[00:18] Hi. Do we speak french in his salon ? [00:18] Hi. Do we speak french in this salon ? [00:19] J'ai un problème avec Ktorrent. Il ne télécharge plus rien... [00:21] spoke: This channel is English only. Try #ubuntu-fr for French. [00:22] Thanks [00:24]  Bye [01:13] Bonsoir quelqu'un sait comment gérer le routeur (ports...) depuis Konsole ? [01:13] Ktorrent ne tlcharge plus rien depuis qques jours... [01:15] Comment ouvrir ce qu'il faut sur mon routeur pour que Ktorrent puisse télécharger ? [01:20] spoke46, you'll do better if you ask in english. [03:56] hey, i have a problem i need some advice on a two pc streaming setup so i can stream from my win machine to linux machine i want to stream game play [03:57] is this for off-topic [03:57] if it is sorry [03:57] switching now === diceLibrarian2 is now known as diceLibrarian === vcxza is now known as p4aooo [14:49] Hi all === JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays === arraybolt3 is now known as arraybolt3_tl === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 === arraybolt3_tl is now known as arraybolt3