[16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] \o [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:02] o/ [16:02] \o [16:03] o/ === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [16:04] #startmeeting [16:04] Meeting started at 16:04:54 UTC. The chair is bdrung. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [16:04] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [16:05] #topic Lightning rounds [16:05] #link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-04-january-2024/41394/2 [16:05] bdrung: Are these bug patterns you've committed or are you using them locally? [16:06] bdmurray, most of the news ones were just locally. I did not pushlish those bug pattern where I do not expect new reports in the future. [16:06] that makes sense to me [16:07] enr0n: new systemd changed the generator paths to move to /usr/lib, right? [16:08] yes, I've got into this problem hehe [16:08] I see netplan FTBFS in unstable and noble. But I guess that's actually a good thing, so we can move away from /lib [16:08] slyon: yes I believe so [16:09] Ubuntu has been "usr merged" for several cycles; as long as your files don't go missing on upgrade due to the /lib -> /usr/lib move, it's fine to use the new path [16:09] there's discussion on debian-devel about some of the pitfalls, mostly to do with Replaces: between packages at the same time as paths change [16:10] ACK. I think for Netplan it's not too special. We've been shipping the generator in /lib/ for legacy reasons, but I think the move should be pretty simple [16:12] Skia: What happened upstream with klibc? [16:13] nothing yet, the MR I uploaded to noble is still not merged: https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/klibc/-/merge_requests/12 [16:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Merge 12 in kernel-team/klibc "d/i/h/klibc-utils: Fix compatibility issue with busybox and improve verbose debug output." [Opened] [16:15] Oh, debian modified coreutils ... got it [16:15] what happened instead is that Debian reverted upstream's behavior change in coreutils, so that cp and mv don't start breaking all the scripts of the world, and added a deprecation warning that upstream forgot [16:16] but I also red that they still need to fix broken cp/mv usage in packages, and that should include klibc [16:16] the change in coreutils is not new anymore by now though [16:17] according to the discussions upstream, it's not new, but it's not widely shipped by distributions either, so in a sense, it's quite new [16:17] enough time to read the reports. moving on. [16:18] #topic Release incoming bugs [16:18] #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:18] bug #1969394 [16:18] yeah, it's new for us because 9.2 and 9.3 had not been shipped in debian and ubuntu [16:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1969394 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "'Settings & Livepatch' button opens 'settings' tab, not livepatch" [Low, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1969394 [16:18] correct [16:19] that update-manager bug is about UI changes and therefore belongs to the desktop team [16:20] bug #2017401 [16:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2017401 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Jammy) "Unexpected / unwanted unattended-upgrades behaviour after kernel upgrade when Livepatch enabled" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2017401 [16:24] that one should be taken for noble, but there's no action for Foundations at the moment because there's a dependency on changes to livepatch to expose the necessary information about whether a reboot is required [16:26] I think we should go ahead and target this [16:27] okay, i'll tag it. [16:28] #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-mm-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:29] bug #2041518 is for the desktop team [16:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2041518 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk:5:_g_log_abort:g_log_writer_default:g_log_structured_array:g_log_structured_array:g_log_structured_standard" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2041518 [16:29] bug #2041831 [16:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2041831 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/update-manager:11:g_type_check_instance_is_fundamentally_a:g_object_ref:gdk_event_copy:pygi_boxed_copy_in_place:arg_boxed_to_py_cleanup" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2041831 [16:32] I'll ask the Desktop Team to investigate [16:32] #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:32] nothing for us [16:32] #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:33] nothing for us [16:33] #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [16:34] nothing marked for us, but 12 unknown [16:34] #topic Team proposed-migration report [16:34] #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs [16:35] handing over to vorlon [16:35] per ginggs we can ignore the python3-defaults stuff, he and doko are working through that [16:35] apt aiui is with juliank [16:35] libcgi-pm-perl blocked for a little bit [16:36] i like to take pycryptodome which would be a follow up on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pycryptodome/+bug/2039968 [16:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2039968 in pycryptodome (Debian) "pycryptodome: Baseline violation on i386 and test FTBFS on !x86" [Unknown, Confirmed] [16:37] sounds like libcgi-pm-perl was with cpete, and needs some autopkgtests triggered cleverly [16:37] cpete: can you follow up with this? if there are questions about how to get the tests properly run, feel free to ask (me, #ubuntu-release, someone) [16:37] ack [16:38] python-secretstorage, IRC logs say cpete was touching this one as well? [16:38] at least the vorta autopkgtest part [16:40] let's pass that one to adrien [16:40] python-secretstorage: adrien [16:40] there's also an MIR issue in there too fwiw [16:40] Component mismatch entries [16:40] python3-secretstorage/amd64 in main cannot depend on python3-jeepney in universe [16:40] s390-tools, let's see if this is waiting for an AA [16:40] it is [16:40] hmm.. jeepney rings a bell [16:41] I'll take that (s390-tools + s390-tools-signed) [16:41] (but I can't find context, currently) [16:41] boost1.74 [16:41] It might have been a MIR candidate in the past. [16:41] "only" stuck for 16 days, so we haven't looked at this yet :) [16:42] doko uploaded it but it was a no-change rebuild [16:42] bdrung: can you take this? [16:42] brltty blocks on liblouis, which is desktop's [16:43] i would prefer to follow up on pycryptodome (to help the python migration) [16:43] dpkg was my upload, but the sbuild autopkgtest behavior is knotty [16:43] dbungert: can you have a look at dpkg vs sbuild? [16:43] vorlon: ack [16:43] libtirpc vs glibc: danilogondolfo ? [16:43] vorlon, ack [16:44] socat: xypron? [16:44] ok [16:44] python-werkzeug: slyon? [16:44] ok [16:44] python-apt, I'm assuming juliank is on this one also [16:45] cmake: mkukri? [16:45] ack [16:45] debconf: enr0n? [16:45] vorlon: ack [16:45] I'll take acl [16:45] netplan.io vs wpa: ogayot? [16:45] vorlon: ack [16:46] ^ probably just flaky [16:46] fwiw if someone figures out the glibc stuff on debconf or libtirpc, maybe it also applies to binutils [16:46] not going to assign binutils at the moment though [16:46] btrfs-progs is i386 dep-wait, I'll take that [16:46] and that's the list [16:46] bdrung: [16:47] i looked at boost1.74. the fist test failure is a dependency issue and i probably just have to retry the test. [16:47] #topic AOB [16:49] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1059941 (FYI, part of a great discussion yesterday, ducking back out :) ) [16:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Debian bug 1059941 in debhelper "dh_makeshlibs: time_t automatic provides are wrong for libs with previous ABI transition" [Normal, Open] [16:54] Speak now or forever hold your peace [16:55] #endmeeting [16:55] Meeting ended at 16:55:03 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-01-04-16.04.moin.txt [16:55] * arraybolt3 holds my piece of pizza for the rest of forever I guess [16:55] typing's gonna be tricky with only one hand though [16:56] * Eickmeyer takes arraybolt3's piece of pizza and eats it