[00:30] I'd do Debian as it's smaller I'm sure. There are a few other distros that are even less than that. DSL is like 20M minimum but that's really barebones. [05:59] Heya everyone. I am looking for a new sysadmin job in S.E. Michigan. If anyone knows of anything, can you let me know? I am still fairly new to it, only been doing sysadmin work for 2 years now and a software developer before that. [14:11] daemoneye: Are you on the MUG Discuss Mailing list? [14:16] cmaloney: I am not, no. [14:24] https://www.mug.org/contact-us/ has information on how to sign up. [14:24] I'm not saying it'll help but it'll at least hit a wider audience [14:24] Good luck, though. [14:24] Cool. Thanks.