [20:49] well usb is gonna be slow [20:50] I think I'm going to go ahead and submit a bug report. Any advice on what I should include? [20:51] analyze and journals [20:51] ok thanks rbox [20:54] i suspect that the upgrade might have degraded the harddrive, but that's a complete shot in the dark [20:54] (assuming the disk was SSD) [21:05] SSDs shouldn't get *that* much slower from just an upgrade o_O === akik_ is now known as akik [22:24] So I have an OWC Murcery pro internal CD romUSB enclosure that isn't mounting as a cdrom drive but does show up under lsusb [22:24] How would I mount it as a cdrom [22:25] intenral usb? [22:25] huh? [22:26] I think they saying that have a USB enclosure/adapter for an internal CD rom drive [22:26] Yes that is what I am saying [22:27] I put a bluray drive in this [22:27] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRCCV44/ref=twister_B0B6NPLY8P?th=1 [22:27] okay so what does dmesg say when you plug it in [22:27] bray90820: It's showing under lsusb because the device is attached to the USB bus. You can't change that. [22:28] bray90820: It would appear that the enclosure is compatible with Ubuntu, however we will need the make and model of the drive you installed into the enclosure [22:30] pragmaticenigma: Oh joy time to take the thing appart [22:30] or is it apart idk [22:30] bray90820: I'd start with rbox 's question [22:32] rbox: https://pastebin.com/raw/KXifMm7C [22:32] pragmaticenigma: Should I get the model number now? [22:32] looks like sda shoudld be it [22:32] so whats not working [22:33] It's not mounting dvds and makemkv can't detect that a dvd drive is conencted [22:33] what does "its not" mean [22:33] And VLC can't open disks eher [22:33] bray90820: did you try using /dev/sda? [22:35] EriC^: What do you mean [22:35] oh grief, it made /dev/sda an optical drive?! [22:36] that's seriously weird [22:36] bray90820: can you share the output of `lsblk` just to confirm? [22:37] https://pastebin.com/raw/2cNcEGJC [22:37] arraybolt3: [22:37] Very, very strange. It's recognizing the cdrom at /dev/sda after all. [22:38] bray90820: What EriC^ was suggesting is, when specifying which drive or file MakeMKV should read from, did you try specifying /dev/sda as the device to read from? [22:38] bray90820: is that with the thing attached and some bluray disk inserted? [22:38] It reads it as ASMT 2115 [22:38] It's with a regular dvd [22:38] Also permissions are probably keeping anything from reading /dev/sda without root privileges. [22:39] /dev/cdrom can usually be read by anyone, but not /dev/sda. [22:39] hmm cause the size says 0B [22:40] Apperently I can edit the mount point in disks if that matters at all [22:41] It's currently mounted as [22:41] "/mnt/usb-ASMT_2115_221124880282-0:0" [22:43] bray90820: where are you editing the mount point? did you try to define the drive in fstab? [22:48] pragmaticenigma: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjfvacd0llz3j2yot09nu/1.png?rlkey=wjlj4g3gf6n8t03flq0x868mk&dl=0 [22:48] I did not use FS tab [22:48] fstab [23:00] bray90820: I do not click links to dropbox or similar sites. If you are posting the contents of a config file, the #ubuntu channels topic message has a link to an appropriate and trusted posting site [23:01] !paste | bray90820 [23:01] bray90820: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:03] pragmaticenigma: Where should I post images? [23:04] Oh nevermind my bad [23:05] pragmaticenigma: Here is the image [23:05] https://imgur.com/a/vKw1ooF [23:08] okay, now I understand the issue better. Ubuntu recognizes that as a removable USB thumb drive or SSD. [23:09] I'm not familiar with how to convince Ubuntu that it is a USB CD/DVD-Rom or BluRay drive. [23:10] rbox, arraybolt3, tomreyn ... any thoughts? [23:10] What's odd is it shows up in disks but not gparted [23:10] and it's recognizing it as a 0-byte USB flash drive always? [23:10] Not a larger one if you plug a disk in? [23:10] just trying to make sure I understand [23:11] (I think that's what's happening) [23:11] I hink that's what's happening as well [23:12] plug a disk in first, then unplug and replug the drive perhaps? [23:13] arraybolt3: Before I do that I have this image [23:13] https://imgur.com/a/OXefe3C [23:13] yeah, that's so weird [23:16] So should I plug a flash drive in then re plug in the dvd drive [23:18] arraybolt3: [23:20] bray90820: I meant plug a disk into the bluray drive while it's plugged into the computer, then unplug the bluray drive and plug it back in. [23:20] That way there's a disk in there to be recognized when the OS looks for one. [23:20] btw I suspect this is low-quality hardware which is probably why you're encountering this weirdness [23:21] Welp I'm an idiot [23:21] I opened it and the sata cable was unplugged [23:22] It workws fine now [23:23] bwah, hahahaahaa... yay! ya got it going! [23:24] I guess my original suggestion wasn't too far off in the first place. That's uncanny [23:25] Hahaha === user03 is now known as gchound