[03:18] good morning [10:50] guiverc: bug #2047986 is prob a dupe of bug #2046844 [10:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 2047986 in falkon (Ubuntu) "falkon does not launch under noble development" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2047986 [10:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 2046844 in plasma-desktop (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2046844 [10:51] I didn't look for any dups, though I expected it would be a dup (I didn't have time to look..) [10:52] I'd suggest at least leaving a comment that it's possibly a dup.. [10:53] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/falkon/+bug/2046796 even more so (it's a dup of report you stated) [10:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2046844 in plasma-desktop (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, Confirmed] [duplicate: 2046796] [10:53] sorry I meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/falkon/+bug/2046796 [10:54] yeah i filed it against falkon at first and it got duped [10:54] which is your bug lotuspsychje I now see ! [10:54] the apparmor one is the mother bug :p [10:56] as long as its marked dup of existing; I don't think it matters which... [10:59] I can tell it's a dup, because it crashes with a breakpoint trap. [10:59] I can mark it as such if that's agreeable. [11:00] agree [11:00] (Breakpoint trap is the primary giveaway of "yep it's that AppArmor nonsense again") [11:29] thanks arraybolt3 & lotuspsychje [12:33] hello everyone, does anyone know of any opensource project that would allow me to manage vulnerabilties found, keep track of their status, assign them to teams, raise severity, assign incidence response workflow to etc... something decent opensource and that can be customized to my own customer needs? [13:26] pagios: this probably isn't anywhere close to as powerful as what you're looking for, but OpenSCAP and Ubuntu Oval may be a good starting point for at least finding vulns. https://ubuntu.com/security/oval [15:06] arraybolt3: I mean, do you prefer SELinux over AppArmor? [15:07] I have no preference. I'm referring to a particular bug that is only in Ubuntu 24.04 relating to an alpha-quality AppArmor patch uploaded just before Christmas that broke almost everything that uses QtWebEngine. [15:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/2046844 if you want to see the current state of things [15:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2046844 in plasma-desktop (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, Confirmed] [15:08] also the list of affected apps is very incomplete [15:09] anyway, it's something that needs fixed before Noble can be released. [15:11] (and to be clear, I'm not upset with the patch or the people who did it - this was an almost perfectly fine time to upload alpha-quality patches, except for the fact that almost everyone went on vacation shortly after it was uploaded. If this had been uploaded just before Feature Freeze, then we'd have some... problems. :P but thankfully we're [15:11] still early on in Noble's development.) [15:13] And apparently some GNOME apps too... I mean Epiphany uses WebKit, right? [15:15] I do acknowledge the scope of the bug report isn't specifically limited to QtWebEngine [15:17] correct, I was just giving a brief "this is how far reaching this is" overview. It affects way more than just QtWebEngine, that's simply the highest impact thing it knocked out. [19:54] leftyfb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swcQ-GZVyMo this is what "lubuntu"'s "show me the money" vs your "can we help you?" reminds me of