
=== ravage_ is now known as ravage
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== natural_1 is now known as deltreey
baldpopetrying to install a specific version of a package, specifically libssh-4/0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 - but when I run apt it returns as package not found 17:20
baldpopeyet that version is shown when running apt list --upgradable 17:21
baldpopeis it a syntax issue or am I not referencing the package correctly?17:21
baldpopebut if I run apt instal libssh-4 - it completes (upgrading to the correct version) 17:23
baldpopeissue is arising because I'm trying to pass the upgrade in via an ansible playbook17:24
tomreyncen you show the command you're running and the output that's being produced, on a pastebin?17:26
tomreynand do you apt(-get) update beforehand?17:27
rfmbaldpope, this is on jammy? I did "sudo apt install --simulate libssh-4=0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2" on a updated but not recently upgraded system and got normal looking noises...17:28
tomreynto install libssh-4 version 0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 you'd use    sudo apt install libssh-4=version 0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2     (equals, not slash, if this was unclear).17:29
tomreynto install libssh-4 version 0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 you'd use    sudo apt install libssh-4=0.9.6-2ubuntu0.22.04.2     (equals, not slash, if this was unclear).17:29
tomreynsorry, typo fixed17:29
baldpopejust got back, trying that last example now tomreyn 18:35
baldpopethat works, thanks tomreyn - the equal sign is what I was missing, similar to gentoo for specific builds, should have tried that, ty again18:37
tomreynyou're welcome 19:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== me_ is now known as mm-cr

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