
en1gmai need to "compress with 7zip zstd copy mode". how do i do this in ubuntu 22.04.3 lts? i have 7zip installed but when i do '7zz i' i dont see "zstd"00:08
en1gmais there another supported package that will do the same?00:08
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pragmaticenigmaen1gma: zstd is available as a standalone package00:14
teletubbydoes anyone play gmod here?00:14
teletubbyasking for a reaso00:14
pragmaticenigmateletubby: That's not a support topic, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic00:14
en1gmapragmaticenigma yea i got that installed but my research on net keeps showing it being used for ubuntu install or deb pkg. im looking the help file now00:21
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: I know that 7zip has additional codecs to install, but I have no idea how to get those installed. nor do I understand what "copy mode" means00:26
en1gmapragmaticenigma i was just looking on how to install those libs/codecs also. im just going to boot to windows and zip there with zstd and come back. shouldnt take but a minute. 7zip needs to release it for linux people in a package instead of windows binary.00:29
=== ingrim7 is now known as ingrim
z1nt3kHello there01:48
alcostaHi everybody! Is leftyfb here?02:48
alcostaSome hours ago I talked with leftyfb about configuration of bridged network on ubuntu 20.04 via nmcli and Network Manager.02:51
alcostaI don't see leftyfb now here! Can somebody other give me some suggestions?02:52
sarnoldit'd help if you said what you're trying to accomplish, what you tried, what it did, what you expected, etc02:54
alcostaHi sarnold! I have two PC (A, B) connected via a switch device. On each computer I have a Virtual Machine (VMA, VMB). I want all the machines can communicate therebetween!02:56
alcostaAll the machines run ubuntu 20.04.02:57
alcostaleftyfb suggested me to follow what is said in https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/02:58
sarnoldI think the usual approach for this one is to create a new bridge in libvirt for the VMs, add the physical NICs to the bridge, and then (the tricky part) set the IP address for "the machine" ON THE BRIDGE and not on the interface02:58
leftyfbsarnold: they should only need a network bridge02:59
alcostaI tried to follow what is said inside that page but... something is not right!02:59
sarnoldheya leftyfb :)02:59
leftyfbalcosta: please use pastebin to paste what is wrong02:59
alcostaHi leftyfb! :)03:00
alcostaThe command there are not exactly corresponding with my case!03:03
leftyfbit looks like you did lots of bad things03:04
leftyfbopen up your network manager GUI and delete all the bridge* interfaces you created03:04
alcostaMay be have some device not exactly needed! Maybe nm-bridge  make a mess!03:04
leftyfbstart over03:04
alcostaHow can I send you an image, I don't remember the address! Pls, can you suggest me the addr?03:06
leftyfbalcosta: in particular, I don't know how you managed to create 3 separate bridges called "bridge", "bridge-br0" and "bridge-slave-eno1"03:07
leftyfbalcosta: imgur.com03:07
leftyfbalcosta: it looks like you maybe skimmed the instructions, didn't really pay attention to any of the explanations and instead just copy and pasted some things in your terminal and kept trying a bunch of invalid iterations on your initial invalid command(s)03:08
alcostaFrom NM I have this: https://imgur.com/a/pK1DT1G03:08
alcostaHow can I delete all the unnecessary interface/device?03:09
leftyfbalcosta: please run this and paste the resulting URL here:   ( nmcli con delete 1063727f-db41-4ef9-a24b-58870ef94604 && nmcli con delete 272c156d-612c-4230-aa92-4b0107d68cde && nmcli con delete 81f27aab-ad43-4f1b-97b0-03dbd4634ac8 ) | nc termbin.com 999903:11
alcostaMaybe nm-bridge is at the origin of all the issues! I don't know how and why it is there! I gave the instruction as it is said in the page, but the result is a bit different!03:11
leftyfbalcosta: please run this and paste the resulting URL here:   ( nmcli con delete 1063727f-db41-4ef9-a24b-58870ef94604 && nmcli con delete 272c156d-612c-4230-aa92-4b0107d68cde && nmcli con delete 81f27aab-ad43-4f1b-97b0-03dbd4634ac8 && nmcli con show) | nc termbin.com 999903:12
leftyfbalcosta: please run the commands we give you going forward03:17
alcostaSorry, I'm new about the use of all these internet pages.03:17
leftyfb( nmcli con add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0 && nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname enp6s0 master br0 ; nmcli con show ) | nc termbin.com 999903:17
leftyfb^ run this in a terminal in it's entirety03:18
leftyfbit will result in a termbin.com URL which you can paste here03:18
leftyfbok, now you should have an interface called br003:19
leftyfbreboot your machine. Once it boots, you can run "ip -c a"  and it should sho that br0 has an ip address03:20
alcostaOk! I'll reboot! I hope I can see you soon! :)03:22
leftyfbalcosta: ip -c a | nc termbin.com 999903:30
alcostaI'm here| Very glad to see you again! :)03:30
leftyfbok, something isn't right03:31
alcosta(leftyfb: I'm in Italy, and here it's 04:32:00 o' clock! Where are you and what time is there?)03:32
leftyfb10:30pm ... about to get to bed03:32
alcostaIsn't right?03:33
leftyfboh wait03:33
alcostaI'm sorry for the late time!03:34
leftyfbalcosta: try: sudo apt install bridge-utils03:35
leftyfbalcosta: then:  sudo brctl show | nc termbin.com 999903:36
leftyfbhm, that bridge isn't setup correctly for some reason03:37
alcostaWhat can we do! Maybe.... get to bed!?03:38
leftyfbnmcli con delete 19ed00ed-a57f-4e67-87ac-3c1bbac75230 && nmcli con delete 72124708-e01d-4abc-b01b-b30c4a3e108803:38
leftyfbalcosta: try creating the bridge using nm-connection-manager   https://www.tecmint.com/create-network-bridge-in-ubuntu/#:~:text=Creating%20a%20Network%20Bridge%20Using%20nm%2Dconnection%2Deditor%20Tool03:39
alcostaIt says: Creating a Network Bridge Using nm-connection-editor Tool03:41
leftyfbalcosta: once you have br0 with an ip address, you can follow this to get the bridge setup in VM's you create with https://www.tecmint.com/create-network-bridge-in-ubuntu/#:~:text=Using%20a%20Network%20Bridge%20in%20KVM03:41
leftyfbalcosta: yes, follow that to create a bridge using nm-connection-editor like I told you03:42
leftyfbsorry, I said manager, meant to say editor03:42
alcostaOk! :)03:42
leftyfbalcosta: also, you might get better help in #libvirt for this sort of thing03:43
leftyfbI'm not that well versed in libvirt/KVM03:43
leftyfbbut it's not very difficult03:43
leftyfbyou really should be spending time trying to understand how this all works. That will help you out more than anything03:43
alcostaSomething isn't good!? https://imgur.com/a/Ove4emt03:50
alcostaUnder ethernet, there is no bridge-br0!03:52
alcostaOk leftyfb! I'll do some tests! You can go to bed now! We can hear tomorrow afternnon (here about 16:00, 10:00 by you)! Ok!?04:02
Fisher_hello :D04:31
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lotuspsychjewelcome aman06:28
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asdf_mani want to know more about IRC06:59
asdf_mancan anyone explain?06:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:23
toddcjust ask your question and someone will answer07:24
alex_I already found the solution. Reporting bugs in ubuntu is tterribly conplicated, almost impossible, but I suceeded!!07:26
itu hi07:58
ituubuntu desktop has multiple "work surfaces"07:58
ituhow to chose background picture indiviually per work surface?07:59
alex_good question, wish I knew ...08:00
ituok, lets hear what experts say ...08:01
itufind nothing in gnome-tweaks08:09
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as diceLibrarian
alex_how to exit this chat?08:49
CosmicDJit's :q! ;)08:53
h1y0s1lv3r./part + /close or /quit xD08:54
h1y0s1lv3r:) sorry, he went away!08:58
carpenterafter I have formatted a partition I have to use sudo to write to it why is that?11:48
carpenter*to write files to it11:50
Parischange the owner of the mountpoint11:53
Parischown user:user /media/carpenterdrive11:53
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ELFrederich7 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. ... how do I upgrade them without copy/pasting each one into and apt upgrade command?  `apt upgrade -y` doesn't do it, they're kept back.  Same with `apt dist-upgrade`13:19
lotuspsychje!phasedupdates | ELFrederich13:20
ubottuELFrederich: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.13:20
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: Also, without you posting the full output of `apt upgrade` there is no way for us to know why something is being held back. Copy the output of `apt upgrad` to https://dpaste.com so we can see what's going on.13:21
ELFrederichso they're like a slow roll out?... meaning some increasing percentage of people will get them until it's 100%?13:22
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: There's no way to really know what's going on until you post the output of `apt upgrade`13:22
ELFrederichpragmaticenigma, https://dpaste.com/DL77MNLX713:23
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ELFrederichFWIW, chat gpt said to try `apt dist-upgrade` and `apt full-upgrade`, neither of which worked.13:24
pragmaticenigmathat looks more like a package dependency conflict. and please understand ChatGPT is confidently wrong, it's basing the information on unknown sources that are likely out of date, since its model is based on data pre-201813:25
ELFrederichyeah... I'll count this as the 3rd time I've used ChatGPT.  So far it's been good 1 out of 3 times ;-)13:25
pragmaticenigmaIt's a tool, and like any other tool, one must learn to use it before one an trust it.13:27
ELFrederichpragmaticenigma, on another 20.04 VM where I have hardly anything installed I have 5 packages being kept back... one moment, pasting to dpaste13:28
ELFrederichthis is on WSL installed though a rootfs download (ubuntu-jammy-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar.gz)13:30
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: I'm getting the same held back message on one of my machines. I would just be patient and wait a week before I'd be concerned. Those packages are not-critical to the operation of the computer13:33
pragmaticenigma!info distro-info13:34
ubottudistro-info (1.5ubuntu0.23.10.1, mantic): provides information about the distributions' releases. In component main, is important. Built by distro-info. Size 19 kB / 66 kB13:34
_ELFrederichpragmaticenigma, ... my network dropped.13:35
_ELFrederichlast I saw was the !info distro-info13:36
pragmaticenigma!info distro-info | ELFrederich13:36
ubottuELFrederich: distro-info (1.5ubuntu0.23.10.1, mantic): provides information about the distributions' releases. In component main, is important. Built by distro-info. Size 19 kB / 66 kB13:36
pragmaticenigmathose packages that are being held back are just information generating tools.13:37
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: If you're willing to expirement, you can try `apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade` or try manually installing each of the listed packages. Your milage may vary.13:42
=== Allie is now known as Allie``
=== Allie`` is now known as Allie`
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BluesKajHi all14:50
alcostaleftyfb, are you there?15:02
alcostaleftyfb, I am tired. I don't understand anything more! I'm going to bed! See you later!15:05
coz_Ubuntu MATE supported here?16:11
lotuspsychjeit is coz_16:11
lotuspsychjeofficial ubuntu !flavour16:11
coz_lotuspsychje, hey high %)16:11
coz_OK!  I tried ubuntu mate but was disappointed that compiz did not have the "experimental"  plugins. Are they available somewhere?16:12
coz_I would like to install this on another laptop, however, if no experimental plugins for compiz are avialable will make me go elsewhere16:15
oerheksIIRC one should build them from source?16:16
coz_mmmm ok16:16
pragmaticenigmaThey are available through a 3rd party PPA, however those are at your own risk and support isn't available here16:17
coz_pragmaticenigma, Last I remember, they were upgraded from exxperimental. Don't recall new title16:18
coz_they run exceptionally on other distros but wanted Ubuntu"again" for the family laptop16:19
pragmaticenigmacoz_: You can try installing these packages and see if they provide what you want. I have no idea if they exist in the default package repositories: compiz compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager fusion-icon compiz-plugins-extra emerald16:20
coz_pragmaticenigma, they are not in the repos16:20
coz_thanks pragmaticenigma16:21
pragmaticenigmaI would live with what you have. All instructions I'm finding are from 2016 and older. Would not recommend following any of them, as version compatiblity is going to be a major issue.16:21
coz_pragmaticenigma, understood, the another distro it is :(16:22
pragmaticenigmacoz_: FWIW some of those effects are starting to be added into newer versions of Gnome Desktop. I don't know what the timeline is, or if they will be added to Ubuntu Desktop, but I encourage you to keep a look out for it.16:26
coz_pragmaticenigma, yeah wayfire, I know, Ido the icons for the prokect,however I truly hate gnome :)16:27
coz_prokect =  project16:27
pragmaticenigmacoz_: You do know that MATE is based on Gnome 2.x?16:28
coz_pragmaticenigma, I meant current state of gnome not gnome 216:28
pragmaticenigmahelps to be specific16:28
coz_pragmaticenigma, you are absolutely correct, my bad16:29
cahootshi, i have a very messed up boot setup, and my machine won't boot at all. it has an ubuntu partition that i want to boot to, but currently when i start up, it just takes me straight to bios settings (unless i have my gparted usb plugged in). how can i repair this16:35
=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan
=== runbgp7 is now known as runbgp
EriC^^cahoots: can you share 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' ?17:01
cahootsEriC^^, i ended up installing a usb with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair , and tried auto-repair, but still no dice. here's the summary it gave: sprunge.us/1GRtrd17:19
cahootsi see stuff in there i don't use anymore, like OpenCore17:20
cahootsand here's the contents of that parted command you mentioned: https://termbin.com/6kvy117:21
cahootsoh oops, that sprunge link is wrong. here's the correct one: sprunge.us/2GRtrd17:22
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EriC^^cahoots: everything looks good, in which mode are you booting the pc up? uefi? csm legacy?17:33
cahootsEriC^^, so i ended up clearing and recreating my bios_grub and boot,esp partitions. i then ran the boot repair tool, reinstalling grub as well, and got the following summary: http://sprunge.us/jXCYb5 . next, it says, "please do not forget to make your uefi firmare boot on the Ubuntu 22.04.3 lts entry (nvme0n1p2/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi file)!", so i ran `sudo efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/nvme0n1 --part 218:52
cahoots--loader /efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi --label "Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS"`. then i hit enter and it said, "GRUB still absent"18:52
UrkIs there a desktop version of whatsapp in the repos?18:57
leftyfbUrk: sudo snap install whatsapp-app18:58
leftyfbthere's also whatsapp-for-linux and whatsapp-4linux18:58
leftyfbI don't know the difference between any of them. You'll have to try them18:58
UrkWhat do I do now that it is downloaded with snap?19:00
leftyfbrun it19:01
leftyfbUrk: actually, going by the last time these were updated, I would use https://snapcraft.io/whatsapp-for-linux19:02
Urkleftyfb:  I just did that too19:03
Urkbut how do you access it after it is installed?19:04
leftyfbUrk: you open it the same way you open every other app installed on ubuntu19:05
UrkI just found an app on my laptop for it19:05
UrkWhatsapp for linux won't work on my computer, but the one you first provided did open up, and now prompting me to link my phone with a QR code.19:07
oerheksyes, you need a phone for that first19:07
=== user03 is now known as gchound
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EriC^^cahoots: everything looks good, in which mode are you booting the pc up? uefi? csm legacy?19:40
EriC^^in the bios settings under boot options it should say19:41
EriC^^also ther might be a run-time boot menu you can access with a key according to your pc make which might shed some light on the situation more19:42
MenzadorUrk: That specific app is just a wrapper for what's known as the Electron web application framework. Applications using it are designed to work the same way that it would work on the web app. So for WhatsApp what you described was normal behavior; it just requires you authenticate through your phone (not unlike Steam Guard and Discord's phone-based authentication)19:43
UrkMenzador:  I was able to get it to work, and using it now.19:43
MenzadorPerfect! :)19:46
=== user03 is now known as gchound
m__hi .. i am new to linux and stuff where on the internet can i be well versed with irssi?20:04
cahootsEriC^^, i'm in eufi20:04
EriC^^csm legacy is disabled in the bios?20:04
EriC^^right now you're not in uefi btw (the live usb)20:04
EriC^^that's why it cant access the efi variables20:05
EriC^^well actually hmm no20:05
cahootswhen i run "efibootmgr -v" now, i see "Boot0000* next VenHw (99e...0cb)\nBoot0005* UEFI OS HD(2,...\EFI\BOOT...)"20:05
EriC^^it is in uefi cause it can access the uefi list, but for some reason it cant save the stuff to the nvram20:06
cahootsi also get "warning: EFI variables cannot be set on this system" when i run `grub-install ...` myself20:06
EriC^^cahoots: try to create the default microsoft stuff maybe it would work, sudo mkdir -p /mnt/efi/Microsoft/Boot20:07
cahootsafter chrooting into my OS on disk20:07
EriC^^where /mnt is the efi partition20:07
cahootsi see, just that one command to make the dir?20:07
EriC^^and then sudo cp /mnt/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi20:07
EriC^^make sure secureboot is disabled in the bios cause you're using grubx64 and not shim20:08
cahootsi should mount efi first?20:08
EriC^^try mokutil --sb-state20:08
cahootsmokutil tells me secure boot is disabled20:08
EriC^^yeah mount it sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt20:08
EriC^^did this used to work before cahoots ?20:09
cahootsEriC^^, it's been through a lot of iterations. i had a weird hackintosh setup on here, then i added ubuntu, removed hackintosh, added centos, wiped the centos partition, and found ubuntu wouldn't boot20:10
EriC^^so it used to boot, was it with the same partition table type? i wonder if the uefi for some reason isnt liking that it's mbr20:11
EriC^^hmm just saw the parted paste from earlier, never seen this Disk Flags: pmbr_boot flag before20:12
cahootsit had two boot-related partitions that i wiped. i then followed boot repair's directions and added a 2mb bios_grub partition and a 512mb boot,esp partition where the two were before20:12
EriC^^nevermind it's actually gpt not mbr that you have20:13
EriC^^seemed mbr from the uefi entries and stuff20:14
cahootsok, i've run "cd /mnt/efi", at which point i see subdirs "BOOT" and "GRUB", then i've run "sudo mkdir -p Microsoft/Boot && sudo cp GRUB/grubx64.efi Microsoft/Boot/", and will restart20:14
EriC^^cahoots: it usually is ubuntu/grubx64.efi not grub/20:14
cahootsi see20:15
EriC^^the grub one might be from the centos or something else20:15
cahootsi think all of it has been created from this boot repair tool, as i wiped that data before it did its thing20:15
EriC^^also you need to name it bootmgfw.efi20:16
cahootsok i now have /mnt/efi/EFI/Micrososft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi20:17
EriC^^you mean /mnt/efi/microsoft/...?20:18
cahootsi do not. i need to make a sibling dir to EFI?20:19
EriC^^hmmm earlier you said you cd'd to /mnt/efi and saw 'boot' and 'grub' there20:20
EriC^^it should be /mnt/efi/boot /mnt/efi/microsoft/boot20:20
cahootsi see, perhaps i misspoke. after running "sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/efi", i have "/mnt/efi/EFI/{BOOT,GRUB,Microsoft}"20:22
EriC^^oh ok, all good, except we need ubuntu dir there still20:22
cahootsi see20:23
cahootshow do i get that20:23
EriC^^cahoots: type 'sudo umount /mnt/efi'20:24
EriC^^then 'sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt'20:24
EriC^^then "for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done"20:25
EriC^^then sudo chroot /mnt20:25
EriC^^then "mount /boot/efi" and then run "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi"20:26
cahoots"mount: /boot/efi: can't find UUID=19..."20:26
cahootswhen i do "mount /boot/efi"20:26
EriC^^aha that's interesting20:26
EriC^^did you run the "for i ..." command?20:28
EriC^^outside the chroot?20:28
cahootsi did. i ran it from /mnt, was that alright?20:28
EriC^^before "sudo chroot /mnt" ?20:28
cahootsindeed i ran it before "sudo chroot /mnt"20:28
EriC^^odd, what's the output of "blkid | nc termbin.com 9999" ?20:29
EriC^^anything in "ls /dev/nvm*" ?20:31
EriC^^weird the uuid changed since the boot-repair log20:34
cahoots"ls /dev/nvm*" (still from within chroot /mnt) returns /dev/nvme0{,n1,n1p2,n1p2,n1p3}20:34
EriC^^cahoots: nano /etc/fstab , change the 19... to 9BA0-27A820:34
cahootsi removed the cmos battery for a minute from the mobo and reset the defaults, maybe that's why?20:34
EriC^^nope, it's the filesystem uuid, set when it's formatted20:35
bpromptcahoots: that doesn't work on today's hardware, used to work about 15 years ago20:35
bpromptcahoots: and much less in UEFI20:36
EriC^^there's a jumper for it20:36
cahootsblame it on chatgpt :) i was wondering why nothing was resetting. i haven't found any way to reset stuff like the boot order without manually running efibootmgr for each one20:36
EriC^^or you just short the battery holder terminals i guess20:36
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cahootsok i've changed the uuid in /etc/fstab20:36
EriC^^ok try mount /boot/efi20:37
EriC^^grub-install --target=x86_64-efi20:37
cahootswow, installation finished, no error reported. previously it said it couldn't set efi vars when i ran a grub-install command20:38
EriC^^ok, try "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"20:38
EriC^^it looks good, sizes match up to ubuntu one20:40
EriC^^ok type "exit" to exit the chroot then try rebooting i guess20:40
EriC^^run update-grub before if you want20:40
EriC^^before exiting the chroot20:41
cahootsso i'd exited chroot, but then i ran chroot again, and then update-grub, and i got https://termbin.com/r6k3e20:42
EriC^^looks good20:44
cahootsok i tried rebooting, but it still takes me to mobo settings. i do see a new "ubuntu" entry in the boot sequence above my previously created one20:48
semare you able to select and boot from 'ubuntu' in the mobo settings?20:52
cahootssem, i don't see a way to manually select it, but it is at the top of the boot sequence20:54
bpromptcahoots: sounds like the UEFI menu is asking for which entry to default for booting up20:55
bpromptcahoots: usually you'd pick one from the boot sequence list and F10 to save and exit20:55
cahootsbprompt, ah right, so when i hit f12 and select from the two options, (both with blank names), each causes the machine to reboot20:57
cahootsEriC^^, any thoughts?20:59
pragmaticenigmacahoots: after spending nearly 4.5 hours.. I'd be throwing in the towel, backing up my data from the system and just do a fresh install, making sure to remove all unused entries from the UEFI settings.21:03
cahootspragmaticenigma, i'm afraid if it won't solve it21:03
morgan-u2I have problems. I use 22.04 and I want to graph an equation. I decided to install plots. I get this... The following packages have unmet dependencies:    python3-pyglm : Depends: python3 (< 3.10) but 3.10.6-1~22.04 is to be installed      E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:03
morgan-u2I tried to install python3 and it was already fine ... but not it says:  python is set to manually installed   <-- do I want to change that?21:05
morgan-u2python3 is already the newest version (3.10.6-1~22.04).21:05
pragmaticenigmacahoots: if that is the case, then the problem isn't Ubuntu, it's your UEFI settings in conflict21:06
bpromptmorgan-u2:  hmmm if you just want to graph something, why not try .... I mean, does it have to be python?21:06
bpromptmorgan-u2: are you just trying to graph some equation period, or to have it scripted?21:06
morgan-u2I dont know how to program in python.21:06
bpromptmorgan-u2:  there are many math graphers, what are you trying to do exactly?21:07
morgan-u2I  never used it. I tried the hard way but after 34 lessons it was still on boolean tables. It was hard because it was so soooooow.21:07
bpromptmorgan-u2: so you just want to get the equation graphed?  doesn't matter if its Desmos or some other calculator?21:08
morgan-u2Exactly,? given a rectangle of a certain (aspect) ratio, plot the height vs the diagonal.21:08
leftyfbmorgan-u2: ( apt-cache policy python3 ; apt-cache policy python3-pyglm ; python3 --version ; type -a python3 ) | nc termbin.com 999921:08
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morgan-u2weird. I copied that and all my hexchat backscroll vanished. I pasted it into terminal --- trusting you leftyfb -- and it returned a prompt.21:10
leftyfbmorgan-u2: ( apt-cache policy python3 ; apt-cache policy python3-pyglm ; python3 --version ; type -a python3 ) | nc termbin.com 999921:10
leftyfbit should return a termbin URL21:10
leftyfbpaste the URL here21:10
bpromptmorgan-u2: I mean, hell I can write that and graph it in Libreoffice Draw.... not sure if that's what you want, I mean, that's just the pythagorean theorem21:10
morgan-u2silly me, it did.21:11
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u2: can you paste that url it generated here?21:13
morgan-u2but no such file or directory.  -- have I grown stupid?21:14
leftyfbmorgan-u2: remove the "apandada1 PPA21:14
leftyfbmorgan-u2: if you need pyglm, you'll need to seek support from whoever maintains it. It's not a supported package here21:15
morgan-u2I had a ridiculously difficult time doing a trig problem last night. I had to look up what sine and cosine and tangent were to make sure. - it's all about tv and what angle from my eyes the tv screen subtems.  I finally "got it" and found out like 40degrees, and that is the TME maximum recommendation. FWIW21:16
morgan-u2leftyfb, ok appendal is on the end but i dont know for sure what a ppa is.21:17
leftyfbmorgan-u2: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | nc termbin.com 999921:18
morgan-u2(since by baskscroll is busted:   ( apt-cache policy python3 ; apt-cache policy python3-pyglm ; python3 --version ; type -a python3 ) | nc termbin.com 999921:18
bpromptmorgan-u2: so hmmm if you just want to stick a "certain aspect ratio" and get some result, all that can be done in Bash, well, many languages can do all that, even JS, and yes Python could too21:19
morgan-u2https://termbin.com/pgf5c  No such file or directory21:19
morgan-u2By this time I want to be able to graph anything I want.  I solved the initial problem with trig. I just did it from the angle of aspect ratio instead of diagonal and recommended distances.  -- I am in it for something new now, tools and competence.21:21
leftyfbmorgan-u2: the 1st file in that list is the repository you added at some point. That includes the python3-pyglm package which is not a supported package in ubuntu. And since that PPA has other python packages, it's likely to cause other problems21:21
morgan-u2OH PPA(I could have had a v8.  I will go look up how to remove a PPA21:21
bpromptmorgan-u2: so you want some scripted graph?21:23
morgan-u2Note: You should uninstall the application in Ubuntu which was installed by the PPA before removing the PPA itself.  - - - like I would ever remember.)0021:23
pragmaticenigmabprompt: maybe it's best to wait until the Ubuntu issue is resolved21:26
bpromptpragmaticenigma: yeah21:27
morgan-u2leftyfb,   sudo apt remove ^[[200~'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable/ubuntu jammy Release'21:29
morgan-u2    --- it could not find it. I looked back and did not see that I removed it.  (I wanted and still want to use the application called pinta which came up first as a simple image alteration and manipulation program like MS-paint)21:29
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morgan-u2And so I got smarter (maybe) about the web-plotter called desmos, and instead of worrying about plots, I am going to RTFM.21:34
morgan-u2plots later because pinta is more important to me.21:35
morgan-u2Thanks for thelearning curve! leftyfb21:35
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u2: General advice, stay away from installing PPAs. While someone might have some really neat program on one, they often a like a trojan army, they can include packages that should already be present on your system. And when you install that PPA, they can take a higher priority and compromise the stability of your computer.21:36
bpromptmorgan-u2:  quick suggestion, Kolourpaint, is like MSpaint pretty much, the install should be a cinch, mind you that you can do lots of drawing in Libreoffice Draw, and that's already in your system default installation, all you have to do is run it21:38
pragmaticenigmaIn the case of the PPA leftyfb recommended you remove, they included their own Python. Ubuntu (and many other distros) heavily rely upon python for system administrative tasks, and often include refinements for that purpose. Installing a PPA like you did, caused someone elses version of Python to be placed on your system, which is probably why you noticed a significant slow down in operations.21:38
pragmaticenigmaI'm not sure how to undo those things, leftyfb appears to have stepped away for a moment, but if you haven't restored your system, hang around and wait for them to reply. If you already removed the PPA before you removed the software, I'm not sure how to fix that.21:39
morgan-u2bprompt, I dont want to draw. I want to cut up images and place them. Add text. Wish I could desaturate and layer things but that is prolly over my pay grade.)21:43
morgan-u2I wil look up paygrade.21:43
bpromptmorgan-u2: then Kolourpaint will do, is very much like MSpaint21:43
morgan-u2pragmaticenigma,  I understand that. I cannot remember installing any python but obviously I did. I agree with you that I only want the standard python.21:44
morgan-u2Is there a way I can tell the date at which i did a clean install on this partition?21:46
morgan-u2If it looks like something is twisted, I can do that again.21:46
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u2: Python is installed by default with Ubuntu. The issue with the PPA is that it also included a package for Python, and had set itself up with a higher priority, which means if Ubuntu releases a security patch, you may not receive it until the other PPA maintainer updates theirs.21:46
morgan-u2I would like to lern how I can make some kind of file that would auto-instll the set of what I consider basic programs to add-on and let it fly.21:47
pragmaticenigmawhen you remove a PPA, it should restore itself back to the original source. I'm not certain on that. Was hoping leftyfb might jump back in and help verify those things21:47
bpromptmorgan-u2: your error is with "plot" package, right?21:48
bpromptmorgan-u2:  I mean, it has unmet dependencies21:48
morgan-u2Otherwise I have to go through all those "what to do after you install Ubuntu" webpages again and remember. (wry grin)21:48
pragmaticenigmaPersonally, I keep a journal so I know when I've done certain actions with `apt` on my machine. so that I can later undo them.21:51
bpromptmorgan-u2: if the issue is the installaiton of "plots", then simply uninstall it, use something else, for you what you specified, you don't quite need it, and the dependencies for python3-pyglm won't be an issue since "plots" would be tossed anyhow21:56
bpromptmorgan-u2: I mean, I do lots in Libreoffice Draw, but is mainly math stuff, mind you that the difference is Kolourpaint is "rasterized" whilst Draw is "vectorized"21:57
morgan-u2bprompt, that last is interesting. My frined says he gets images off of the web then alters them in MS-Paint. He for sure adds text. That works to produce a jpg (rasterized oc)22:00
bpromptmorgan-u2: I do that all the time =)22:01
morgan-u2bprompt, now that issue is what if things are slow because i have a wrong version of python. But no. I already said that I used apt to update python and it looed good.22:02
bpromptgrab images, annotate them, slap a triangle and equations, usually I do a combination of both Kolourpaint and Draw22:02
morgan-u2Can I tell the date I installed this ubuntu the first time?22:02
bpromptmorgan-u2:   well, from the message I read from you and your console  output, doesn' t seem like, you "have the wrong python version for python3-pyglm to work with", is all, and python3-pyglm( which you don't  need, let's not get OCD now ), is requiring an "older version of python3", you have 3.10 and that package needs (< 3.10) so something like 3.8 or such22:04
bpromptmorgan-u2: so you have the "righ version", usually comes with the default install, just not the "right one" for python3-pyglm22:04
bpromptmorgan-u2: but since  you don't need "plots" and python3-pyglm, you're golden, install Kolourpaint and achieve Nirvana :)22:06
bpromptmorgan-u2: just toss "plots" assuming it installed some things that are just superfluous22:07
morgan-u2I am beholden to neither plots nor pinta.  I mean attached...22:09
bpromptmorgan-u2: good, I mention Kolourpaint because is what I use, there are others, but that's one that's about the same as MSPaint22:10
EriC^^cahoots: sorry was away22:11
EriC^^cahoots: you could try booting it in csm legacy mode, you do have a bios_boot partition, see what happens22:11
EriC^^cahoots: which pc make is it?22:12
EriC^^f12 is giving you the run-time boot menu?22:13
morgan-u2That is all I want at present. I like juztaposing pictures. Laer I would like ot adjust them to similar resplutions or dissimilar and maybe to color (correct or shift). I need to shrink or stretch and combine. edit borders, add framing, text overlay and a bit of color picking or section picking and printing that over a piece to erase soe background - - google claims to do a lot with the pixel tools but I dont22:14
morgan-u2know. Their tools come and go. I fondly remember Picaseaa.22:14
morgan-u2bprompt is gone.oh,np. (I had to give up seeing joins and parts too noisy.)22:15
morgan-u2bye bye and thanks.22:15
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