[01:49] Could an op please assist with ~Paris@atoulon-651-1-28-118.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr . they appear to have a broken connection with repeat join/part [01:50] thank you in advanced [02:01] this does not seem broken to me [02:02] 3 reconnects recently, but with normal quits, and if it stays that way - nothing to do. [02:05] Already fixed. \o/ [02:06] !search irssi [02:06] Found: irssi, quietirssi@quietirc*, bitchx, autobleh [02:06] Dang, someone deleted quietirssi!? [03:16] hmm, i may have been wrong about Paris [11:58] i talked to them and they're looking into stabilizing it, said we should ban if it gets in the way.