
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== ZemithBarter12 is now known as BlazeWhisper23
BlazeWhisper23Hello everyone! I want to add more custom icons I made to the current Kubuntu /KDE/ theme I use and see all those new icons when I click in Dolphin to change icon of a folder or file I tried adding them to /home/usrname/.local/share/icons/ and to /usr/share/icons/ without success and then tried  "kbuildsycoca5". No success. I want the theme Icons but I also want my icons to be loaded too. If I copy folders with my icons inside the theme folder01:55
BlazeWhisper23nothing happens again. I have many icons in .png and .svg and with logical names I want to be able to see them in Dolphin when I chose "show ALL icons" when selecting an icon for folder/file how?01:55
IrcsomeBot<TrueParticle> I don't know but I'm trying to achieve this same exact thing. If anybody knows please share! (re @IrcsomeBot: <BlazeWhisper23> Hello everyone! I want to add more custom icons I made to the current Kubuntu /KDE/ theme I use and see all those new icons when I click in Dolphin to change icon of a folder or file I tried adding them to /home/usrname/.local/share/icons/ and to /usr/share/icons/ without success and then tried  "kbuildsycoca5". 01:56
megamasterxHello there! Just poppin' in to say hi and get Konversation set up o/04:24
=== jj5_ is now known as jj5
=== swastik is now known as cool_anon
=== vcxza is now known as p4aoo
IrcsomeBot<CatchMe007> How to solve the boot time error "Cannot find TOCBLOCK, database maybe corrupted"09:21
IrcsomeBot<ASG13043> KQIL (re @join_captcha_bot: )11:36
IrcsomeBot<ASG13043> 033H (re @join_captcha_bot: )11:37
=== linda is now known as lindathadeus
ijstthello everyone! I have a problem - bluetooth does not work on kubuntu 24.04. he is not looking for a device, although it is possible to connect from a phone, has anyone had a similar problem?15:22
BluesKajHi all15:53
IrcsomeBot<William> Hey guys I seen that Kubuntu is great for linux16:36
IrcsomeBot<William> Windows is going off the road and I am not following going to try work with linux and when update are done in october I doing a full switch to linux16:36
IrcsomeBot<William> I mainly using my setup for browsing and gaming16:37
IrcsomeBot<William> I have 6 screen16:37
IrcsomeBot<William> Botom are 3 in surroung can Kubuntu run that with 3 more on top?16:38
IrcsomeBot<William> 9cGC16:39
IrcsomeBot<William> wovn16:39
IrcsomeBot<William> Hey guy how are you today?16:39
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Kubuntu should support your monitors just fine. You can arrange them pretty much however you want to16:50
IrcsomeBot<William> Like in surround ?17:21
IrcsomeBot<William> Geez17:21
IrcsomeBot<William> Last time I returned to windows because its was to much17:21
IrcsomeBot<William> Surround mean you play like 3=117:21
IrcsomeBot<William> 5760x108017:22
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Yeah I think that should work, just open display configuration and tile your windows like you want them. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/46f4d7a6/file_71528.jpg19:04
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> you see setups like this on some linux communities, so a simple 3 monitor setup or even a 6 monitor setup should be just fine : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/efa73a68/file_71529.jpg19:05
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> you might run into some issues though if you are using integrated gpu for some monitors and discrete for others. Or at least that's something I couldn't get to work when I tried years ago.19:06
user|50Quick question, back in the day there used to be a shortkey for getting a list of shortkeys. Is there still now today?20:37

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