[01:48] * arraybolt3 wonders how practical it would be to implement an SSD or SD card with very low-speed, low-quality SRAM and a small battery and use that as storage that doesn't wear out very easy [01:50] stuff like that has existed since the 1980s at least ;) [01:54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAM_drive#Dedicated_hardware_RAM_drives [01:56] the one that I knew that you could actually buy .. https://ddrdrive.com/x1_product_brief.pdf *four gigabytes* [01:56] oh, but I remember ones from the 1980s that were 1 or 2 MiB [01:56] *nod* [01:56] one for the ZX Spectrum even [01:56] lol [01:57] they would have ads in some Speccy magazines [01:58] must have been a lot faster (and less noisy) than the cassette tapes I used with it :P [02:07] "2MB RAM CARD for PC" / "Includes Ramdisk/Print Spooler Software" https://books.google.be/books/content?id=my8EAAAAMBAJ&hl=nl&pg=PA56&img=1&zoom=3&sig=ACfU3U0bAYe2muiGlGb-59FqZL6rYOLUYg&w=1280 [02:07] $399 [02:10] definitely had a RAM disk on the RISC OS running Acorn Archimedes i had in school [02:10] even though i was 2 when i came out, somehow they lasted in schools [02:11] some computers would have more RAM than the processor/OS could address directly & those were used as RAM disks too sometimes [02:13] I could do something like that on my IBM XT compatible too (which had 1 MiB RAM, but DOS could famously only use 640 KiB of it...) [02:13] so I had a 128 KiB RAM disk on it :) [02:14] which I used to run COMMAND.COM from [02:14] \o/ [02:14] blazing fast! [02:14] no need to swap floppies then [02:14] :D [02:15] otherwise I got the dreaded "please insert DOS disk" after running an application from another floppy [02:16] as DOS removed (most of) COMMAND.COM from RAM to have more to run an application... [02:17] I remember fighting with that a bit at one point :P [02:17] I'm not old enough to have ever used DOS as a regular PC, but I did play with it quite a bit just because I liked old stuff. [02:18] I even ran Windows 2.x on that machine ;) [02:20] running Windows from a DD 720K floppy, imagine that :) [02:21] reminds me of a meme I saw where someone was showing the floppy disk version of Windows 8.1 Pro. There were like two giant cardboard boxes with four massive plastic sleeves each, each of which contained a massive stack of floppies. The first one was labeled "Disk 1 of 2876" or something insane like that [02:23] https://archive.org/details/windows_2.03_english_with_ms-dos_6.22_eng if you ever wanna try... [02:23] you can probably run it from freedos [02:24] DOS 6.22 they have on that page is like 6× larger than Windows 2.0x [02:25] * daftykins pats originals [02:25] I've installed Win3.1 in a VM before. It was really less than fun not because of the OS being unstable, but because of my screen being so small :P [02:26] (I mean, it was fun to install, less than fun to use) [02:26] 640x480 viewed on a 15" screen vs in a 1.5" dialog box.. [02:26] exactly [02:27] only I managed to get mine up to a whopping 800x600 :D I don't think I even managed 1024x768. [02:27] it could do higher resolutions :) [02:27] need a proper driver though [02:28] don't think I had a proper QEMU driver [02:28] there might be VBE (VESA) drivers for Windows 3.1, but not for 2.0x :) [02:29] and it should be possible to have a BIOS with VBE for Qemu I'm sure [02:30] as VBE just provided a more or less standardised way to switch to higher resolutions that otherwise behaved more or less like (S)VGA [02:34] oh... http://www.win3x.org/win3board/viewtopic.php?t=5408 [02:36] good morning [02:36] What tintin said to the smurfette? are you gay? [02:37] wrong win. [02:37] lol hi. === leamas1 is now known as leamas === A_Dragon is now known as Festive_Dragon === Festive_Dragon is now known as Festive_Derg === JanC_ is now known as JanC