[00:05] can someone think of an arbitrary app that still uses GTK 2 off the top of their heads? [00:05] trying to test theming changes [00:05] [matrix] not sure what is left [00:06] [matrix] claws mail maybe [00:07] nope, even that's gtk 3 [00:09] sheesh, it's like all of LXDE is GTK3 now?! [00:10] unbelievable. I thought LXDE was all GTK2-land still. [00:11] * arraybolt3 installs Lazarus IDE, that's the only one I know of that's for sure still GTK2 [00:11] unless of course it's been changed since then, but even the latest releases were still stuck there last I saw [00:16] alrighty, it worked [00:17] [matrix] Nice [00:22] I'm a bit worried about shipping these default config files the way I'm doing them - I'm putting them under /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, which sounds like I am just *begging* to cause a file conflict... [00:22] I should find out if there are XDG-compliant locations to put those. [00:24] [matrix] I think there should be. I don't have them off the top of my head but I feel like we should have some other examples in default settings already. [00:26] * guiverc still uses hexchat here, it's GTK2 still as far as I can see... [00:27] [matrix] Ah, I forgot about that one. [00:33] well GTK2 allows me to set it via XDG. GTK3 is being more stubborn though. [00:40] grrr, may have to use gsettings to untangle this [00:41] I really hope not though, I don't get why two of the default locations for settings.ini work but the only one that I really want to work doesn't work. [00:49] wow, gsettings doesn't work either [00:49] hmm, going to have to ask someone more knowledgable about GNOME what to do I guess. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [01:18] [telegram] Can't you set GTK themes within LXQt itself? [01:18] [telegram] Also, bah, GTK 2 can go the way of Qt 4 :P [01:18] Yes, but it's setting them in user-specific methods. [01:18] hahaha GTK2 worked, GTK3 is what's broken [01:18] *user-specific locations [01:19] [telegram] (Historical context for those who don't know: I'm the one who specifically told the archive admins to remove Qt 4, and I'll be going on the same warpath for Qt 5 soon enough. :P) [01:19] for some reason I can set the GTK3 theme in a user-specific location, and in the seriously sledgehammer-level distro-wide location, but not in the "default but try not to break anything" location under /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu. [01:19] [telegram] I remember Adam joking once he did the final removal, "okay, let's do GTK 2 next!" [01:20] * arraybolt3 misses Plasma 4 :( [01:20] at any rate, spinning up a VM to rule out the possibility of a corrupted system on my end. My dev VM has been through some... trials... under my rule. [01:21] not quite as bad as what guiverc puts his through though [01:22] [telegram] So, the user level settings are actually copied over from the XDG directory. They're not layered like they should be. [01:22] [telegram] [01:22] [telegram] In an ideal world, if we changed a default setting and the user didn't override it, that default setting should just carry over to their config. The users' config really only has to have Δ(default, theirs), not theirs [01:22] [telegram] [01:22] [telegram] I have a feeling the location of your bug is going to be in LXQt itself. Perhaps lxqt-session since that's where startlxqt lives [01:22] [telegram] Re: Plasma 4 XD [01:22] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/207bd934/file_10306.jpg [01:23] tsimonq2: I don't have any user-level GTK 3 setting set when this happens :P [01:23] [telegram] So, LXQt should set the appropriate user level setting, shouldn't it? :P [01:23] so, full picture: /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (exists), /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (doesn't exist), ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (doesn't exist) <-- this combo works [01:23] don't worry @tsimonq2, I see support stuff for Qt4 on occasion; and my paste includes ref to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/removing-qt-4-from-ubuntu-before-the-20-04-release/12295 & ML :) [01:24] (thus everyone knows it's Simon's fault !) [01:24] /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (doesn't exist), /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (exists), ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (doesn't exist) <-- this combo doesn't work [01:24] * guiverc said ^ tongue in cheek :) [01:24] [telegram] LMFAO guiverc :))) [01:27] [telegram] arraybolt3: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-config/blob/master/lxqt-config-appearance/gtkconfig.cpp#L80 [01:27] [telegram] /me motions for genii to bring arraybolt3 some more coffee [01:28] hmm, interesting question, do we even *have* an xsettingsd in Lubuntu? [01:28] [telegram] "So what about GTK 4 themes?" Good question, was thinking the same thing myself. :P [01:28] [telegram] That's a good one. I'm not sure. Let's look at default settings? [01:28] GTK4 is mostly libadwaita which has "Stop Theming My App!" as its mantra. [01:29] [telegram] Sigh. That'll be fun [01:29] libadwaita is intentionally difficult to theme. Most GTK4 stuff that I know of is also libadwaita, so... yeah. [01:29] for now GTK4 can stick out like a sore thumb and like it that way :P [01:30] * genii meets Juan Valdez at the border, obtains freshly roasted premium contraband beans, paddles his canoe back to where the aeropress is to prepare a coffee for arraybolt3 [01:31] tsimonq2: https://valadoc.org/gtk+-3.0/Gtk.Settings.html this is why I ask about xsettingsd [01:31] if GTK3 can get settings from it, it ignores everything else it seems. [01:31] [telegram] bah bah bah [01:32] [telegram] this is why we aren't a GTK shop y'all :P [01:32] [telegram] *grumbles in greybeard* [01:32] [matrix] GTK is awful. [01:32] [matrix] In all forms and at all times. [01:32] [matrix] but anyway, bikeshedding aside, /me thinks my ISO DL just finished [01:34] (I've actually tried to do some GTK programming before. I say tried because it was very painful even trying to use their fancy Vala language.) [01:35] * genii slides arraybolt3 and tsimonq2 fresh mugs, then wanders back to the beer fridge [01:36] ok so we do not have xsettingsd in Lubuntu, confirmed [01:36] [telegram] /me gives genii a bow and thanks him for the kind gesture [01:36] * arraybolt3 wishes virtual coffee weren't quite so virtual [01:38] (I take back what I said about GTK - it is frustrating in many ways, but it works, and I have used it and liked it before, I'm just particularly not fond of it this moment since it's being tricky.) [01:38] [telegram] ;) [01:39] [telegram] (That's the right way to put it, despite the ephemeral rage it produces.) [01:40] alright, fresh VM, tried putting settings.ini in the XDG location, no dice. [01:41] no xsettingsd, no user config to get in the way, settings are probably in the wrong place but for no reason I can tell, and they're getting silently ignored. [01:41] aaaand I just Ctrl+C'd my QEMU instance trying to stop a different program. Fun. [01:45] [telegram] *bonks arraybolt3* [01:45] [telegram] Ready to use virt-manager yet my friend? 😁 [01:45] nope :P [01:46] [telegram] *shrug* alright LMAO [01:49] well... there's one heavy-handed way to get GTK to comply once and for all here, but it's a bit severe. [01:49] patch startlxqt [01:50] it's just a script, it sets environment variables as part of what it does, we could just set GTK_THEME in there. Though the user might have trouble overriding it thereafter... [01:51] [telegram] So, if you set the theme to something else it works, just the default isn't working? Am I reading that correctly? [01:51] yeah that's not overridable without setting the env var to something else. [01:51] Correct, if I set the theme to something else, works just fine. [01:51] If I set the default, it gets ignored. [01:51] Regardless of whether the user has any config set or not. [01:52] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/a4f86aaa/huntingwabbits_huntingbuggs.mp4 [01:58] well. I'm tired and think this is probably a lost cause for the time being. I asked a question in the GTK Matrix room, we'll see if someone notices. I have to go afk for a bit, I may be back later or even soon. [01:58] [telegram] Our XDG handling has always been a hot button issue for LXQt because I'm 100% convinced we're the only LXQt distro that ships the XDG spec as designed [01:58] Probably will work some more on the updater when I get back. [01:58] tsimonq2: yikes [01:59] [telegram] So I'd triple check XDG vars. As an *absolute last case scenario* if you can't figure it out, yeah just add a conditional to startlxqt which says "iff [if and only if] there is no existing GTK 3 config, copy over ours" or something [01:59] [telegram] That likelihood seems high. (re @tsimonq2: Our XDG handling has always been a hot button issue for LXQt because I'm 100% convinced we're the only LXQt distro that ships the XDG spec as designed) [02:00] omw I think I just found it [02:00] [telegram] ohhhhhhhh? [02:01] I found it! [02:01] /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini was forcing Yaru as the theme. [02:01] [telegram] AHAHAHAHAHA [02:01] because libgtk-3.0 ships it [02:01] [telegram] Oh gawd. Okay. [02:01] so now we have to tell someone that that's a big no-no or fix whatever code gives that file higher priority. [02:01] (probably the latter :-/) [02:01] [telegram] Sounds like I'm doing my second ever gtk-3.0 upload :P [02:02] orrr.... [02:02] /etc is given higher priority than /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS it looks like. [02:02] how 'bout we flip that around? [02:03] (I think later fields in the list are higher priorities than earlier ones right?) [02:03] hmm, I can see that going south though [02:03] really I think libgtk-3.0 shouldn't be shipping that file, that's a very heavy-handed location for it to be in. [02:03] [telegram] Absolute +1, could you see what happens when you remove it? [02:04] Already did. [02:04] It makes it work. [02:04] (just moved the settings.ini to settings.ini.old) [02:04] Putting it back breaks it again. [02:05] [telegram] Well, well, well. Kay, I'll take care of GTK 3. Is jbicha still here on the IRC side or did he dip out after the Summit? [02:05] [telegram] We should also see what switching those env vars around actually does.. [02:05] [telegram] ACTUALLY... [02:05] [telegram] I know you're right on that one too. Remember, for the live environment, we're doing some of SDDM's work since the session name doesn't match [02:06] [telegram] That puts xdg-Lubuntu *before* XDG [02:06] [telegram] (If that makes sense) [02:06] yeah, lower in priority [02:06] right now /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu is lowest, then /etc/xdg, then /etc, then /usr/share. [02:07] or... is that backwards? [02:07] I can't tell, ERR:BRAINFRIED [02:07] something has to take priority over something, and right now the priorities are out of whack, that's all I know. [02:07] [telegram] Yeah that's backwards go take your break :) we found the issue tbh [02:08] [telegram] Er, the more I think about it, the more I wonder about that config file... [02:08] [telegram] There should be *some* default in the actual source package but it shouldn't be Yaru, that should be an Ubuntu thing [02:09] [telegram] I'd laugh if GTK 3 actually depends on Yaru. If it doesn't, technically speaking that's a bug in and of itself. [02:09] [telegram] Anyway, looks like I'm uploading SDDM as well heh [02:10] Will upload lubuntu-default-settings when I get back. [02:10] [telegram] (I'm thinking, don't quote me on that yet; this may end up being tomorrow or EOY anyway) [02:10] [telegram] Thank you :D [02:11] [telegram] @Eickmeyer @RikMills hi there's a chance I'll have to screw with an SDDM patch soon for more XDG handing goodies. Y'all care if it doesn't break your stuff? [02:12] [telegram] Plz don't break it kthx (re @tsimonq2: @Eickmeyer @RikMills hi there's a chance I'll have to screw with an SDDM patch soon for more XDG handling goodies. Y'all care, if it doesn't break your stuff?) [02:50] Just had Lubuntu Noble place me in Denver with the timezone detection. We are officially not bugged! [02:51] oh nice, just got Cala to crash my whole X server [02:51] um... [02:52] I just wish Canonical's tzdata wouldn't place me in mountain time every time I'm in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Everything in Idaho is in Pacific time north of the Salmon River. [02:52] well hey, I started my VM with the wrong options anyway so I guess that was a helpful crash. [02:52] Eickmeyer: :-/ [02:53] IMO timezone detection is slightly... pointless? I mean does MS get it any more right than Canonical does? [02:53] Yes. Yes they do. [02:53] [telegram] I always show up in NY :P [02:53] well maybe one day they'll hand over their secret sauce to Canonical in exchange for WSL :P [02:54] It's simple geolocation based on IP. There's not much to it. [02:55] Canonical is just doing it based on state and making an assumption that whole states are in a time zone. [03:02] alright, settings changes work, time to review and upload 🎉 [03:06] Uploaded. GTK2 apps will now use Breeze. GTK3 apps will be hung up on the bug we just discussed. [13:08] [telegram] Ok, when you have a build to test please ping again (re @tsimonq2: @Eickmeyer @RikMills hi there's a chance I'll have to screw with an SDDM patch soon for more XDG handling goodies. Y'all care, if it doesn't break your stuff?) [15:26] tsimonq2: Did you already file a bug for the Gtk 3 config file weirdness, or should I do that? [15:53] arraybolt3: Go for it. [15:54] I have some emergent $dayjob work, then I'll be looking at this. [16:08] Preparing bug report. [16:19] LP: #2047705 [16:19] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2047705 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Packaging ships /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, forcing the GTK3 theme to Yaru and preventing flavors from overriding it with XDG configuration" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2047705 [16:46] Looks like I accidentally paused my IRC client process and it disconnected me. :P [16:46] Anyway, looking. [16:46] Thanks for your help here, arraybolt3! Especially the upload. [16:47] Glad to help! [16:47] You got the bug link right? [16:47] Until we're completely on Matrix, I still have Telegram :D [16:47] nifty [17:07] $ echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS [17:07] /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu:/etc/xdg:/etc:/usr/share [17:07] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [17:10] I'm guessing that's backwards or something. [17:11] I would think /etc/xdg would take priority over xdg-Lubuntu, and /etc would take priority over that, but /usr/share looks like it's definitely in the wrong place [17:11] still wouldn't fix the bug, but perhaps then Ubuntu could move that default file to /usr/share/gtk-3.0 [17:15] */usr/share* ahh ok [17:24] * tsimonq2 slaps arraybolt3 with a wet fish [17:25] arraybolt3: missing: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-default-settings [17:25] oof, sorry [17:25] fixing [17:25] arraybolt3: also I'm curious why neither of these files are actually installed [17:25] which files? [17:26] I tested the package in a VM and it installed the file for me. [17:26] *files [17:26] if that's what you mean [17:29] yeah the two new files you created aren't showing up on my actual system I'm dogfooding [17:29] * tsimonq2 does further Checking [17:29] wtf the build log says they're shipped [17:29] apt-file show doesn't display them hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [17:34] ls /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu [17:34] if you have gtk-2.0 and gtk-3.0 folders in there, it works. [17:35] If not, fix your system :P [17:35] [matrix] XD [17:37] arraybolt3: no dude, the latest ISO with the latest default settings doesn't have em [17:37] And I'm *shocked* because it says they're installed: launchpadlibrarian.net/706332591/buildlog_ubuntu-noble-amd64.lubuntu-default-settings_24.04.3_BUILDING.txt.gz [17:37] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/207bd934/file_10306.jpg [17:38] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [17:39] tsimonq2: eh? That's odd... [17:40] ISO respin I guess? [17:40] [telegram] That's some strange stuff indeed. [17:40] I can reproduce it locally too [17:41] grrrr [17:41] then why did it just work when I did it?! [17:41] maybe I didn't test properly, idk [17:43] I installed Noble in a VM, got the .deb into the VM, booted it, installed the .deb with apt, and then checked and make sure the theming changes worked before uploading, so I know I did test this. [17:45] False alarm. Totally PEBKAC. My apologies. [17:46] [telegram] heisenbug [17:46] whew [17:48] arraybolt3: In your testing, were the settings from Lubuntu's XDG directory automatically copied over? [17:49] I don't *think* so. I may have forgotten to test that part though, but I think that did not happen. [17:49] I didn't tweak the appearance settings after installing the package, I just let the package do its thing on its own. [17:49] (moving the blocking file from libgtk of course) [18:24] lxqt-session upload coming fixing this [18:35] tsimonq2: orly? [18:35] how'd you do it? [18:39] arraybolt3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-session/1.4.0-0ubuntu3 [18:40] This should completely fix everything for us *without* a GTK 3 upload. :) [18:40] ah, nice... [18:40] ...though does that override the user's settings? [18:40] Like if they set a GTK theme on purpose, will this keep "undoing" that? [18:41] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lxqt-session-packaging/commit/5fd7bd386045d577e082926753c850f4c28bb91a [18:41] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 5fd7bd3 in Lubuntu/lxqt-session-packaging "Copy over GTK 3 settings by default (LP: #2047705)." [18:41] And nope. :) [18:41] nifty! [18:42] [telegram] Willing to bet we just need to add an additional comment header to make LXQt not trigger this warning on first theme change : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/0ae62b02/file_10313.jpg [18:42] [telegram] Also TODO: reset to default settings [18:45] Also just confirmed that without Lubuntu's default settings, Yaru is still the default. [18:46] arraybolt3: Are you suuuuuuuuuuuure GTK 2 was working? [18:46] Not that I'm inclined to care at all anymore, tbh. :P [18:46] Quite sure. [18:47] So, when I open up a new session, why is Arc-Darker still the default GTK 2 theme? :P [18:49] Probably an LXQt bug. [18:50] Launch an actual GTK2 app like Hexchat or Lazarus and you'll see the theming is right. [18:50] Better yet, move /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/gtk-2.0/gtkrc to somewhere else and launch Hexchat again and see the difference. [18:50] It goes from looking fairly modern to like it just crawled out of Windows 95. [18:55] Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... okay. [18:56] I *think* we're in the clear. I'll do a followup respin once lxqt-session migrates. [19:31] [telegram] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-session/+bug/1824654 [19:31] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1824654 in lxqt-session (Ubuntu) "using BROWSER environment variable to set default browser creates several problems" [High, Triaged] [19:40] that would be a really nice one to fix this cycle [22:20] [telegram] Respin will land in the next 20 minutes with fixed GTK stuff and things