[05:42] Currently using Kubuntu; planning to shift to Fedrora KDE version. My laptop has an Nvidia card. Am I going to face any issues with Wayland on Fedora? [05:43] I doubt you will find many fedora users here.... [05:44] maybe ask in a kde plasma chan? [06:02] ive tried fedora but with gnome [06:03] i didint like dnf it is so slow but the distro itself gets alot more updates than kubuntu [06:05] i think u will get more uptodate drivers but now kubuntu uses the latest plasma version so won't be different in term of the kde plasma Version [06:05] u will just have a newer kernel and drivers and i don't know if this is possible in kubuntu [06:06] if it js possible ill recommend not to shift cuz i really hated dnf apt is great and nala is even much better === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [11:43] I agree that Fedora KDE Spin felt sluggish to me, but it was a while ago. I also found it difficult to find software, especially non-free software. I understand that is easier now (CORPR or something like that IIRC), but with your Nvidia card, I would research it before you install. [13:39] I had a pretty bad experience with Fedora + NVIDIA recently. Might have just been my hardware though. [13:53] Hi all === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [16:18] hi all i want to stop discover from auto checking updates on boot