=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [14:55] buffer set unread === blathijs_ is now known as blathijs [17:00] So, I recognize that this bug is partly SDDM's fault: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/2047705 [17:00] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 2047705 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Packaging ships /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, forcing the GTK3 theme to Yaru and preventing flavors from overriding it with XDG configuration" [Critical, Confirmed] [17:01] That being said, I *do* still see a bug with gtk+3.0's handling here. [17:01] Yaru should be placed in the *Ubuntu* session settings, or at minimum in /etc/xdg. [17:02] Anyway, I'm happy to help here, but I'm sure I don't strike anyone as being eager to upload gtk+3.0. ;) [17:59] gtk3 signed tags 7e97f9f Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/3.24.39-1ubuntu1 * gtk+3.0 Debian release 3.24.39-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3aZ10 [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest 968170b Jeremy Bicha * pushed 149 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/rZnz [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest 4882268 Jacob Boerema .gitlab-ci/test-msys2-meson.sh * test-msys2-meson: fix pipeline failure on GTK3 * https://deb.li/3Vnzg [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest 6ff6bf7 Luca Bacci .gitlab-ci/test-msys2-meson.sh * Merge branch 'wormnest/fix-ci-msys2-failure' into 'gtk-3-24' * https://deb.li/DnuG [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest 99a816c Jacob Boerema gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c * gdkkeys-win32c: change registry key not found g_warning to g_debug * https://deb.li/3fVds [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest e331fec Luca Bacci gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c * Merge branch 'wormnest/silence-kblayout-warning' into 'gtk-3-24' * https://deb.li/Mc7v [18:00] gtk3 ubuntu/latest 432ed07 Matthias Clasen gdk/wayland/gdkcursor-wayland.c * Merge branch 'work/zzag/avoid-scaling-cairo-surface-twic3' into 'gtk-3-24' * https://deb.li/i4MVn [19:58] gobject-introspection Simon McVittie 451491 * commented merge request !12 * https://deb.li/3wcjg