
popeyAhem. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/loco-logo-dojo/4129011:35
popey(also good morning)11:35
* penguin42 jingles12:45
davefJust rediscovered pickled onion monster munch. Nothing is safe.13:18
penguin42oh dear, still, it might distract you from the Jaffa cakes; I don't *think* they go together13:22
davefI dunno, sweet orange with crunchy pickled onion might be an oddly satisfying combination.13:24
penguin42and next year you start your new job with Walkers13:25
davefGot a video game to make first13:27
penguin42oh? What's that?13:31
penguin42how many tools does the $ break?13:32
davefthe $ is not used13:33
davefYes, that's my day job, when I'm not devouring Jaffa cakes 13:36
penguin42line of code, jaffa cake, line of code, jaffa cake,  test passes, monster munch....13:37
davefI'm more on the managerial side, tell somebody to do that, Jaffa cake, somebody do this, Jaffa cake, say "good work everyone", monster munch13:38
penguin42ok, so you have an epic for jaffa cake supply, and delivery is critically dependent on it13:41
davefIndeed, and must consume at least 6 packs of Jaffas every sprint 13:50
zxmpiyou prepare for these moments https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/64/dd/5864dd3c58ec6b40cedd55c3d3032c5d.jpg14:28
penguin42zxmpi: you definitely need a drink to go with one of those large packs, they completely suck any moisture out14:32
zxmpieven if it's less than a yard it's a lot of cake14:36
loptaGenerally speaking, I am in favour of cake.14:44
zxmpipeople who are anti cake are to be watched14:45
penguin42and beaten with a good heavy malt loaf until they comply14:47
zxmpinah, christmas fruit cake. then it'll have a use :-P14:47
zxmpiother than doorstop14:48
loptaA place I worked used to have a Christmas tradition of "gifting" a fruitcake to a local bank.  The following year the same bank would give it back.  The same cake.  We'd been around for eighty-plus years, so I hate to think how old that cake was.14:50
loptaI think the bank may have been stuck with that after we folded.14:51
zxmpilots of old ones still about https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/caring-for-137-year-old-fruitcake-becomes-a-stale-family-tradition/article27890666/ 14:52
* lopta sighs14:54
* lopta checks rent prices in Bristol14:59
luna_ukbritish new year demoparty time17:48
loptaI would watch that if I weren't at work.18:13
loptapopey: Is LoCo membership something that lapses if a member doesn't intentionally renew it?18:41

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