
lubot[telegram] <Michael> Hi team, whenever I click on software updater it loads then gives me an error "Failed to download repository information, check your internet connection". Anyone else facing this issue. Also my internet is working fine. I have been seeing this error since last one week.14:55
lubot[telegram] <Michael> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/bd005307/file_10318.jpg14:56
arraybolt3That doesn't look like our software updater application...15:26
arraybolt3Michael: Could you open a terminal and run "lsb_release -a" and share the result using a pastebin like dpaste.com?15:26
arraybolt3I suspect you're using an EOL version of Ubuntu Desktop with the lubuntu-desktop package installed on top.15:27
lubot[telegram] <Michael> I apologise as I don't know how to use pastebin 😅17:38
lubot[telegram] <Michael> But I can share you the image of the results17:38
lubot[telegram] <Michael> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/9a367bb4/file_10319.jpg17:40
arraybolt3oh, interesting, 22.04 is the current latest LTS, so theoretically it should work...17:51
arraybolt3Michael: In a terminal, run "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 9999". That will spit out a link, share that link in the chat.17:51
arraybolt3That will show me what third-party repositories you have enabled.17:51

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