
holmanbCode_Bleu meena: I'm trying to recall where we are at with ds-identify integration for OpenBSD.00:34
holmanb Right now it looks like that OpenBSD is the only BSD that has init scripts in upstream (does dragonfly use freebsd's?) that don't support ds-identify.00:34
holmanbIt's been a few weeks since the OpenBSD init script work, but iirc from conversations around that time it's just a matter of doing the work, not any technical reason not to, agreed?00:35
holmanba very work in progress dhcpcd implementation for anyone who wants to take a peak: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/474601:47
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4746 in canonical/cloud-init "[wip] dhcpcd support" [Open]01:47
holmanbit works with ubuntu on ec2, needs some serious work to be ready to land - but just want it out there in case anyone wants to play with it or give feedback01:47
minimalfirst thing jumpeds out at me is dhclient_path variable being used ;-)02:03
minimaland associate "No dhclient comand found"02:03
holmanboh yeah the name might be confusing i guess03:02
holmanbI meant it in the generic sense not the isc sense03:03
meenaholmanb: technically, OpenBSD has init scripts in our code, but they are not used:  https://codeberg.org/meena/openbsd-ports/src/branch/add/cloud-init/sysutils/cloud-init06:49
meenathe pkg/ dir has a README that explains how to make it go06:50
meenathe problem is that OpenBSD's init can't deal with things that don't stay running06:51
meenaSo we're all fleeing isc-dhclient for this:07:24
meenaapt install dhcpcd507:25
meenacloud-init clean --logs --reboot07:25
meenaI'm pretty, and sure, that's not supported either07:25
holmanbmeena: are you concerned that I'm testing this code using an old version of dhcpcd? 16:12
holmanbthat's just the version in older ubuntu releases, I'm pretty sure (and I'll test) that it will work with recent ones as well16:32
meenaholmanb: hrm… yeah, actually it should be fairly stable since version 5…17:31

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