=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === patrick__ is now known as patrick === patrick__ is now known as patrick [15:52] Hi. What would be the simplest solution to receive a Telegram alert when my server's disk is almost full or a process is hanging? [15:58] probably a curl command to the telegram api in your monitoring script [16:02] ravage: Thanks for your reply. I was wondering if there was an existing, lightweight solution, instead of writing my own script. I don't need fancy dashboards, just alerts for a couple of common issues. [18:29] so, I have a cheap VPS and I'm trying to use netplan. but whenever I try `ENABLE_TEST_COMMANDS=1 netplan migrate` I get `eth0: unknown inet option "up"` [18:30] this is Ubuntu 20.04 [18:36] you should probably share your configuration [18:42] there's no netplan configuration, because that's what `ENABLE_TEST_COMMANDS=1 netplan migrate` iss supposed to do.. my `/etc/network/interfaces` has the following: https://0bin.xyz/?71aab6bfbcea7df6#8FJRZ5MEQDxRgAjQksgDrZWg1znuat9CbmXELW1ZWnQx [18:47] I wonder if this is a good configuration for netplan (based on what I can understand from it): https://0bin.xyz/?7e6d8d4a015561e3#8zP2vfvoCpRKE2VkJ4pAAB6xCAGx8vmXgwizHwcQsM77 [19:21] i think those "up" lines are a debian extension, i guess those are not supported by netplan