
pikaroIf I enable secure boot, it still doesn't work. Same result if I replace the BOOTX64.EFI with the ubuntu\shimx64.efi. BUT I can manually start the ubuntu\shimx64.efi and boot Ubuntu, and it briefly flashes somethign about signing. No idea how that works, though...00:12
EriC^^pikaro: didnt read it all, but did you run grub-install after moving the efi partition00:15
jeremy31pikaro: You may have to disable Secure Boot, boot into Ubuntu, do all updates, then you might be able to use Secure Boot again00:15
EriC^^cause you have to run that to update the uefi entries in the motherboard to point to the new partition00:16
ramblebamblepikaro, not a heavy Ubuntuuser, but your last statement just reminded me, it can be that you need to reconfigure the protocol in the bios settings. e..g I was able to run a live-ubuntu CD on a new laptop but was not able to run the installation. changing the protocol used to talk to the disks eliminated that problem(required a reinstall though)00:16
pikaroEriC^^: yes, grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable --bootloader-id=GRUB00:17
EriC^^pikaro: nope00:17
EriC^^pikaro: --removable i think would just copy the bootx64.efi but not modify the entries cause it's a removable media00:18
pikaroramblebamble: You mean switching to MBR boot? That's not really an option, requires way too much doing, and you could never just screw around with it like I did with the EFI00:19
pikaroEriC^^: Hm... could be that there's an old entry from previous install attempts in the UEFI that I have to remove. It _is_ a removable install medium, after all - I just want to boot it as "generic USB harddisk". Thanks for the pointer!00:20
pikaro*removable boot medium00:20
ramblebamblepikaro, no not talking about MBR-boot, I am talking about the the protocol the bios uses to talk to the disks. That machine also had UEFI.00:20
EriC^^pikaro: what's your 'sudo efibootmgr -v' output look like right now along with 'sudo blkid'00:20
pikaroEriC^^: There are atually _two_ entries related to ubuntu in there, one from the HDD and one from the stick... they do look like they point to the correct partition, though00:22
EriC^^can you share please?00:22
EriC^^"(sudo blkid; sudo efibootmgr -v) | nc termbin.com 9999"00:22
pikarohttp://termbin.com/a6g6 yeah UUID is correct00:26
EriC^^the entries use the partuuid00:26
EriC^^which one is the usb? sda?00:27
EriC^^hmm, did it used to boot before fine when the efi partition wasnt on the usb?00:28
pikaroOnly booted it once like that, but yes00:29
EriC^^i wonder if it's some implementation thing, what's curious to me is that there's no old ubuntu entry in the order, the one before 0002 is windows00:30
pikaroThat might be automatic - when I did the update LTS -> normal, it prompted me that Grub was installed on a different disk previously. So it may have removed that automatically and replaced it with these, assuming that it's not a removable media.00:31
EriC^^when you say you had to replace boot/bootx64.efi with grubx64.efi to get it to boot, you mean on the usb?00:35
EriC^^(just read the rest of your initial post)00:35
pikaroThe EFI on the Windows disk works as normal when chainloaded from Grub00:36
EriC^^i see00:36
EriC^^which server model is it pikaro ? maybe the message about signing can help get it to boot from the entry using secureboot+shim00:39
EriC^^might find a screenshot somewhere00:39
tomreynGuest26: please don't post random characters here,. if you have an ubuntu question, you are welcome to ask it. (see https://ubottu.com/y/gl for more info)00:39
pikaroEriC^^: You mean hardware? It's not a server, standard consumer custom build. Just using Ubuntu server minimal to hand-pick packages and get some more pro tools00:42
pikaroBut honestly, it's working for now and since there doesn't seem to be a simple solution this is better suited for a forum. Thanks a lot for looking into it in any case!!00:44
EriC^^no problem pikaro00:47
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jasper_mcvainHello Everyone. If I may ask; does this channel support Ubuntu Servers as well?03:52
rboxubuntu is ubuntu03:52
jasper_mcvainUnderstood clearly, rbox. Thank you.03:52
=== lord_black is now known as lord_daemon
AzBukiVedihi all!04:08
mybalzitchjasper_mcvain: there's #ubuntu-server if you didn't find it yet04:09
jasper_mcvainI did not realize, thanks for the information, MB.04:09
AzBukiVedihelp me pls make program https://pastebin.com/hvZ9h44k need luajit04:18
rboxAzBukiVedi: you can use apt search to search for packages04:19
AzBukiVedidone thx04:21
AzBukiVediapt install *luajit*04:22
GudduIf i have a Windows PC then can i install Linux as well so that it gets a Dual Boot option at Startup without affecting the current Windows Installation?04:44
lotuspsychjeGuddu: yes, but there need to be taken smart measures04:46
lotuspsychjeGuddu: like making a free space on your HD for ubuntu's install04:46
Guddulotuspsychje, Thanks for your response. I even have 2 SSDs on this server.04:46
lotuspsychjeGuddu: a backup is a good idea too, then follow uefi and grub howto04:47
lotuspsychje!uefi | Guddu04:47
ubottuGuddu: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:47
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Guddu04:47
ubottuGuddu: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:47
Guddulotuspsychje, While there are some benefits to dual-booting (e.g. better performance for a native install), it is not recommended.04:48
GudduWhy is it not recommended?04:48
lotuspsychjeGuddu: thats kind of opinion/the users choice04:49
lotuspsychjeGuddu: an ideal situation would be using the whole HD/SSD for an Os some would say04:49
lotuspsychjedualboot is kind of tweaking around to have both worlds04:50
Guddulotuspsychje, I have an idea. May be i can install on a separate disk altogether and change boot order in BIOS whenever I want to switch OS?04:50
lotuspsychjeGuddu: thats up to yourself, whats the best way you want to work04:51
Guddulotuspsychje, Do you find it better than Dual boot option?04:51
lotuspsychjeGuddu: many would avice to test ubuntu first on a liveusb, then if like use the whole drive for ubuntu04:51
lotuspsychjedualboot is faster in switching Oses04:51
lotuspsychjeGuddu: another idea would be running ubuntu in a windows Virtual machine to test04:53
Guddulotuspsychje, I have tested it and i like it already.04:53
lotuspsychjeGuddu: ok great, then the only question remains, what will you be using windows still for?04:54
GudduIf i have a Ubuntu machine as Virtual Box Guest then will it have an access to USB devices for huge data transfer between devices?04:54
Guddulotuspsychje, I use programs that are not available for Linux at this stage. Hence Windows continue to remain part of my workflow.04:54
lotuspsychjeGuddu: transfer to a VM are possible yes, but the real physical install would be the best choice for you i think04:55
GudduYeah. But i feel that vm reduces transfer rate04:55
GudduHence I prefer to not use VM04:55
Ademan_I just wrote ubuntu server 22.04 to a thumb drive with exactly this command: `sudo dd if=ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso bs=4M of=/dev/sda` after syncing, ejecting, and re-inserting the thumb drive, I see the following errors in dmesg: https://dpaste.com/ESHS463WH is this just because it's a 128GB thumb drive but the image is only 2GB? I'd be less concerned if it looked like it was referring to the04:59
Ademan_end of the whole usb drive, but that's more like 137438953472 bytes. It *did* boot just fine, but there were some similar (didn't save them) error messages on boot. I'm a bit skiddish to use this as an installer, but nothing is obviously wrong... anyone seen this before and have a good explanation?04:59
AzBukiVediI was build program in Debian, how make .deb? http://explorer.net.ru:8080/temp/rubirc.deb.png meson bulid system05:01
rboxAdeman_: theres nothign wrong05:02
ravageAzBukiVedi: this is the Ubuntu support channel. Debian has it's own05:03
AzBukiVediUbnutu Sever build05:04
AzBukiVedime need .deb to meson05:04
Ademan_rbox: I agree it looks ok but I want to understand what's going on better05:05
rbox[3226496.385412] GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk.05:06
rboxif you copied an image that was smaller than the size of the disk05:06
rboxthe header is most defintely not going to be at th ened05:06
provaHi everybody! Happy New Year! :)06:33
provaIs somebody here?06:33
provaHello p0indexter! How are you? :) May I ask something about ubuntu 20.04 and netplan?06:35
provaTomb silence!06:36
ravage!ask | prova06:37
ubottuprova: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:37
provaSorry, i'm almost new on this chat and chat in general!06:38
provaI'm trying to connect some Virtual Machines via "Virtual Machine Manager" and I have troubles to connect them! Can Anybody help me?06:41
provaA more specific question: I have two desktop PC: A and B. On any PC A and B I have a Virtual Machine: VMA and VMB. I want that all the Machines A, B, VMA, VMB communicate them between. All the Machines use ubuntu 20.04! I'm using qemu/KVM with Virtual Machine Manager!06:54
ravagethat works with the bridge described on the article06:55
provaOK ravage! I will study the article! Thank you! :)07:00
ravageyw. basically create a bridge. put your main network interface in it. tell virt-manager to use that bridge07:01
provaIn order to use the bridge, can I use the GUI of "Virtual Machine Manager" or have I to write the files in the article?07:14
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BluesKajHi all14:24
YakovI can call my app with /home/j/Downloads/qtcreator_build/bin/qtcreator, I've set desktop file which can be open with Command "type qt", I can add to favorites tab as well, but If I open my cpp or h files I can not select qt in Select Application list17:21
=== Beauregard43 is now known as Beauregard42
cartHey everyone. When I go to software and updates application / Additional drivers tab. I try and get the latest NVIDIA drivers for 2060. But I get this error pk-client-error-quark: E: http://bw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu kinetic/main amd64 libglibmm-2.4-1v5 amd64 2.66.5-1 is not (yet) available (404  Not Found [IP: 80])18:16
cartWhat does this mean>?18:16
cartNot yet available but why is it on the lsit?18:16
rboxcould be mirrors are in the middle of syncing18:17
rboxand the file isn't there yet18:17
rboxwait an hour and try again18:17
cartrbox: Ahh ok ok18:19
cartrbox: I tried running sudo apt update and every attempt and fetching a file failed. Could this really be a mirror sync issue? Can I force it to try another mirror?18:23
rboxi dont think an hour has passed...18:23
ubottuUbuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) was the 37th release of Ubuntu, support ended on July 20, 2023. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-July/000293.html18:23
rboxthe mirrors are set in /etc/sources.list18:23
rboxoh, you're using an end of life dist?18:24
cartrbox: Hmmm well shit. How do I upgrade that then?18:24
cartOr what do I  do?18:24
ioriafollow the white rabbit18:25
cartioria: Ohhh gawd nooo18:25
ioriacome on, not tragic ^_^18:25
cartioria: Fine where do I start18:25
ioriacheck !eol or clean install18:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:26
sw3333t"sudo do-release-upgrade"18:27
cartOk wait but... it seems like EOF is 6 months from now for the latest release? Is that right?18:27
rboxsupport ended on July 20, 202318:28
cartMantic Minotaur ... June -.-18:28
sw3333tUnless your way far back... than just install fresh18:28
ioriafirst, check if available , a simple 'do-release-upgrade -c' will do18:28
fdanhey guys18:29
cartsw3333t:  -> Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.18:29
fdanim trying to write log file to a different location18:29
fdani introduced these 2 lines, the files got created but it was not adding any contents. how can i ensure or test if this is working18:30
sw3333tIf you dont have anything super important on there, I would just reinstall and I usually stick to LTS releases cause I got tired of just that.18:31
cartsw3333t: Yea ok18:36
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jailbreakTechPup: hi..... How can we help?20:32
TechPupI just wanted to chat, if that is against the rules than I shall remove myself from this channel.20:33
jailbreak!offtopic| TechPup20:33
ubottuTechPup: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:33
GudduCould someone help me with this error?22:12
tomreynGuddu: did you run   sudo apt update   beforehand?22:13
tomreynGuddu: if you did, there's still another issue: your ubuntu release has reached its end of life22:16
Guddutomreyn, https://dpaste.org/COUEX Sudo update gives this error. This is running on a raspberry pi22:20
tomreynGuddu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades explains how to upgrade such releases. I do not know whether tor not this works for Ubuntu *ports*.22:20
tomreynGuddu: these error messages (on your pastes) are a result of your ubuntu release having reached end-of-life.22:21
Guddutomreyn, I will update my ubuntu version then altogether. What say? Need to find if there is one for raspberry still.22:22
GudduI currently have Ubuntu 22.1022:23
GudduUbuntu 22.04.3 LTS22:23
GudduThe latest Long Term Supported release of Ubuntu with five years of security patching and maintenance until April 202722:23
GudduSo my version is still no EOL i thought22:23
rbox22.10 isn't LTS22:23
tomreyni just checked: the EOLUpgrades guide should also be possible for ports. However, I'm not sure whether release upgrades are supported for ports at all. You may want to try a fresh install indeed (after backing up your data and important configurations).22:23
tomreynyou're on 22.10, not 22.04 LTS22:24
Guddutomreyn, You mean I should probbaly do install of 22.04 LTS?22:24
tomreyni mean you should probably do a fresh installation of a supported Ubuntu release. Either 22.04 LTS or 22.10 (non-LTS)22:25
GudduThe one i have is corrupt you mean for some reason?22:25
tomreynnot currupt, but no longer supported, and no longer reciving critical security updates22:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:26
tomreynGuddu: does this answer your question?22:30
Guddutomreyn, Thanks. I am now using Balena Etcher to copy the 22.04.3 LTS image on my 64GB Mem Card used by my Raspberry22:31
tomreynGuddu: nice. are you installing desktop, server or core? and on which pi?22:33
Guddutomreyn, Raspberry PI 422:33
GudduBut honestly I don't need Desktop22:33
GudduI think core would be the best?22:34
tomreynso what are you downloading?22:34
GudduI use this only for connecting via remote and doing wol on other servers on my lan22:34
GudduI downloaded Desktop but I was not thinking well until you asked that question.22:34
tomreyncore is probably not what you think it is. "core" uses snap packaging only, is a different system than classic ubuntu.22:34
GudduUbuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS would be best then.22:35
tomreynright, this should work on pi422:35
Guddutomreyn, Is it a good idea to schedule a daily cron to do apt update?22:36
tomreynthat's something you need to decide on, installing apt updates automatically can have positive and negative effects, so you should consider these.22:37
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi is your installation guide22:38
JanCbetter use 'unattended-upgrades' for that also22:38
JanCnot try to create your own cron thing22:38
tomreynunattended-upgrades let you check for and install some or all available apt updates automatically, and optionally do a reboot, too22:38
GudduFlash fails with Balena. Checking another.22:38
tomreynit's not an iso image, but a raw (but compressed) disk image.22:39
tomreynsee the guide i linked for how to get raspberry pie imager for other operating systems22:40
tomreynoops 'pi'22:40
tomreynthat's what the holidays did to me!22:41
ravageyou fine piece of.. pie :P22:41
oerheksHNY !23:00
GudduI have a ip of on my raspberry. How can i prevent it from changing? How do i set it to static?23:50
PeGaSuSyou can probably assign a static ip via your router web interface?23:53
semi recommend configuring your router as well23:54
semlook for dhcp reservation if you don't see it23:54
semor 'lease type' static23:54

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