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eisingHey. I have an older ubuntu 20.04 vm and I can't figure out which method is used to set up networking on it. /etc/netplan is empty and /etc/network/ has no entries for the ethernet interface. Any suggestions on what to look for?04:18
rboxis networkmanager running?04:20
eisingrbox: yep04:29
rboxthen its probably in /etc/NetworkManager04:29
eisingrbox: alright, thanks. Seems we're spoiled for choice when it comes to network configuration :)04:32
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Takatzualguien disponibler05:46
k4k0hola Takatzu05:51
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eisingIsn't it weird to run NetworkManager on a server though? I would suspect a pure netplan/networkd approach to be more stable and easier to maintain (still looking at this ubuntu-20.04 vm)07:47
ravageeising: https://ubuntu.com/blog/netplan-configuration-across-desktop-server-cloud-and-iot08:01
marcopolo1 Is " apt remove gnome* " the correct way to remove gnome?08:06
Guest8I'm seeking help configuring samba. I sthis the right channel to ask in?08:10
ParisI was thinking, you know on Android there is the integrated API to create apps easily, that is widgets, buttons, textfields etc, i wonder if they started something like that for Ubuntu or linux in general, but i think it's not the case. That is an official integrated API for easy app dev.08:39
Pariscause there is gnome gtk or kde or fltk and others. It's good to have choice, but a standard one in an IDE facilitates and makes things streamlined, for app dev.08:40
ParisOr android compatibility, like the linux phones08:41
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Pariswrong channel, meant for ubuntu-discuss.09:15
provaHi every bodu10:46
provaI have some problem with ubuntu 20.04 and Virtual Machines, in particular in configuring bridged network with netplan and wirsh (I use qemu/kvm with Virtual Machine Manager GUI). Last week i was able to configure a bridged network and host and guest, on a single PC, were able to communicate therebetween).10:51
provaUnfortuneously, at reboot time, the old configuration for connecting the PC to internet disappeared and I was unable to connect again. After some various operation, three day after, I can not understand why, the configuration for connecting with internet reappeared, and now I am here!10:53
provaNow, i'm afraid to redo the same operations for configuring the bridged network, having the fear of loosing my configuration for connecting to internet! Please, somebody can help me in this trouble!?10:56
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supesdupesWhat would be the least hectic way to setup a customized {u|l|x|k|}buntu install? I like how debian has the netinst optional, but wasn't that for ubuntu deprecated with 20.04?11:26
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cbreaksupesdupes: I usually just install a minimal system and do the rest via ansible13:30
ravagesupesdupes: the official way at least for Ubuntu is https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall13:31
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lotuspsychjewelcome cristian_c14:06
cristian_ccalamares on 23.10 does not detect gpt disk14:07
cristian_cso I can't install the os if target gpt disk is not detexted14:07
cristian_cof course, live system (partitionmanager, fdisk and file manager detect and mount gpt disk and its partitions)14:08
cristian_cof course, live system (partitionmanager, fdisk and file manager) detects and mounts gpt disk and its partitions)14:08
cristian_cany ideas how to configure calamares to detect gpt?14:09
tomreyncristian_c: which ubuntu flavour are you using? ubuntu itself doesn't use calamares, so it might be better to ask on your flavour channel.14:16
cristian_ctomreyn, ok14:18
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arkanoidhello! Jammy running on laptop here. My system fails to resume to gnome desktop after suspend (suspend to ram). When it resumes gnome shell is a black screen, but virtual consoles, networking and peripherals work14:58
arkanoidI'm now in this condition. If I do ctrl-alt-f2 screen flickers to black, and that's it14:58
arkanoiddmesg doesn't know anything14:59
lotuspsychjearkanoid: can you share your dmesg with the volunteers please14:59
arkanoidjust tried "sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind" I got visual login back, but after username and pass it goes black screen again15:01
arkanoidlotuspsychje: let me try15:02
arkanoidsorry but I see dmesg contains informations I should delete before sending, it's a long work15:06
KangaroooI have 20.04 with casper-rw persistence file drive. Can i copy it out, make new Ubuntu 22.04 with persistence and then overwrite old casper to have all files in new live persistance? Will that work?15:06
KangaroooUSB live with persistance its im asking about15:07
arkanoidthis is the red line I see with journalctl gnome-session-binary[168422]: GLib-GIO-CRITICAL: g_bus_get_sync: assertion 'error == NULL || *error == NULL' failed15:13
lotuspsychjearkanoid: smells like bug #196890715:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1968907 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "GLib-GIO-CRITICAL: g_bus_get_sync: assertion 'error == NULL || *error == NULL' failed" [Low, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196890715:15
arkanoidand later on gdm3[1990]: GLib: Source ID 148 was not found when attempting to remove it15:16
arkanoidlotuspsychje: possibly yes, but there fix seems to be only in 22.1015:21
lotuspsychjearkanoid: if daniel says so, its surely be like that yeah15:21
arkanoiddamn. Will wait april 2024 then :D15:22
arkanoidBut if it is a gnome bug, I wonder if I can resume my system without rebooting. From virtual console I mean15:23
arkanoideven after killing -3 gnome-shell, the problem persists on next rerun15:27
YakovHow to Add Custom Shortcut to Ubuntu using script or cfg?15:28
arkanoidsuccess! I have to loginctl terminate-session 2 (where 2 is session-id in loginctl session-list)15:30
arkanoidthis means that systemctl restart systemd-logind does not kill existing sessions15:31
arkanoidwhich is quite confusing15:31
arkanoidalso it means that gnome-shell --replace doesn't replace existing session, which is even more confusing15:33
derek-shnoshIn Ubuntu 23.10, some apps are not honoring the "dark theme" for parts of the window, primarily the menu bar... https://i.imgur.com/M9xH5FM.png15:34
derek-shnosh... is there a way to remedy this?15:38
derek-shnoshWould accept a "your googlefu is wrong, try this.. ''"15:40
ioriaderek-shnosh, run in terminal : 'G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all hexchat'15:42
derek-shnoshOk. Should I dpaste this?15:42
ioriaif you want, yes15:42
iorianot here, of course15:43
derek-shnosh`Gtk-Message: 08:42:33.515: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"15:43
derek-shnoshIs this relevant?15:43
derek-shnoshioria: who is this in response to?15:43
ioriato what you paste15:44
ioriacopy and paste the output on https://dpaste.com15:45
derek-shnoshHere is the full outputl... https://dpaste.com/DF7D7PPBD15:45
derek-shnoshPlane landing, going to check logs later and follow up.15:46
ioriaderek-shnosh, no, sorry i don't see much15:46
Yakovcan you pls check if my syntax is correct15:47
Yakovgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys.custom-keybinding:/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/ name 'script_name'15:47
Yakovbut when I do get: gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings | @as []15:47
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MenzadorYakov: What are you trying to accomplish with this?16:20
leftyfbYakov: that is correct but only 1/3 the command. But also, I have double quotes for "script_name"16:25
Yakovhttps://justpaste.it/5c8mz it works but overwrites previous custom_bind_number with new one16:25
Yakovhey lefty! Happy New Year, happy new year to all16:25
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derek-shnoshioria: saw your response in logs, thanks for looking.16:41
derek-shnoshWonder if its something to do with Wayland.16:43
derek-shnoshioria: Figured it out... `/org/gnome/desktop/interface/gtk-theme` set to "Yaru-blue" previously, adjusted to "Yaru-blue-dark". This setting also found in Tweaks under Appearance > Themes: Legacy Applications17:03
derek-shnoshDoesn't work on SecureCRT (VanDyke), but progress!17:05
derek-shnoshOk, new one... Ubuntu 23.10, Gnome 45.1, Wayland. I have google-fu'd my way through changing the "ubuntu-logo.png" for the login screen, but articles I'm finding on how to change it on the boot screen are not working. This was one of the more concise links: https://medium.com/@RithvikRThampy/how-to-change-the-ubuntu-22-04-logo-icon-on-the-boot-screen-and-the-login-in-page-49042dc4d49017:48
arraybolt3The boot screen is provided by Plymouth fwiw. I'm not sure how hard it is to change.18:00
arraybolt3oh, looks like the tutorial you found may do the trick18:00
Yakovcan you pls help with gsettings custom keybindings?18:06
leftyfbYakov: you're going to have to be more specific than that18:07
YakovCan you pls scroll up a little, I've asked it 1-2 hours ago, you must have seen it18:08
leftyfbYakov: and I answered you18:08
YakovI did not see it :)18:08
Yakovand cant see it now too18:08
leftyfbYakov: that is correct but only 1/3 the command. But also, I have double quotes for "script_name"18:08
Yakovthen I sent https://justpaste.it/5c8mz18:09
leftyfbso what is your question then?18:10
Yakovwhen you get commands, you see only last command you just set, so if I set new_command with same lines, I could not see previous18:11
leftyfbsorry, I don't follow18:13
leftyfbYakov: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys custom-keybindings "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/', '/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom1/','/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom2/']"18:20
Yakovthanks :)18:23
Yakovsame as favorites tab, right?18:24
YakovI owe you dinner :)18:24
leftyfbif you're referring to favorites-apps18:24
alcostaHi to all! Is somebody here that well knows configuration isntruction about bridged networking with Virtual Machines on ubuntu 20.04?18:28
leftyfbalcosta: which hypervisor?18:29
alcostaqemu/KVM with Virtual Machine Manager GUI!18:30
leftyfbI would typically just create my own bridge in netplan18:30
alcostaI have some problem with ubuntu 20.04 and Virtual Machines, in particular in configuring bridged network with netplan and wirsh (I use qemu/kvm with Virtual Machine Manager GUI). Last week i was able to configure a bridged network and host and guest, on a single PC, were able to communicate therebetween).18:30
YakovI just installed sublime from source in Ubuntu, but there is no preferences. How to fix it?18:31
alcostaUnfortuneously, at reboot time, the old configuration for connecting the PC to internet disappeared and I was unable to connect again. After some various operation, three day after, I can not understand why, the configuration for connecting with internet reappeared, and now I am here!18:31
alcostaNow, i'm afraid to redo the same operations for configuring the bridged network, having the fear of loosing my configuration for connecting to internet! Please, somebody can help me in this trouble!?18:31
leftyfbYakov: you'll have to seek support from the 3rd party vendor for that18:32
Yakov^got it18:32
leftyfbalcosta: you should provide(pastebin) netplan configs for the host and the guests18:33
alcostaMy original 01-network-manager-all.yaml has the following line: # Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network:   version: 2   renderer: NetworkManager18:36
leftyfbso this is a desktop18:36
leftyfbwhere you're using network manager and not netplan18:37
leftyfbso the question involves network manager configs18:37
alcostaI have a desktop!18:37
alcostaI have ubuntu 20.04 desktop (not server).18:37
leftyfbmy guess would be it's a new profile. A change of the network interface or a new user or something18:37
alcostaI can give you the new profile, I changed the previous file with the following file:18:39
alcosta# Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network:   version: 2   renderer: networkd   ethernets:     enp4s0:       dhcp4: no   bridges:     br0:       interfaces: [ enp4s0 ]       dhcp4: no       addresses: []       gateway4:       nameservers:         addresses: []       dhcp6: no       link-local: [ ]       parameters:         stp: true         fo18:39
leftyfbalcosta: is there an issue at this moment?18:39
leftyfb!paste | alcosta18:39
ubottualcosta: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:39
alcostaleftyfb, have you saw the link?18:43
alcostais some body here?18:45
leftyfbalcosta: is something currently broken? You really don't need STP for a VM bridge. And why are you setting forward-delay?18:46
ein44hello, I have a question about ubuntu pro and how updates work to universe now18:46
leftyfb!pro | ein4418:46
ubottuein44: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq18:46
ein44so you need to have pro to get universe package updates?18:46
alcostaMy actual 01-network-manager-all.yaml is as follow: https://dpaste.com/5UT4EZQQB18:47
leftyfbein44: please read the link above18:47
leftyfbalcosta: then network manager is managing your network configs18:47
ein44thanks leftyfb, so how does this work now? is there some info published about it?18:47
alcostaI'm absolute beginner with netplan configuration or other network configuration!18:48
leftyfb!pro | ein4418:48
ubottuein44: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq18:48
alcostaI just desire to have a virtual machine VMA on a PC A and another Virtual Machine VMB on a PC B that communicate all together therebetween!18:49
leftyfbalcosta: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/18:50
ein44leftyfb, thanks. I read the faq there, but one thing isn't clear, how are things handled when there is an update from canonical as well as an update from the community?18:51
leftyfbein44: if you don't have pro enabled, you get the update from the universe repo as norma18:52
alcostaI found that constructions about configuring netplan somewhere, i don't remember now where!18:54
alcostaI saw many internet pages! My big fear is that, when i returned to the iroginal .yaml file, I was not able to reconnect to internet.18:56
leftyfbalcosta: you're not currently using netplan to configure networking, you're using Network Manager which is default on Ubuntu desktop. You should stick with that. I just provided instructions for you on how to create a network bridge specifically focused on being used with KVM18:56
alcostaMy original configuration on - setting - network - .... disappeared! I had it no moreAfter reboot to!!18:57
leftyfbalcosta: stick with network manager18:57
alcostaI changed the yaml file and some xml file!18:59
leftyfbleave it the default and use network manager18:59
alcostaI was NOT able to return to my original connection to internet!18:59
leftyfbalcosta: how many files are in /etc/netplan/ ?19:00
alcostaI make some confusion: How can i return to use networl manager?19:00
leftyfbalcosta: how many files are in /etc/netplan/ ?19:00
alcostaJust a moment, pls!19:03
leftyfbalcosta: what does the first one look like?19:04
alcostaThe first one is equal to the original (i.e. the last one)!19:06
leftyfbalcosta: delete the rest of the files19:07
leftyfbthen follow https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/ to create a network bridge in network manager19:07
leftyfbalcosta: there's no need to mess with netplan on this machine anymore19:07
alcostaThey are not working, they have a file type of no meaning!19:07
leftyfbdelete them19:07
leftyfbor move them somewhere else19:08
alcostaJust a moment, pls!19:10
leftyfbalcosta: delete or relocate those files, then follow https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/ to create a network bridge in network manager. That should give you what you need19:11
alcostaI'll take some time to read the page you gave me! See you later, in the next hours! Thank you, leftyfb!19:13
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Guest24just need now if example if I go  settings/network/wired shows 100mbs does this mean my network driver will not connect higher speed lets says 400mbs20:42
Guest24my network driver supports 1000mbs so is this driver issue20:42
mybalzitchcould be cable or switch issue. 400mbps isn't a standard just fyi. Some drivers don't autonegotiate properly so you have to force it to 1000 mbps / full duplex20:43
leftyfbGuest24: it could be a cabling issue or issue on the other end of the cable (switch, router, hub)20:43
leftyfbthese daysm it's less likely to be a driver issue20:43
Guest24I'm currently speed about 80 mbs that makes no difference  the settings/network/wired will show always 1000mbs if network drivers support it20:53
Guest24i this correct20:53
tomreynGuest24: the speed showing in settings/network/wired is what both ends of the connection have agreed on to be the physical line speed.20:55
tomreyni.e. the 'link speed'20:59
tomreynGuest24: so the link speed is more of a theoretical maximum speed, it does not guarantee that data can actually be transmitted over this link at this speed (in fact it will almost always be *at least* a fraction less)21:05
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Guest24ok last time the settings/network/wired shows 100mbs and my current speed is 80mbs if change speed 500mbs it will show settings/network/wired 1000mbs21:07
tomreynif your measured transfer speed over this link is much slower, which "80mbs" might mean, if this means mega*bits* per second, then you should also check whether the endpoints of the connection are exactly identical, or whether there are other links and intermediate devices on this connection where you're measuring throughput.21:07
en1gma"ctrl-a" does not copy all in terminal but works in firefox. why?21:33
en1gmaim on ubuntu 22.04.3 lts amd64-desktop (all updates as of today).21:34
pragmaticenigma"ctrl + a" doesn't copy anything, it's a select all keyboard shortcut. The terminal emulator program you are using doesn't support that keyboard command.21:35
bprompten1gma: as mentioned above by pragmaticenigma , depends on the terminal app you're using, some have more options than others, I use Konsole, has lots of options21:37
en1gmayes i mean why does ctrl-a select all in the default ubuntu terminal21:37
en1gmadoes'nt &21:38
en1gmaomg doesnt *21:38
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: you would have to ask the developer of the program. It was a design decision on their part21:38
en1gmai was reading on net that /etc/bash.bashrc needs edited. just came here to make sure that is correct21:39
en1gmait uses emacs setup or vi by default for terminal21:39
en1gmajust wanted to verify that is the problem (with at least me).21:40
en1gmamaybe there is a different key for select all in terminal. i will check that first21:40
pragmaticenigmaI wouldn't edit that file en1gma ... good way to break your system. If you want to test something, create a second account on the machine and edit that user's bashrc file21:41
en1gmafrom what i found on the net they said that is the problem and dont describe what to edit... dang. looking for different keyboard shortcut first21:41
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pragmaticenigmaen1gma: honestly, for copy|paste being contextually aware is an important feature. There is no divisions in terminal that would provide such context and therefore you would be getting a giant history of everything that transpired. If you are trying to capture text generated by running a program you should redirect the output to a file such as "top > ~/top_output.txt" Which would redirect the output of top, to a file in the user directory21:44
pragmaticenigmacalled top_output.txt21:44
pragmaticenigma(that is a very poor example, as top runs in a loop, just an FYI)21:44
en1gmawhen i open a new terminal and run build commands for kernels and it has a long history of output it would be nice to select all21:45
en1gmainstead of click primary mouse button and keep scooting mouse all the way to top21:45
en1gmai want to copy all the output from my 'make defconfig && make' commands21:46
en1gmaits a new terminal21:47
pragmaticenigmaokay, this is just a farce... best of luck to you21:47
en1gmai dont mind 'clear -T' or 'clear -t' either21:47
en1gmafarce? its lefit21:47
armadefuegowell your screen buffer is, likely, longer than the output of the command.21:48
en1gmai think so because i think it works sometime when not as much scroll back21:48
en1gmai have unlimited scroll back in terminal options (or similar setting) forget exact name21:49
en1gmabut like i said i can do 'clear -t' or whatever to clear it before i start my make commands21:49
en1gmai dont mind that.21:50
armadefuegothe _all_ can get a _lot_21:50
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: The terminal has a limited history/buffer. If you want to capture the output from make, you would use `make defconfig > ~/make_output.txt 2>&` which would take all output and dump it to the file.21:50
en1gmaok. guess i can do that. thanks for the command. just so used to ctrl-a for select all. dang21:51
armadefuegoand you can still scrape 1000 lines of output.21:51
armadefuegoJust start selecting at the start of the command21:51
en1gmaahhh. let me try that. 1 sec21:51
armadefuegojoe@systemserver:~$ yes | head -200021:52
armadefuego( i could have scrapped more, but that would be spam!21:52
en1gmaill just use mouse primary and keep moving it up and wear out my mouse pad feet :)21:54
en1gmai think its easier and it does work ok and i get to keep my terminal output in the terminal window21:55
en1gmamaybe i will install konsole and get used to that. i always just liked terminal though21:55
en1gmai think i will look into the /etc/bash.bashrc file too.21:56
en1gmai can always change it back if i back it up21:56
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: please don't... that will potentially break your system. And no... you will have a very difficult time getting to that file21:56
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: if you edit anything edit ~/.bashrc21:57
en1gmaok. ok i wont do that. i will gladly accept that advice if its that important21:57
en1gmaok cool.21:57
pragmaticenigmathat is read after the one in /etc and is used to override settings and configurations found in the /etc location.21:57
en1gmai think i have edited that ~/.bashrc before.21:58
en1gmanot on this install (yet)21:58
pragmaticenigmaediting ~/.bashrc is safer, and won't get clobbered if Ubuntu sends out an update/patch for the system level one21:58
armadefuegoyes. personal preferences should go in the personal file.21:59
armadefuegosystem wide ones should be _well known to not effect the system_21:59
en1gmayep yep. ok thanks. will try after i get this build out of the way. still doing some work at the moment.22:11

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