[09:07] How do I check if my laptop hdmi socket is working? xrandr something? [09:13] I did just purge primus/optimus to see if it fixed it [09:14] Gonna check the bios... [09:19] Nothing in bios [09:20] Booting in a manjaro system using xfce4 also didn't show the external hdmi monitor [09:20] Weird, worked last week. Computer is old tho. Perhaps time to buy a new one. [09:23] Or try with another hdmi cable [09:26] Nop, did not help [09:26] Urgh [09:44] Trying to boot from a previous kernel without success [10:43] xrandr listed VGA, so using a vga cable worked instead [10:44] Old laptop, so not completely unlikely there's actually a physical damage to the hdmi socket at this point. [10:44] Still, wonder if anyone else had this issue [14:29] i [14:29] Hi [14:29] anyone here [14:30] hello [14:30] anyamosayo [14:32] olle: i haven't run into this before. but a system with a vga connector is indeed likely pretty well aged. ;) [14:33] maybe check the hdmi socket for dust or anything which could get in the way [14:33] there's also #hardware which might have better suggestions [14:33] Hmmmmm [14:33] tomreyn: yea thanks [14:33] Maybe some missing service start too [14:34] olle: you could check whether you get bios output to vga, and if so, whether you get tit to hdmi as well [14:35] to tell whether it's more likely a hardware / firmware or software / OS issue [14:38] tomreyn: Actually i didn't see anything related to output in the bios :d [14:39] olle: i mean whether you get to see output on the externals creen while you're on the bios setup utility [14:39] that would help you test [14:39] Hm x11-common is not active [14:39] Running sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall too [14:40] tomreyn: Oh good one [14:40] I don't think I did [14:42] But also perhaps too old laptop [14:42] Sigh. I don't want to buy a new one. T_T [14:42] They didn't release M1 or M2 for desktops yet, did they? [14:42] And without that pesky OS... [14:43] https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2023/everything-ive-learned-building-fastest-arm-desktop [14:43] "128 core CPU" Ha! [14:43] there are ARM laptops not sold by apple. [15:00] tomreyn: But not very powerful ones? Pine64? [15:02] olle: i don't have an overview really. but this is also the wrong place to discuss it. we can meet in #hardware and i could try to get a better idea and share it with you if this helps? [15:08] tomreyn: I'd like that! [16:52] ih [16:52] hi