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fdan27hi, i wanted to ensure that the log files gets written to a different location so i added StandardOutput and StandardError https://dpaste.org/H9vZA03:54
fdan27but still i dont get to see logs being written to new location03:54
BlackNoirHi guys. What should I if I tried to check the ip for my localhost but unreachable. I want to know my router settings but it doesn't show any just unreachable.05:19
rboxBlackNoir: what?05:20
BlackNoirI'm trying to access my router settings05:20
rboxwhat is your ip05:20
BlackNoir192.168.1.1 should be the default, right?05:20
rboxhow should anyone here know what your routers ip is05:21
BlackNoirHow to know my ip through terminal?05:21
rboxip a05:21
Bashing-omBlackNoir: Might try that as generally .05:23
BlackNoirnot works05:25
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Guest43Big fucking test. Hitler09:56
Guest43Joey, i need to get some work.09:57
Guest43I gotta work09:57
Guest43Joey. I need to ride09:57
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BluesKajHi all15:53
Guest23what it means "search openstacklocal"? i found it in my /etc/resolv.conf15:58
Guest23should i remove it or?15:58
pragmaticenigmaGuest23: no, leave it alone16:06
pragmaticenigmaGuest23: at the top of that file... what does it say?16:08
amazoniantoadI have created an lxc container but I get an error, "temporary failure in domain name resolution"16:08
amazoniantoadCan someone help me get networking properly working?16:08
Guest23pragmaticenigma: https://ibb.co/0cDqVdX16:09
amazoniantoadI love lxc but this thing just won't  work properly on this computer16:10
JantzHello how's it going everyone? Is Ubuntu open source still? Do yous know?16:11
amazoniantoadJantz: I think it is. At least from the last time I paid.16:12
JantzSup creechy, yeah amazoniantoad I remember a couple o years ago they brought them into paid laptops did they do the same for desktops? must of yeah? All sorted now? Security Issues when I tested but they must be well into tonnes of companies now aye? Think was three or four years ago now???16:15
amazoniantoadJantz: Do you watch a lot of clockwork orange?16:15
JantzAnyone know the amount of coders needed to maintain the OS?16:16
Jantzamazoniantoad: not quite following you, can you rephrase?16:16
amazoniantoadJantz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T54uZPI4Z8A16:17
Jantznah dont want to watch16:17
amazoniantoadWhy not? D:16:17
amazoniantoadYou remind me of it.16:18
Jantzbecause your probably just extracting judgement for your guys gains16:18
amazoniantoadJantz: Why would I do that? That's rude.16:18
Jantzand I asked a good question for the channel and you're like what the??16:18
Jantzsorry does your vid explain the answer>?16:20
amazoniantoadJantz: Only if you drink milk :O16:20
Jantzsick of videos and glorious sets want simple ascii now haha16:20
Jantzalphabet sorry16:21
amazoniantoadI made ansi fractals in terminal. It's fun.16:21
Jantzyou on Ubuntu? latest?16:21
amazoniantoadI threw in ascii as well16:21
JantzSecurity Enhanced Ubuntu?16:21
amazoniantoadI made my own security system :D16:22
JantzI'm thinking of making a Quad boot with the main four but I dunno16:22
amazoniantoadYou should just use containers16:22
Jantzyeah I'm getting around to it too pretty huge project well you know16:22
amazoniantoadHm. The only benefit virtualization has is kernel containment, I think?16:22
amazoniantoadJantz: Like bantz?16:23
JantzJantzen like the swimming clothes brand company16:25
Jantzwhen you talk virtualization are you talking like Hyper-V?16:25
Jantzyeah I think it was Oracle with Virtual Box yeah?16:26
amazoniantoadToo heavy duty16:26
amazoniantoadYou need seemless integration16:27
Jantzseemless integration??16:27
amazoniantoadMake your own hypervisor instead. I chose D.16:27
pragmaticenigmaJantz and amazoniantoad - Please stay on topic, if you want to discuss the merits of virtualization versus containerization please feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic16:28
amazoniantoadJantz: I would like to see you in #ubuntu-offtopic16:28
Jantzno worries cool as I'll be there, weren't that far off topic were we?16:29
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vfbsilvapeiple I have an ubuntu entry on uefi I simply can manage to remove: https://pastebin.com/8MxPwaMd can you give me a help18:02
tomreynvfbsilva: the last two lines look like you did remove it18:04
vfbsilvatomreyn: that is why Iḿ here cause it rreappears upon reboot18:04
tomreynvfbsilva: what do you boot then?18:05
vfbsilvatomreyn: I have also a manjaro and a windows uefi entry I made a new post I think it got better organizer: https://pastebin.com/BDGfk7WF18:07
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tomreynvfbsilva: so what's reappearing, the efi boot manager "ubuntu" record, or the "ubuntu" directory on the ESP?18:12
tomreynmaybe your bios is set to protect the ESP against modifications?18:12
tomreyni know some HP models have an option for that18:13
tomreyn(and maybe others)18:13
vfbsilvatomreyn: ubuntu directory on esp18:14
vfbsilvatomreyn: reruning grub also seems to trigger the ubuntu record on the efi boot manager18:16
pragmaticenigmavfbsilva: is Ubuntu still installed on that machine?18:17
vfbsilvapragmaticenigma: no18:18
vfbsilvapragmaticenigma: I have other linuxes installed thou18:18
tomreynvfbsilva: well if you run grub-install from some linux which thinks / claims it is ubuntu (could be a derivative, too) you would get the "ubuntu" record re-written to esp18:19
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vfbsilvatomreyn: I have only 2 manjaro installs18:27
tomreynvfbsilva: then my guess would be with the bios 'safeguarding' the esp (and efi boot menu)18:31
pragmaticenigmavfbsilva: you may need to go into the BIOS/UEFI setup of your machine and remove them there. how to do that is going to be specific to the manufacturer of the computer/motherboard18:36
vfbsilvapragmaticenigma: im going to the asus board and ask about it thanks18:37
vfbsilvatomreyn: thanks a lot for the help18:43
tomreynyou're welcome18:46
enigma9o7Hello ubuntu gurus!  Is there a way I can speed up my mouse from command line?19:16
enigma9o7(Sometimes, like now, when I boot a virtual machine, it messes up my mouse speed in ubuntu host....)19:17
enigma9o7Not talking about acceleration, just normal speed.   In the state I'm in I have to pick up the mouse a few times just to get from one side of the screen to the other.19:17
enigma9o7Maybe with xinput somehow?   I already use `xinput --disable 13` to turn off the trackpad when VMs reenable it....19:18
enigma9o7but this speed thing is a new problem, but keeps happening19:18
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: what you just described as "picking up the mouse a few times to get from one side to the other" is exactly what acceleration is designed to fix. So you have a chance at precision when you need it, and acceleration to get to the other side when you don't19:18
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: what I suspect is the problem has nothing to do with the mouse at all. But all the frame buffering between the VM, and the host machine. What resolution are you running these VMs at?19:20
pragmaticenigma*screen resolution19:21
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ramblebambleenigma9o7, not a software solution but a hardware one, look at a mouse that allows you to alter the acceleration on the mouse itself.19:22
enigma9o7All I gotta do to fix it is reboot.19:23
enigma9o7And I'm not talking about acceleration, I'm talking about normal speed.19:23
enigma9o7I can shut down the VM and the problem remains until I reboot.19:24
enigma9o7Its somethiing to do with when the VM doing some weird hardware detection or something.  Same reason it reeanbles my touchpad, but I know how to disable that again.19:24
enigma9o7Just looking for command to set the speed back to normal.19:24
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: can you answer my question19:24
enigma9o7Can you answer mine?19:24
tomreynhave you considered reporting this as a bug to whoever makes the virtualization you're using?19:24
enigma9o7No, I haven't.19:25
enigma9o7I just wanna know how to workaround it, how to set my mouse speed.19:25
enigma9o7Doesnt matter what caused it.19:25
tomreyni see. good luck.19:25
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: If you are running your host machine at 4k, and then setup the VM to run at the same rolution, it becomes a resource issue. Which is resolved when you reboot the machine. That's why I'm asking what resolution you're running the VM at19:25
enigma9o7The VM is not running.19:26
enigma9o7THis is not because the VM is running.  Forget I mentioned t he VM.19:26
enigma9o7I know what causes it, I just wanna kno whow to fix it.19:26
pragmaticenigmaIf not the VM, then what is causing it? cause you have only told us that it happens when you run a VM19:26
enigma9o7Right.  I know w hat causes it.  Not asking about that.19:27
enigma9o7Just asking how to set mouse speed from command line.19:27
enigma9o7Sorry to confuse you with irrelevant details.19:27
pragmaticenigmaenigma9o7: we can't help if we don't know what triggers the behavior in the first place.19:27
enigma9o7Why not?19:27
enigma9o7It is irrelevant.  If you actually know this and are just being an ass, then stop.19:28
enigma9o7If you dont know, stop being an ass.19:28
enigma9o7Assume I just want it faster.19:28
pragmaticenigmaI'm trying to understand the entire problem.19:28
pragmaticenigmaAnd you're behavior is against community guidelines of using this channel. if you can't be nice, then please leave19:29
enigma9o7I dont want to keep having to use settings gui.19:29
enigma9o7Yeah, fuck you, can't be nice to asshole.19:30
pragmaticenigmaand how is playing with xinput supposed to fix a problem that might wayland?19:30
pragmaticenigmaxinput => x.org19:31
eelstreboris hdr available for linux?19:38
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: HDR has limited support. Both X.org and Wayland environments do not natively have support for HDR at this time.19:40
eelstreborgrrrr - i just bought a gaming monitor with hdr capability19:41
tomreynthere are more current articles on the same site19:44
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: not all hope is lost, as tomreyn has pointed to, some software does have the needed drivers for sending commands directly to the GPU through the Direct Rendering Manager in the kernel19:44
pragmaticenigma*sending HDR commands19:44
eelstreborok. i've read that some games have hdr support but i'm not a gamer - i prefer to watch movies on the monitor - i usually buy gaming monitors because of the fast refresh rate a low motion blur which is great for action movies19:48
ravageConnect a pi with libreelec to it and enjoy HDR content19:50
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: I'm not 100% certain, but VLC also has HDR support, I'm just not sure on its implementation under Linux19:58
eelstrebori guess i shouldn't assume that the linux os has a feature - i'm sure hdr is coming though20:00
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: with the continuing transition to Wayland, it's probably in the queue to be implemented on Wayland, just that higher priorities are there with Wayland getting wider adoptions, particularly from RHEL20:01
pragmaticenigmaand with RHEL in the mix, we can hope that brings some resources to get that adopted sooner20:01
eelstreborvlc is suppose to play bluray but only if the aacs (?)  code is known - i just bought a bluray player for the pc but it won't play my first set of bluray disks20:02
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: aacs is a copy protection feature. there are plugins for VLC to get compatibility, but they're not included with the VLC distributed through the repositories or snaps.20:08
ice9is there a way to refresh a snap package, I don't mean to update it but if the app is not behaving normally, I need to kina reset/refresh it without losing it's data20:28
pragmaticenigmaice9: updates to snaps are only applied when the app is closed and restarted20:31
ravage"snap remove <package>" keeps a snapshot of the data20:32
ravageso you could reinstall the snap. but it is unlikely that the actuall application is broken20:33
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ravageif the data is broken it does not make sense to keep it20:34
k4k0Good afternoon, does anyone know if Ubuntu works well with sendmail? Or do I need to install postfix together?21:35
rboxwhat does "works well" even mean21:35
k4k0tell me if I will be able to receive emails from sendmail or postfix from my machine in a specific email21:36
k4k0I saw some tutorials, but the way to install sendmail or postfix is very different, and I don't know which is really a safe installation21:37
k4k0because I only need my machine to send email and I don't need to receive it.21:37
rboxyou can configur either one to do whatever you want21:38
rboxinstalling software without udnersetnadin git and without configring it properly is not safe regardless of what it is21:38
rboxunderstanding it*21:38
k4k0For me to understand, postfix is one and sendmail is another correct? Or do I need to install both?21:38
rboxthey are both mail transfer agents21:39
rboxnothing to do with each other other than they both are MTAs21:39
rboxi dont even know if it'll let you instlal both21:39
k4k0It's because the system I use indicates to use sendmail, I thought I should also install postfix for it to work.21:40
pragmaticenigmak4k0: what exactly are you trying to do?21:40
k4k0Great question, I better be more specific. I have a system on my VPS, where the user via IRC requests a code via eggdrop and this eggdrop uses the sendmail system to send the code to the user.21:42
rboxall MTA's provide the sendmail program21:43
k4k0but for the user to be able to receive this email via IRC using it, I need to have a sendmail installed for the VPS to send an email to the email that the user requested.21:43
rboxwhether you use sendmail or postfix or exim or whatever21:43
k4k0ah rbox ok21:43
k4k0but in the conf of this system, it requests sendmail, so I should install sendmail I think21:44
rboxwhat do you mean "requires sendmail"21:44
rboxyes like i said21:46
rbox[02:43:22 PM] <rbox> all MTA's provide the sendmail program21:46
pragmaticenigmathe joys of multiple things being named the same thing21:46
k4k0so if I install postfix, I can change this path "set sendmailPath "/usr/sbin/sendmail" to set sendmailPath "/usr/sbin/postfix"21:46
ravagek4k0: install postfix. learn how to configure it to send email outgoing through an external mail service (gmail or whatever). sending mail is not trivial and if done wrong most emails will never arrive. especially from a know VPS IP range21:47
rboxtheres nothing to change21:47
rboxit pvodies sendmail21:47
k4k0Let me see if I can find any tutorials on the internet on how to install postfix on ubuntu21:48
rboxi'm sure you'll find at least one21:51
k4k0Yes, I found several, but several different ways to install them.21:53
pragmaticenigmak4k0: a sendmail binary is included with postfix. postfix is preferred because it tends to be more performant, and follows better security practices for securing a mail server. Postfix will supply a sendmail compatible executable, which is why the comment was there that you don't need to change anything with eggdrop.21:53
k4k0I'll try, if something goes wrong, as much as I can do, and remove it and that's it21:53
k4k0pragmaticenigma aaah21:54
k4k0now I understand what you said.21:54
rboxk4k0: apt install postfix is the only way to install it...21:56
rboxwhat differnet ways arey ou finding22:00
k4k0I already did the installation, now I'm looking at the configuration part.22:05
k4k0.cf etc22:05
pragmaticenigmarbox: I think what they mean by "find ways" or "different ways" is more on the configuration side, less about the literal installing of the package22:30
Habbiesurely 30% of the howtos propose some random apt repo, or compiling things22:31
k4k0It's working perfectly, I didn't know that, I thought sendmail needed postfix, I only installed postfix and it has the sendmail binary and the email is working and receiving in gmail22:33
k4k0thanks pragmaticenigma and rbox22:34
pragmaticenigmak4k0: you'll want to make sure that your install is locked down a bit. At least make sure it doesn't become a mail relay or have unnecassary exposure ot the internet22:35
k4k0In fact, he will only send emails.22:46
k4k0It will not actually be an email server where people will send emails, but rather just receive the email of the request that eggdrop asks for, I believe that I will not have any problems with email server blocks22:46
pragmaticenigmak4k0: right, so you'll want to make sure that it's the only thing it can do22:52
pragmaticenigmacommon security practices for a server. making sure only necessary ports are open (shouldn't need any incoming connections as this is only outbound sending.)22:53
k4k0yes, prabhakar23:03

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