
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
athosahasenack: not sure if/how you are working around this. In LP: #1811817 I built my source package using my regular git ubuntu workflow with prepare-upload. It turns out this is a 1.0 format native package and I made the mistake of including the .git directory in the source package before the upload.17:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1811817 in weex (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] weex crash/core dumps under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS." [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181181717:21
athosfixed by passing --tar-ignore=.git to dpkg-buildpackage17:22
athosI wonder if it would make sense to detect the package format and include that option in the prepare-upload options in such cases, rbasak 17:22
sergiodjathos: I use "-I.git -i.git"17:25
sergiodj(which is "--tar-ignore" and "--diff-ignore")17:25
rbasakI appreciate the problem but I think that's the wrong place. I would like to have a subcommand that does the source (or even binary) build for you, and that should dtrt.17:25
athosahasenack: btw, I am specifically pinging you because I recently reviewed that 1.0 package MP17:29
athosthanks, sergiodj, rbasak!17:29
ahasenackathos: I hope the number of such old packages is low :/18:18
ahasenackdnsmasq is another one18:18
ahasenackI will check my upload when the time comes18:18
ahasenackI do use "dpkg-buildpackage" with -I and -i, I think that should exclude everything that is noise18:18

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