
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
RikMillsricotz: hi. could you take another look at the libreoffice armhf uichecheck-sc test?13:12
RikMillsfor qtbase it took 6 retries to get a pass. at over 6hrs a try that is a real problem13:12
ricotzRikMills, hi, sorry about that, I am going to upload libreoffce 24.2 rc1 and mark uicheck-sc as skippable as done with uicheck-sw13:16
RikMillsricotz: thanks. I really appreciate that :)13:17
ricotzRikMills, no problem :)13:21
PaulW2Ubuffer set unread14:55
tsimonq2sudip: Hello fellow DD ;) please consider an RC bug and potentially an NMU for your color-picker fix. I'll upload to Ubuntu for now, but it really should be upstreamed to Debian and synced on this one.16:51
sudipbut can it be called RC? Debian package works fine as LTO is not enabled there.16:54
sudipI can open a bug and mark it as important16:54
tsimonq2I trust your judgement when it comes to Debian stuff, just pointing it out for your consideration. :)16:57
sudipsure, will do. I think I will wait for few more days if upstream replies to my patch17:09
tsimonq2Cool :)17:10

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